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Thu 1st Dec, 2022 @ 4:05am

Miadze Palel

Name Miadze Madar Palel

Position Diplimatic Aide to Trill Consul

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Trill (unjoined)
Age 88

Physical Appearance

Height 5'9"
Weight 114 lbs.
Hair Color White
Eye Color Hazel
Physical Description Miadze is a tall and very slender woman, particularly for a Trill. She dresses in the height of fashion, even at her age. She has large eyes and enhances them with expert application of cosmetics. Miadze rarely hangs out in jeans and a t-shirt. She has spent most of her life being 'on show' and would hardly know what to do with herself if she weren't--and so she dresses to impress almost all the time. Some might think her gestures, gait, and postures are affectations, but they aren't. She has been standing this way, posing that way, and gesturing still another way for so long that the way she moves has become ingrained in her, and it is now natural to her to be and to look graceful.


Spouse Tahrel Madar (deceased)
Children Visuli Madar (daughter)

Personality & Traits

General Overview Miadze is friendly, efficient, and elegant. She mother-hens her consul at times. Had she been raised in Japan on Earth, Miadze might well have been an excellent candidate for geisha, except that she cannot play a musical instrument or sing to save her life. She can, however, sink to her knees as gracefully as any geisha sixty years her junior, thanks to the Trill equivalent of daily yoga practice.
Strengths & Weaknesses + Charisma. Miadze has it out the wazoo. She is genuinely charming and warm.
+ Attractiveness. Miadze looks about 20-30 years younger than her actual age.
+ Physically flexible. She does stretching exercises daily, and this has helped her to maintain a more youthful range of movement than she might otherwise have.
+ Strong work ethic. Miadze sets high standards of accomplishment for herself.
+ Finances. Miadze is independently wealthy and has good business sense, honed over years of experience.
+ Is an accomplished seamstress and sews many of her personal outfits.

- Miadze is a clotheshorse. If she sees an outfit she likes, Miadze will buy it or make it herself, whether she needs it or not.
- High maintenance. Miadze does not travel light.
- Appearances are very important to her. While Miadze does not consider appearance to be the most important quality about a person, she always strives to look her best and does not understand people who are careless or indifferent about their appearance.
- Has few practical skills aside from sewing. Miadze has not repaired, cooked, or done her own housekeeping in decades.
- Rigid in her eating habits. Mainly, she subsists on lots of water, tea, and a fixed meal plan from which she rarely deviates. She genuinely does not crave sweets because she has, with careful self-discipline, avoided eating them all her life.
Ambitions To continue modeling part-time for as long as she can. Miadze loves that part of her life. She enjoys being one of the grandes dames of Federation fashion and does what she can to mentor younger models. She has also come to enjoy working in the Trill diplomatic corps and intends to remain in Consul Iril's service as long as he is disposed to have her working for him.
Hobbies & Interests Miadze used to be a full-time professional model and stil models clothing on occasion.

Personal History Miadze became interested in fashion and modeling at a young age. As she was quite tall and slender, she decided to try modeling and found that she liked it, even though it was sometimes exhausting work, requiring standing or posing in uncomfortable positions for long hours in a day. She put herself through college by modeling and invested her money carefully. Upon graduation from college with a BBA, she landed a position with the Esre Diavehn modeling studio on Trill. She worked primarily for Diavehn but also took occasional modeling jobs on Earth and Betazed.

Upon her marriage to Trill diplomat Tahrel Madar at age 30, Miadze began to form her own modeling business, being unable to remain with Diavehn as her husband's work required him to move about to his various postings, and he needed his family to move with him. Miadze needed work that she could do wherever she was, so going into business for herself was the easiest solution.

After 45 years of marriage, Miadze's husband Tahrel died in a docking accident at Starbase 17. The news devastated Miadze, sending her into a deep depression during which she lost the will to work and pretty much shut down. Her daughter persuaded her to go into grief counseling

2305: Born on Trill.
2321: Begins modeling during breaks from school. By the time she graduates from secondary school, Miadze has an impressive portolio of work and an impressive bank account for one so young. She uses it to pay for a business degree and continues taking modeling jobs throughout college.
2327: Graduates from university on Trillius Prime and goes to work for the Esre Diavehn fashion studio.
2335: Marries Tahrel Madar, a wealthy Trill diplomat. Spends the next 45 years living and modeling on a variety of planets. Leaves the Diavehn studio and forms her own modeling company to accommodate her need to move frequently with her husband.
2338: Daughter Visuli Madar born.
2380: Tahrel dies in a docking mishap that severely damages the ship he was traveling in, as well as a good chunk of Starbase 17. Retires from full-time modeling and undergoes grief counseling. Sells her company but retains ongoing income from it.
2381: A family friend suggests that Miadze, who is now bored, try working in the diplomatic service, as she has many contacts in that field. With no secretarial skills, Miadze doubts she has much of a chance, but she applies for jobs anyway and teaches herself the skills needed while she looks for work.
2382: After about a year of submitting applications, Miadze is hired and goes to work at the Trill consulate on a Vulcan colony world with Consul Neris Drai. She there meets Sokel, a renowned Vulcan fashion designer. She invests in his business. He persuades her to model clothing for him. It is a logical partnership that re-ignites Miadze's modeling career, though on a part-time basis only.
2389: Neris Drai retires, and Miadze requests a transfer. She is accepted to work with Daeren Iril, a joined Trill who has been named Federation Ambassador to Ferenginar. Miadze is not thrilled at the posting, but it is a considerable honor to work with a joined Trill who is also a full ambassador. Besides, he's 256 years old, which makes him considerably older than she--which is nice when you're 84.
2393: Ambassador Iril is reassigned to run the Trill Consulate on Starbase 109 because of illness. He asks Miadze to transfer with him. Miadze gladly agrees to. The posting is away from Ferenginar, and Sokel happens to run a clothing boutique in the Promenade of the starbase. She can work with two of her favorite people. What's not to love?
Service Record Diplomatic Service Record

2383: Hired as assistant to Consul Neris Drai on a Vulcan colonial consulate.
2389: After Drai's retirement, Miadze transfers to work with Daeren Iril, Federation Ambassador to Ferenginar.
2393: Moves with Daeren Iril, now a Consul, to Starbase 109 as his diplomatic aide.