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Let the Battle Begin

Posted on Wed 1st Sep, 2021 @ 6:23pm by Captain Jason Harrington & Exo-Comp EXQT

1,076 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Waging Peace
Location: Antero, Harrington's ship
Timeline: MD 1, 1700

In a previous hour ....

Jason looked to Mia, "Ask Peggy if she thinks there might be a weakness that we can exploit on that Bird of Prey if they decide to attack. We need all the help we can get."

And now, what help is there for Antero?

"Aye, Aye, Captain," Merel responded, turning toward the unifying bot. "Nessy, maybe you can help me with this. If Peggy can access any information about that ship back there, it could mean the difference between getting away and getting destroyed. And by the way, don't think I missed the part where Peggy said you had to get off the ship. That's not happening. We don't abandon our shipmates. So, help me work out what we can do instead."

The bots beeped and burped, communicating swiftly. They came to three conclusions, and Nessy spoke for all of their collective desires.

"Gratitude. /ERROR/ We have determined with certainty our presence will invite attack, past boarding actions from [WARDOGS] have resulted in losses to life. The actions of [MIARAUMEREL]*[CAPTHARRINGTON] invite this boarding action with continued harboring of [EXO-QUAD]."

Nessy made a solid space in between the points to make sure they were understood seperately.

"Additionally, Antero is not likely to survive direct encounter with K'vort class cruiser. [HTEK] will be able to disable [ANTEROVESSEL]."

Zombie took its cue to rise up in its version of "Warface." Plasma arc rod extended, numerous blade apparatus propped, a taser coiled for fire, small forcefield emitters, to this point nobody had seen Zombie so riled. What had gotten it so amped was the chance to visit revenge on the outfit which had shown them such cruelty. It also had a secret, something hard fought and kept well under wraps.

Nessy proudly spoke it aloud as Zombie chuckled in a mechanical way, "[ZOMBIE] also has schematics and blueprints for the whole ship." Banshee took the opportunity to show as Nessy told, "...technical data and cyphers are on log with [BANSHEE]. we can provide Tactical data on [HTEKWARSHIP] if this is useful? Otherwise we must consider the safety of [ANTEROVESSEL] and remove our presence from the ship.

Miarau took a quick look at what Banshee was displaying. "Oh yeah, this is what we need, for sure. We have a few secrets, which you've probably already discovered, but ... Htek, did you call him? He probably has no idea. I think with your help we stand a better chance than otherwise. Who's to say this Htek won't come after us even if you leave the ship? We know, or potentially know, things he doesn't want to make public about his business."

After a little more thorough look at the plans, Merel contacted the captain. "Jason, I think we have something down here you're going to be glad to see." She turned to Banshee and Nessy, keeping the channel open to Harrington. "Can you send these schematics and the technical data to the Captain's console immediately? And maybe copy Tactical station in also?"

Jason looked over the schematics. The information provided the weak points of the Bird of Prey. Now if he could get them to drop their shields and not fire on him, then things might work out. =^=That's good information, Number One, now if we can get a chance to use it. Tell the little bots, Thank You for me.=^=

Peggy coordinated the others, anticipating the Wardogs to beam aboard there was a command to charge the deflector grid with Omicron particles and provide bursts every fifteen seconds, which was the length of the transporter cycle for the Suv'Wi. Banshee moved to the bridge to be with [CAPTHARRINGTON] and assist targeting the cloaked vessel. Zombie had nothing to hit or fix and so just sparked its welder menacingly. Peggy kept their emotional responses in check while Nessy tended to follow Peggy anywhere.

<{[PEGGY]^[MIARAUMEREL]: ("Gratitude is insufficient")([HTEK]*Malicious intent)*([ANTERO] protector)/(Dedication of remaining runtime allocated for PROJECT)= (Vocal*Rx[NESSY]"You will not leave us, we will not leave you."}>

A victorious hum emerged from Banshee as audio was opened, jubilant noise void of aesthetic.

<{[BANSHEE]=(Infil.prt/ACCESPERMITTED)(Suv'Wi Primary)(Exploits:Fault@470000th%interation*runtime prt.)}{COMMAND ISUED; /SUV'WI/ "Drop cloak"}>

<{[PEGGY](REVOCATION@[BANSHEE])*(COMMAND: "Drop Cloak")}{([CAPTHARRINGTON]=[ANTERO] Primary unit)(Relaying requests to ADMIN)}>

Nessy took the initiative to translate, "Miarau, Banshee has gained access to the primary computer core of the Suv'Wi and requests instructions!" Nessy left out the portions of Peggy stopping Banshee from dropping the cloak. The little bot wasn't a tactical drone but it knew Htek would not respond to the cloak dropping favorably. balancing the other emotional state provided insight, If they had control of the Suv'Wi they had to keep that knowledge secret.

Merel replied, "Understood. Stand by one. Can we get a shot into their weapons systems?"

Peggy directed Banshee to the Power substation a deck underneath them, Nessy communicated aloud, "Banshee can assist with the shots, overcharged Nadion pulses are depolarizing to Klingon disruptors. Target Shields modulated 446.89 rotating 041x07, forty percent chance to penetrate shields, use multiple shots."

Nessy wailed, the same tenor Banshee usually performed in. Three blocked transporter signals accompanied the noise, shields were repelling active transport beams. Zombie moved out of room to secure the gantry, weapons out, searching in case one got through undetected.

Mia sent a quick message to Jason, "I don't know how effective we're being. Can you get a message off, some kind of Mayday or SOS? Maybe there's someone near by, or maybe we can hide in the Shadows Belt until they can get here?"

=^=I can try to get a distress signal out, however the Bird of Prey is probably jamming us at the moment so we can't. We need to hit them hard, maybe knock out their main power grid for a moment. That could give us some breathing room. Maybe you can ask the Klingons to drop their shields?=^= He attempted some humor, but the situation rendered it a little off.

=^=Somehow, I don't think they'd be inclined, even if they weren't rogue,=^= Mia said with grim humor. =^=We'll get a shot off at something, be ready with that transmission ... and hope for the best.=^=

"Okay, pretty bots, let's give it all we've got and then slip into the Shadows. Maybe the Gods are on our side today," Mia said.

Maybe a rescue is in the works?


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