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Sun 24th Sep, 2023 @ 2:01am

Mary Elizabeth Gregory

Name Mary Elizabeth Gregory

Position Owner, The Hangman's Noose

Second Position Owner, The Hangman's Noose

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Human
Age 30

Physical Appearance

Height 5'6"
Weight 135 lbs.
Hair Color Dark brown
Eye Color Blue
Physical Description Mary Elizabeth Gregory is a slender woman of medium height, with short, curly, brunette hair and blue eyes.


Spouse None yet.
Children None
Father Lucas Gregory
Mother Mildred Townsend Gregory
Brother(s) Jeremiah Gregory, Gabriel Gregory
Sister(s) Eleanor Gregory
Other Family Aunt, Elizabeth Grafton
Uncle, Paul Grafton
Cousin, Seth Grafton

Personality & Traits

General Overview Warm, generous, and friendly.
Strengths & Weaknesses - Her own cooking. Does not want to be a diabetic, like her mother, but pie is so hard to resist!
Ambitions To carry on her family's oldest tradition, running their pub--but in space. With beds.
Hobbies & Interests * Cooking! She loves making pies and cookies.
* Holoprogramming. She has created an exact replica of her parents' pub, on which she modeled her Tavern and Inn.
* Shopping. And she's in the middle of the Promenade. God help her bank account.
* Dogs and cats. She can't wait to get a kneazle.

Personal History * Born on Earth in Kent, England. DOB is March 25.
* Served on USS Hermes.
* Went home to Earth. Enlisted in Starfleet Reserves. Worked at her family's pub, which she had been homesick for.
* After about a year of working at the pub in Kent, she discussed with her parents the idea of operating a tavern/inn on a starbase, as she had been scoping out places and investing her savings to grow her capital.
* Family meeting, in which the Gregory-Grafton Family Holdings Corporation was formed. The family holdings include Grafton Medical Instruments, Grafton Pharmaceuticals, and The Hangman's Noose.
* With GFH and venture capital funding, Mary Elizabeth opens The Hangman's Noose Tavern and Inn on Deck 650 of Starbase 109.

Service Record * Entered Starfleet Basic Training upon graduation from high school. Majored in Operations.
* Applied for and entered culinary school.
* Assigned to work in Starfleet Headquarters Officers' Mess in San Francisco, California.
* Assigned to USS Hermes as a PO3 and sous chef. Served two tours and left Starfleet service as a PO1.
* Joined Starfleet Reserve Corps and now serves one weekend a month.
* Lives on Earth for about a year after leaving Starvfleet active duty. Assists with family pub in England.
* Opens The Hangman's Noose on Starbase 109.