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Sat 5th Mar, 2022 @ 10:11am

Sipov Boros

Name Sipov Boros

Position Civilian

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Half Human, Half Vulcan
Age 31

Physical Appearance

Height 6" 0"
Weight 170
Hair Color Brown
Eye Color Green
Physical Description Sipov is average build, more on the slender side. He relies more on the natural strength from the Vulcan side of his heritage as needed rather than developing it additionally in the gym or otherwise. His features are pleasant and he is considered fairly attractive. His shirt covers various scars he obtained from injuries and received punishments while incarcerated by the Breen. Additionally his hands have a few smaller scars that have faded with time.


Father Andrew Boros (40) Deceased
Mother Nira (120) Deceased

Personality & Traits

General Overview Sipov is quick tempered and lacks the Vulcan control to control his human emotions, having grown up mostly an orphan. Over time he’s learned to begin managing them but still has trouble. Generally he has a calm demeanor but the extreme shifts in his feelings cause him to almost appear bipolar. He seems to run on his highs more so than his lows. When things are going great for him his demeanor is much more pleasant and he can't help but celebrate them as much as possible. When he hits lows however it is guaranteed that he "crashes" leaving a wake of destruction one way or another behind him.
Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths
- Strong piloting skills
- Keen business and investment sense. Does very well earning profit quickly.
- Higher intelligence and strength from Vulcan background
- Being wily, Sipov is able to talk himself into, and out of just about anything as long as he's interested in the subject or there's money to be made

- His loyalty leaves something to be desired. He's more loyal to money than he is any man or woman.
- While his persona is enticing, it doesn't take long for those around him to pick up how nefarious he can be. Always keeping his ears open for a deal, it's always about how he can get himself ahead as opposed to the greater good of the group
- A history of drug use leaves those around him wondering if he will show up sober or high more often than not. Whether he has control of his faculties or not can be a common question within his immediate circle.
- Sipov has a strong inability to stick with one thing very long, always moving on to the next venture or the next unique opportunity
Ambitions Sipov is primarily driven by the desire to live as comfortable as possible in untold luxury where spending money is no object. While he is aware that the Federation maintains a "free" Utopian society, a lot of whom he is would buck against their typical moral standards which causes him to prefer to remain outside of their purview. He has a continuous drive for greed and elevating his knowledge and skills as a pilot to simply show those around him how much better he is than they are.
Hobbies & Interests Sipov enjoys flying most of all. He's flown just about everything from smaller more maneuverable stunt shuttles and recreational craft to much larger waste transports, luxury cruise liners and massive cargo freighters. His experience as a military pilot doesn't exist as all of his experience is of a civilian and non combative nature. Investing in the next big business venture or finding the finest spirits he can are additional interests the man indulges in on a regular basis. Additionally he is known for recreational use of different mind altering substances.

Personal History Sipov was born in 2360 on board a civilian cargo freighter known as the S.S. Mira to a Vulcan mother and Human father. The couple ran the ship with his mother the Captain, and father serving as the First Officer. The pair, along with four other individuals spent their time transporting dangerous, high yield cargo and assisting in transport of mid level dignitaries in the region of the Cardassian Union, Elorg Bloc, and Adraxian Alliance. Their travels took them all throughout the region to include that of Bajor and Terok Nor.The crew of the S.S. Mira was focused on the money they could earn as well as the prestige they gained in the region by the work they'd done for numerous higher ranking officials, especially a variety of Cardassian Guls and Legates. The crew spent six successful years in the area until Sipov was born.The couple felt that their success was at a high and within a short period of time, they could transfer operational control of the ship to their Second Officer Lefskot, a Ferengi that had a lucrative eye for the business deals they'd been known for taking. At the age of four, Sipov's life was changed forever. In an attempt to overtake the ship and continue to take the profit for themselves, Lefskot and another crew member, an Andorian, attempted to take control of the ship by causing the initial stages of a core breach to begin, locking out the computer. In an attempt to save the ship being their sole livelihood, Sipov's parents placed him in an escape pod along with a few belongings and jettisoned him certain they would both be needed to retake the ship. Their intent was to pick him back up once the ship was under control. His parents and the rest of the crew attempted to subdue the pair but were unsuccessful when the ship was flooded with anesthizine gas and rendered unconscious. In his excitement with taking over the ship, Lefskot couldn't recall the lockout code and was unable to avert the core breach in time, losing the ship and all hands on board. With the ship near Adraxian territory, several ships traveled the same lane that Sipov and his parents had been on.

