Waging Peace

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Mission Info

Status Completed Mission

Diplomacy is on the horizon for quite a few groups. As ambassadors and the common people of SB109 try to make the universe a better, more fair place for everyone, we are hoping to spread peace and compromise to those who will listen to the message. Of course, everyone won't listen.

Mission Group The Suzuki Years
Start Date Mon 3rd May, 2021 @ 12:31pm
End Date Wed 1st Sep, 2021 @ 6:31pm

Mission Posts

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Title Timeline Location
Let the Battle Begin
by Captain Jason Harrington & Exo-Comp EXQT
MD 1, 1700 Antero, Harrington's ship
The “Milli-Cochrane Caper" 3.2
by Commander Paul Graves PsyD & Lieutenant Commander Andrew Eberstark & Lieutenant Commander Alora Baro & Renato Solis
MD 4, 1900 Brown Sector Zodiac
The “Milli-Cochrane Caper” {Act 3.1b}
by Commander Paul Graves PsyD & Renato Solis
MD 4, 1815 Deck 2248; 220-A
Where are your Parents?
by Lieutenant Commander Kiara Lena & Commander Zed
MD 29 1125 hours Federation Research Colony on the planet Tusayan
Anomalous Day, Part 3
by Nicha th'Elex & Sorra Yarime (Yari) & S'lani
MD 1, 1815 Local Time Unknown Planet
The “Milli-Cochrane Caper” {Act 3.1a}
by Commander Paul Graves PsyD & Lieutenant Commander Andrew Eberstark & Lieutenant Commander Alora Baro & Lieutenant Commander Dallas Briggs & Renato Solis & Sipov Boros
MD4 1830
Revising Help, Part 2
by Lieutenant JG Kellian Michaels & Makila i'Hartelhai
MD -5, 1910 hours Manila i'Hartelhai's quarters
A Reception Of Sorts, Part 1
by Commander Zed & Daeren Iril & T'Vala & Tessanna (Tessa) Valeri & Miadze Palel
MD 1, 2035 The Great Hall, Helicon III
Contain the spread.
by Lieutenant Claire Minelan
Day 2 0930 Hydroponics Bay 3
Where Do We Grow From Here?
by Commander Paul Graves PsyD & Commander Mikaela Locke
MD:01 - 2010 hours. Deck 600 - Orchids & Jazz
An Adventurer in Plain Clothes
by Chief Petty Officer Larry Kersenboom (Ret.) & Renato Solis
MD-2, 0910 hours Brown Sector Community Center
A Time to K...Abort
by Mozatholm Zaldekulmu & Voareth Darqaron
MD-2, 0900 hours Promenade: Old Storage Room
Knowing is half the Battle
by Lieutenant Commander Dallas Briggs & Krell House of Mer'uk & Lieutenant Commander Kiara Lena
MD:1 1930 Hours About 18 hours away from the Negotiations
First, Peace of Mind
by Mary Elizabeth Gregory & Maiek s'Ethien
MD-6, 2300 hours The Hangman's Noose
New Day, New Job
by Lieutenant Damion Ildaran
MD-14, 0740 hours SCIS Branch Office, Starbase 109
Ground, Pack, and Quarry
by Lieutenant Commander Lanis Dhuro MD & Voareth Darqaron
MD-4, 1800 hours Brown Sector?
Shorter Than I Thought
by Voareth Darqaron & Renato Solis
MD 2: 0940 Refugee Processing Deck 2245 Section 441-T
Physical for the Newly Arrived
by Voareth Darqaron & Khellian s'Siedhri MD & Makila i'Hartelhai
MD-3: 1500 Khellian's Place
What Have You Done to My Ship???
by Voareth Darqaron
MD 4, 0810 hours Quays, Secure Docking Bay, Starbase 109
Form of Art, Part 3
by Voareth Darqaron & Purulence Addams
MD-4, 1410 hours Tivoli Gardens, Riverwalk
Form of Art, Part 2
by Voareth Darqaron & Purulence Addams
MD-4, 1405 hours Tivoli Gardens, Riverwalk
Form of Art, Part 1
by Voareth Darqaron & Purulence Addams
MD-4, 1400 hours Tivoli Gardens, River Walk
And Klingons
by Lieutenant Commander Dallas Briggs & Exo-Comp EXQT
MD 1, 1610 Htek's Ex-IKS Vessel- SuvWi'
Mad dogs
by Lieutenant Commander Dallas Briggs & Exo-Comp EXQT
MD 1, 1549 Htek's Ex-IKS Vessel- SuvWi'
Anomalous Day, Part 2
by Nicha th'Elex & Sorra Yarime (Yari) & S'lani
MD1, 1738 Unknown Planet

Mission Summary