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Anomalous Day, Part 3

Posted on Thu 26th Aug, 2021 @ 10:35pm by Nicha th'Elex & Sorra Yarime (Yari) & S'lani

1,080 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Waging Peace
Location: Unknown Planet
Timeline: MD 1, 1815 Local Time

Previously, in the fight for survival ...

S'lani spun on her good foot, elbowing the man in his temple, and then jerked the disruptor out of his limp hand. He fell as she fired the weapon at another man. Finishing the move, she put her foot down. It sent shooting pain up her leg and she fell to her knees, managing to shoot one more attacker as she did so.

The fourth man had been in complete shock. He had never seen anyone move so quickly or so precise with their strikes. He actually feared her. He fired his weapon, striking her in the shoulder.

And now ... defeat, but for whom?

S'lani fell sideways with the force of the shot. She was unable to use her arm or get up again, but she could bluff. She rolled onto her back and held up the disruptor with her good hand, staring fiercely at the last opponent. "Surrender or die."

A third party of men crested the small rise and came into view with their weapons drawn on S'lani, "You surrender or die!" One of them yelled out.

Had she not just gone through this? S'lani thought. It was growing tedious. "I am not going anywhere," she replied. Did she have an explosive on her? She must. She set the disruptor down with one hand while carefully going for another weapon with the hand that was unseen.

One man, an Orion turned to the others, "I'm going to put her in restraints. If she moves, kill her."

The others nodded in agreement and one of the men, a healthy-looking human followed him down to S'lani.

The Orion was now only a meter from her, "Turn around slowly and face away from me." He was in position to apply the restraints.

"I am unable to stand or rollover," she replied. "I have an injury to my shoulder and ankle. If you require me to turn my back, you will have to physically move me." While what she said was true, as evidenced by the blood seeping from her shoulder, she wasn't completely immobile. The only problem was the distance the men kept from each other. These two, however, could be easy prey if she were very careful. And lucky. There was definitely an element of luck needed. At least Yari was safely out of sight.

The Orion had metallic manacles that he was going to put on her when he got her into the right position. "Any sudden moves and my men will kill you before you know it." He placed his free hand on her wrist and began applying the restraints.

S'lani pulled the Orion on top of her and used a Vulcan nerve pinch to disable him. Then she threw the tiny explosive device as far as she could. The pain screamed through her body, but she was Vulcan and trained to not let pain get the better of her. The Orion would take the brunt of the blast if it was too close. If not, he'd be unconscious for a while. His men, however, were another matter.

The throw had indeed missed its mark and wound up hitting a tree limb and coming back down on the Orion who took the full concussive force of the blast. The large, healthy-looking human was close enough that the blast pushed him backward and off of his feet.

The men on high ground turned when they heard the two newcomers burst into the clearing. One of them took aim and fired at the Breen. Aezash was quick, but not that quick. He dove instinctively and was hit by the energy weapon. He felt the searing pain as flesh burned on his shoulder. He hit the ground and rolled behind a tree losing the disruptor that had been in his right hand.

Seeing the Breen go down and lose his weapon, Nicha decided no more messing around. He dialed up the power from stun to kill and fired at the man closest to S'lani, and then moved focus quickly to the one who'd shot Aezash. Both went down and didn't move, but that didn't account for all of the enemy. th'Elex took a rolling dive and came up behind a high rock, looking carefully around a low edge to see where the others were. He knew better than to count either of his fellow shipmates down and out, too.

A shot came his way but luckily missed. Nicha pulled back further behind the rock, trying to figure out a way to take advantage of anything in the terrain before reinforcements arrived for the other team. He knew his team had no reinforcements coming.

Ignoring the pain in his right shoulder, Aezash pulled his left disruptor and fired at one of his targets. The Klingon that knelt at the top of the small hill was hit in the chest. He rolled to the side and then down the hill stopping on his back, the large, black crater in his chest still smoking.

"Nice shot," Nicha called, aiming for the rock grouping he thought held the last holdout from the enemy. He fired, mostly to keep the warrior's head down while he or Aezash found a way to end this. Or S'lani or his boss.

S'lani was only half aware of what was going on. The large Orion was proving difficult to move with the damage to her shoulder and ankle and the concussive force of the explosion still made her ears ring. Even if she could move the body, she was unable to get up.

Yari appeared behind the last threat, another Orion. He had no energy weapon, but he did have the element of surprise and a decent walking stick that he was using to walk with. The Orion had not heard Yari approach, being too preoccupied with not getting shot by Nicha. Yari raised the stick up like a baseball bat and swung. A loud resounding crack echoed for a short distance in the forest as the Orion fell to the ground.

Yari surveyed the scene below then called down, "Is everyone alright?"

There was a muffled sound from under the Orion's body.

"Someone, get over there and help her!" Yari pointed to where the Orion lay. "I'm on my way down." Yari began looking for another stick that he could use for a cane. The one that he had used to clobber the last Orion with was shattered in two.


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