Within a day the boy was found drifting in the pod by a couple travelling back to Adraxia after surveying the Aureat Nebula. When they found him, Sipov was sleeping and awoke to the unfamiliar faces. At first he was scared however quickly warmed up to the couple as they comforted him and sought to make him as relaxed as possible. Conducting a search they discovered the debris from the freighter and placed a buoy to notify anyone that may come in search that they had the child. Additionally they salvaged any small items they could find in a quick search of the Mira’s wreckage before turning and heading towards Adraxia. Upon returning home they registered the boy in accordance with the local census laws and began to care for him. After a few months of no one coming forward to claim the boy, the couple began to raise him as their own. After going through some of the ships logs they'd downloaded they were able to determine his name, race, and whom his parents were. Unfortunately they were unable to further determine any family origins and officially adopted him. Throughout the earlier years of his childhood, Sipov was prone to severe mood swings as a result of his Vulcan heritage; at times he would become terribly destructive and caused the couple to question their choice. With patience and time however Sipov began to balance out as he got older and became more aware of his actions.

Up until the age of nine they taught him their native language alone, until they decided to shift him to another school for more expansive learning. Along with the basic curriculum in school, they also taught the students more about the surrounding region and governments (such as the Breen). To pair with the expansive educational curriculum this private school provided, Sipov also learned to comprehend Breen and Cardassian in the classes that were offered, although he was never able to write or speak it fluently. At home when his adoptive parents realized his capacity for further learning they sought out further curriculums to teach him Federation standard and Vulcan at home. While neither of them spoke or understood it, they felt it important for the boy to know so he could have a connection with his origins.Until the age of 18 Sipov had a fairly normal childhood, normal by Adraxian standards that is. Most of his time was spent at home studying, only time for friends on the weekends which were far and few. Many were unable to become comfortable with someone so different. With the time he had to himself, the boy gained a strong interest in shuttles and other spacecraft. In his teenage years his parents allowed him to take up the hobby of piloting smaller hover based craft and later on as he got older, small shuttles and suborbital craft. After his second attempt, he was able to obtain his level one pilot certification.

When he graduated, the young man wanted nothing more than to leave Adraxia and be on his own. While he was thankful for his adoptive parents raising him and would always keep in contact, Sipov knew he was an alien to their world and would always be an outsider. The difference was that he wanted to be an outsider on his terms.Spending about a month applying for various piloting jobs, he was finally accepted onboard a small transport shuttle with a name roughly translated from Breen as the “Ferrier” but not as he wanted. Boros was offered a job as a steward, something he loathed but accepted for the time being to earn enough money to move out of his parents home. After almost six months the young hybrid was considering quitting the job in search of something better. It was a meager living which caused him to yearn for even more. His break came sooner than expected however, as one of his scheduled flights lost the co-pilot due to sickness and had no one available to fill in for him. The lead pilot, knowing that Sipov had his first level of pilots certification, asked the young man to fill in for the flight and after a successful flight endorsed Sipov to become a normal part of the pilot rotation, knowing that there were open positions across their civilian transport fleet named “Traversify”.

Initially he found himself fairly satisfied with his duties, performing transport runs every couple of days and the opportunity to pick up additional runs for bonus pay. Being nineteen years old and finding himself with more money than he knew what to do with, Sipov found himself indulging in some of the more carnal pleasures. On his first night out with some of the other pilots, one of them suggested he take in some of the local ladies that gave their “time” to lonely gentlemen such as himself. Living off of his standard pay alone, the man utilized his bonus pay to have these particular women visit him quite often. An Orion woman, whom he was quite intrigued by one night, offered him a hallucinogenic compound before engaging in intimacy with him. This highly addictive compound did exactly what she had intended it for, causing an immediate addiction for the hybrid.

Now visiting a few nights a week, she always brought him a dose of the drugs and charged him accordingly. Over time she became merely a dealer for him instead of anything else. He continued this trend for several months, never missing any of his scheduled flights but no longer taking on additional runs. His management took notice of this and also felt he seemed a bit off. With his body becoming more used to the drugs, he required higher doses to maintain the high he wanted. As such, this caused him to appear hungover and eventually he was suspended one day, showing up as the lead pilot on a flight and his co pilot noticing he wasn't of sound mind to fly safely. Sipov didn't fight back in any fashion as security escorted him off the shuttle. He was immediately drug tested and was suspended for a week while the piloting safety board for Traversify reviewed his case.

