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Mon 17th Feb, 2025 @ 1:48am

Lieutenant Damion Ildaran

Name Damion Ildaran

Position Infiltration Specialist

Rank Lieutenant

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human
Age 34

Physical Appearance

Height 5'10"
Weight 170 lbs.
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Gray
Physical Description Damion is an athletic-looking man of average height and weight for a human male. His skin is fair-complected because he has lived either underground or on starships for most of his life. He has black hair with a slight wave that is cut to regulation length, and he is clean-shaven. He did have longer hair in the past, when he worked undercover. He has scars from knife fights on various parts of his body, as well as a surgical scar on his chest where a Turkanan proximity detector was implanted during his youth and later removed.

Damion always looks highly alert, even when he’s tired. His movements are brisk and economical, with no florid gestures. His expression has been described as intense.

Damion’s preferred clothing is his uniform. On shore leave he usually wears very nondescript clothing unless he’s going somewhere nice. He cleans up very well.

Damion at one time spoke with a working-class Scottish Edinburgh accent, which he learned for an undercover assignment and kept using because he liked it. He has since mostly dropped the Scottish accent, preferring to simply speak with his native accent or with a Federation Standard accent. When he is on assignment or practicing for an assignment, however, he switches to the accent necessary to blend in with whomever he must spy upon.


Spouse None, but he was in a long-standing relationship with Dr. Elizabeth Anderson, a self-aware EMH who is now deceased.
Children None that he is aware of. He takes care to not get his girlfriends pregnant.
Father Eren Ildaran
Mother Lana Ildaran
Brother(s) Two younger brothers, TBD.
Sister(s) One older sister, married. TBD.
Other Family One brother-in-law, TBD. Damion has no contact with any of his own family because they could be manipulated by their faction government if he attempted contact. The closest thing he has to family is the family who sponsored his entry into Starfleet Academy, the Rathleighs. His significant other before her death was Dr. Elizabeth Anderson.

Personality & Traits

Strengths & Weaknesses Weaknesses
- Not terribly trusting of other people until he either gets to know them well or they somehow prove themselves to him.
- Over-protective of those weaker than he because he came from a world in which rape gangs were a thing.
- Not a polished individual, so he feels uncertain in formal social situations. Turkana IV had little concept of etiquette. What he knows of etiquette came from the 'James Bond' elective class he took at Starfleet Academy.
- Tends to become aggressive if he must confront a person he fears. If he is genuinely angry, rather than trying to conceal fear, it’s ballistic and cutting.
- Somewhat agoraphobic, as he grew up in underground tunnels. However, this has improved after several years of living on SB-109, as it is a large starbase.
- Animals make him uneasy. He never had a pet and almost never saw animals while growing up, save for stray dogs or cats, or vermin.
- Is terrified of flying—too much open space all around him. However, he can fly a shuttlecraft or other small space-faring vessel himself on instruments. Would avert his gaze from the Ops main viewscreen if he had to be up there.
- Is in mourning and is taking it hard.

- Is tenacious when it comes to goals or work.
- Able to relate to people he respects on their level.
- Pragmatic and practical, self-sufficient. A very low-maintenance man. He never had much and so doesn't need much.
- Grows vegetables hydroponically in his quarters.
- Method acting. He uses meditation and mindfulness techniques to mentally prepare for his undercover roles.
- Experienced and skillful in armed and unarmed combat
- Good at doing his own repairs. Will repair things for other people, too.
- Friendly and warm once he gets to know a person.
Ambitions Damion wants to someday be able to broker a true peace between the Coalition and Alliance on Turkana IV. Aside from this he has no ambitions as a diplomat. He is interested in command as a means of accomplishing that. Damion does not understand or like genteel diplomacy; the concept of it doesn't exist in his culture. He suspects the only way to get Turkana's two factions to cooperate is to knock heads together.
Hobbies & Interests - Damion is a Certified Industrial-Grade, Food-Grade, and Human-Grade Replicator Technician. He is working on his Medical-Grade certification.
- Knitting and Crocheting—It’s something to keep his hands busy, and it’s useful.
- Gardening--He grows a hydroponic garden in his quarters and cans much of his own food rather than eating it replicated.
- Sketching—Useful for his job if he has to do surveillance and doesn’t have a micro-cam available. He can always pose as an artist.
- Languages--Speaks Turkana dialect, Federation Standard, Ferengi, along with some Scots Gaelic, Klingon, Romulan, and Cardassian to varying degrees of fluency.
- Hand-to-hand combat--If he is fighting to practice, he fights by Fleet rules. If he is fighting to save his own life or that of others, he uses every dirty, lethal trick he ever learned on his homeworld or in Starfleet. He works out daily and practices hand-to-hand martial arts with other Intelligence staff regularly.
- Swimming—He didn’t learn to swim until entering the Academy and came to truly enjoy it.
- Reading. Damion reads a wide variety of books, primarily non-fiction, but also some fiction.
- Sports—He would rather watch a sports game than participate in it.
- Finance—He saves his earnings and invests skillfully. He inherited a decent sum from Dr. Elizabeth Anderson and is investing those credits for a specific charitable purpose.

Personal History Damion's quarters are located on Deck 40, cabin S-210.

Was born in 2360 and grew up in the Alliance-held tunnels beneath Turkana City, the capital of Turkana IV, in the Zalkon Sector. His was a large family for that world, and he spent much of his childhood in a rather undisciplined fashion, getting into fights, stealing, eavesdropping, scavenging for food, or helping his parents grow their own. His childhood education came more through hands-on experience than by book-learning, as pretty much no one on the planet is well educated. By the time he became an adult he was proficient at picking pockets, using firearms, fighting with knives or home-made beam weapons, hand-to-hand, and knitting, which his mother taught him to break his habit of cracking his knuckles. His father taught him how to do any number of small household appliance repairs.