With it being his first offense he was offered the chance for rehabilitation and drug counseling to keep his job, at half pay until he was considered clean and returned to full duty after a period of probation. Sipov accepted the terms and for the next year the twenty-one year old kept clean. He'd cut all contacts with the agency he'd been ordering the women from as well as the Orion woman that had been providing him with drugs. Everything was going great for Boros and he was finally cleared, returning to full duty and once more allowed to be a lead pilot on flights, no longer subject to random drug tests and observed piloting reviews. The entire pilot team took him out to celebrate with a night of drinking and once more, the young man took on additional shifts and once again found himself lonely and turning to the comfort of women.

Sipov took the opportunity to move to the port outside of Drexis Minor along with a promotion and spent time out at the local bars engaging in his usual after hours activities. At work however he sought out the opportunity to take the level two piloting certification and passed, but not until his third attempt. While it was a check on his ego, Sipov simply poured more of himself into furthering his future.

It was at this point that with the additional income he was now receiving the young man decided to try and put his money to work, seeking out various business partners to fund different ideas with or to loan money to so that he could profit accordingly through legal means in an attempt to better his image after tarnishing his career with drugs. Seeing how much he made as a pilot he felt there was enough disposable income to risk in the interest of earning even more. It was at this point in his life he fell deep into the alluring trap of greed. With his sharper Vulcan wit he was able to take advantage of several situations and was living comfortably off of his earnings while the more human side of him allowed his emotions and aggressiveness to show through when it was needed. With all of the success he also began to earn a local reputation over the course of the next couple years which his superiors caught word of. He was called in and questioned about the situation. Sipov didn't deny any of his dealings; all were legal and within the confines of his contract for the company which didn't allow him to fund or work with any direct competitors. They requested records which caused him to become angry since he felt they didn't trust him; he felt betrayed and stormed out of the meeting. Not wanting to lose him as a pilot, his company decided it was best to transfer him to another location and had him reassigned accordingly to Drexis Major. At first Sipov refused, but when he was told the opportunity came with additional testing for a higher piloting certification and the chance to pilot larger craft, he accepted.

Moving into Breen territory was an experience for him considering he'd never visited in any fashion and the laws and regulations for his piloting procedures changed. Flight plans were much more stringent, not allowing much margin for variation if need be and the length of time pilots were allowed to fly continuously over the course of a shift without relief. Additionally total flight hours within a given week being heavily regulated for safety concerns which meant his opportunities to earn extra money legitimately doing his job were reduced. He was subjected to a lengthy immigration process and granted a temporary visa to stay for work pending a complete background investigation. This also limited some of the places he could fly which caused him further concern over what he was able to earn. Sipov passed his level three certification with ease and was now piloting larger craft. Some of them were larger logistics transports while some were science vessels often out for weeks at a time. He didn't mind as this gave him time to reflect on his new home and what being in Breen space actually meant to him: limited opportunities.

Spending a lot of time split between the Kul Navat and Tavnazian nebula's during the scientific assignments, Sipov took time to look into opportunities to move and sell items between various ports they visited in the region. While he knew that larger cargo loads weren't going to be an option, he took to focusing on smaller items that were more sought out by private buyers so he could make more money and more closely live his previous lifestyle. With his visa now fully granted, Sipov had no restrictions on anything he could buy or anywhere he could go. After a series of short meetings with individuals at several ports he agreed to participate in a smuggling ring moving high value artifacts through Breen space from outside the borders. The amount of money he could potentially make was too good to pass up, more than making up for what he was losing in being unable to work more hours. Once he agreed to participate in the ring he was no longer contacted by any individual, only provided messages of pickup and drop off points for what he transported. The exchange through multiple hands and the cover on a civilian science ship as well as various cargo transports gave the perfect cover for Boros to move the smaller items with ease. With the great risk comes great rewards and the twenty four year old once again found himself with deep pockets full of money.