Damion hated his homeworld, though. Despite the two factions maintaining a semblance of law and order by the use of proximity detectors implanted in each person, there were still active gangs of thieves, drug-sellers, and rapists to contend with.

At about age 8, Damion and a group of his friends had an encounter with one such gang, when a boy he knew was caught by the gang members and was unable to escape with the rest of them. That event affected him deeply and marked the beginning of Damion's intense dissatisfaction with his homeworld. To this day, the thought of what probably became of that boy haunts him.

At age 17 Damion learned that a Ferengi smugglers’ ship commanded by a Ferengi named Boze had made landfall. He bribed the captain to hire him on as a handyman and thus was able to leave Turkana IV. After two years he had saved and/or stolen enough latinum from his share in various black-market deals the crew had made that he was able to intimidate Boze into accepting the money so that Damion could buy out his term of service. Damion made his way to a Federation consulate and applied for citizenship.

He found work with a ‘Hire a Bloke’ type of company and became the preferred handyman of the family of Adm. William Rathleigh. The admiral learned of Damion’s story late one night after Damion helped Rathleigh's daughter fend off a young man she'd left a bar with. Once Damion got her safely home, Rathleigh asked if he would be interested in a Starfleet career. Damion had never considered such a thing and was only willing to give it some thought because Rathleigh told him that Starfleet needed people of his character. He didn't regard his character as being so fine--he'd broken the would-be rapist's hand--but he couldn't argue with the admiral's logic. The family got him into a general educational development program and helped tutor Damion until he was able to pass the test and earn his certificate. At that time he applied for admission to Starfleet Academy under Admiral Rathleigh’s sponsorship and, after an interview, was accepted.

At first, Damion entered with the intention of majoring in Operations. At the end of his second year, however, he was approved to switch his major to Intelligence after taking an elective course in it and passing the required aptitude test. The final examination for the course required him to 'survive' a holodeck scenario. To Damion, the test was simply like being at home in a dangerous part of the tunnels--but all around him, other students were being felled by what Damion regarded as obvious threats. A couple of students only 'survived' unscathed because Damion warned them of threats. At the end of this test, the instructor recommended that Damion pursue Intelligence as a career. Why? Not because he made it through the test, but because he both made it through and helped others instead of going in as a lone wolf.

Damion realized that, though he didn't miss home, being in the holoprogram had made him feel intensely alive for the first time since leaving Turkana IV. It occurred to him that he had grown soft and complacent while in the Federation, that it had lulled him into a false sense of security, his normal wariness re-awakened only by the holo-test. An inward fear, as much as wanting to feel like all of his senses were alert, drove him to change his major to Intelligence.

A lot of intelligence work, he felt, was just like being home again, but with clean clothes, enough to eat, and without the fear of dying every minute of every day. At graduation he was assigned to the USS Winchester, where he served for two years. His second posting was to the USS Alexandria. His third posting was to the USS Hermes, and his current posting is to Starbase 109, formerly known as Vanguard.

Other Notes: Damion has had a root canal done under twilight anesthesia at some time during his Academy or Starfleet career.
Service Record 2377: Hires on as handyman to the Ferengi vessel Fine Investment.
2379: Buys out his contract with the Ferengi and applies for Federation citizenship.
2379: Gets a job as a Bloke at Hire a Bloke Inc. Becomes the preferred handyman for the family of Admiral William Rathleigh.
2381: Earns GED and is accepted into Starfleet Academy.
2382: Changes his major field of study to Intelligence from Operations.
2385: Damion’s capstone assignment for graduation is to infiltrate a black market arms smuggling ring in Edinburgh, Scotland and to use information gleaned from the organization to assist police in stopping them. This would normally not have been assigned to a cadet; Damion’s instructors feel he can handle the assignment because he has grown up in a tough, violent culture and can handle himself among violent people if he must—and do so far more believably than Starfleet cadets more gently raised can.
2385: Graduates from Starfleet Academy as an ensign and Intelligence Officer. Assigned to USS Winchester. Gathers covert intelligence for three first contacts that is used during initial negotiations. Achieves Federation citizenship.
2387: Transferred to USS Alexandria and is promoted to LT(jg). Participates in the rescue of a hostage from an Orion drug cartel. Gathers intelligence that leads to a truce between the Vek and Minnobians. Becomes Acting Asst. Chief Intelligence Officer when the incumbent is medically discharged. During a mission to investigate the whereabouts of a missing pharmaceuticals shipment on Mordan IV, tracks it to an organized crime syndicate that is selling the drugs on the black market at an exorbitant price. This allows Federation authorities to step in.
2390: Assigned to the USS Hermes as Chief Intelligence Officer.
2393: Arrives at Starbase 109 on shore leave from the Hermes and goes on extended leave. Records show that he has been reassigned to Starbase 109. He has been reassigned as an infiltration specialist and has been working undercover, running a repair shop near Tivoli Gardens in hopes of finding the hidden person who is sending messages from the station to pirates.
2394: Closes the repair shop. Accepts a position with Starfleet Criminal Investigation Service (SCIS) as an Intelligence Liaison Officer on Starbase 109.
2395: Returns to Starfleet Intelligence as a full-time intelligence officer after the Adrian Dobbs case is closed.
2396: Death of Dr. Elizabeth Anderson, MD.