After almost a year of successful smuggling, Sipov was caught in a sting operation by Breen authorities and as they unraveled the ring and it's activities, he sought out his best opportunity to make a plea deal. Instead of likely spending upwards of thirty years in prison as he was to be charged for, the man sang like a canary and gave up information on every operation and every contact he was aware of. His Vulcan memory served him well although he was still sentenced to two years in prison and fined heavily for his actions as well as paying even more money to keep his visa intact.

The two years in prison placed him on the other side of the Breen Confederacy in a labor camp at Za-El. The hard labor and long days took their toll on the man, wearing him down mentally and physically. Mining deuterium and other minerals by hand with the Breen guards overseeing the operations. Several prisoners died during their time in incarceration, but fortunately for Sipov his fortitude and stubbornness were enough to keep him alive until he was released. At twenty seven years old he went to return home to Adraxia only to find that his adoptive parents had passed away while he'd been gone. While he found himself saddened by their loss, he also was given access to the history of his past and the data and items his adoptive parents had recovered from his biological parents' transport. It was a final gift his adoptive parents had wanted him to have when they were gone, intending to give Sipov some additional reasons to let them go when they died and help ease his mourning.

One item that stood out to him the most was the rank his Vulcan mother had worn as the Mira's captain. While he failed to entirely understand its origins since typically civilians didn't wear any rank, it was something that he found himself deeply connected to. He spent a month in his childhood home completing the family affairs that his adoptive parents had left behind. Afterward, Sipov found himself for the first time in many years without a job. He investigated a number of local opportunities however almost everything he could find required a higher skill set than he had. With this in mind, he sought out a higher level of piloting certification which he spent three months training for before applying to take the series of tests. The preparations paid off and he found himself receiving his level four piloting certification a month later.

Still not having fully mourned the loss of his adoptive parents, Sipov remained in Adraxian territory, where he found a job piloting hazardous waste transports for a company known as “Far and Away”. While the job was monotonous it paid well and utilized his piloting certification accordingly; that and the fact that a good number of agencies wouldn't hire him with his criminal background until it was further removed from his present. There was nothing for him to compromise and with only traveling between two particular points; he had no opportunities to entertain the notion of making more money. After two years of running waste he'd saved up a good amount of money as well as had a stable job after his incarceration. He spent most of his off time back on Adraxia getting his affairs in order and rebuilding the life he'd destroyed, restoring lost relationships with friends of his past and eventually was offered a job back in Breen territory. The biggest hurdle in his way was convincing the Breen government to allow him the opportunity to operate within their space once more.

Sipov filed a series of appeals and along with his employer, Far and Away, agreeing to sponsor him (After he agreed to pay a handsome fee) the Breen Confederacy approved his return and he gave notice to his current employer that he'd be leaving. As a final act before leaving Adraxia he sold his parents home to a younger couple starting a family of their own, intending to leave his childhood behind him. Packing up what few belongings he had, Sipov scheduled a fare on a transport belonging to his new employer and traveled from Adraxia to Andrinel which took almost a week due to stops along the way. When he arrived he was subjected to extensive screening by Breen immigration and after a holding period of two days, was released to begin his job. Sipov reported into the local quartering facility for pilots and awaited his first assignment.

Far and Away reviewed his current piloting certification and decided he needed a change of scenery, assigning him to pilot larger craft, primarily luxury cruise liners and massive cargo transport ships. Rotating to a different ship every few months it gave him enough of a change in scenery to keep his mind occupied and out of trouble. Typically with past assignments Sipov frequented the same ports running the same flight plan over and over again; this time however he found himself going to a different destination almost every time, visiting various locations in "eastern" Breen territory as well as various ports along the border with some even in neutral space. It was during this time that a stop in Shagra'nel however earned him what was to be a long time friend and business partner in the years to come.

Having stopped between assignments with a week furlough on the second planet of Garon, the half Vulcan had begun to dabble in the local nightlife and keeping an eye out for business opportunities. Being in neutral space gave him more of a chance to avoid the regulations and laws that had been plaguing him for the last decade and make some fast cash. The smuggling had ended badly and Sipov hoped to find a more legitimate option to make money. He was approached by a Denobulan one evening that took note of a rather large bet he made during a round of gambling playing a local game. He introduced himself as Shroan, a local merchant and businessman that had invested in a number of regional ventures and funded several smaller logistics companies which earned him a cut of each trip made. The two men found a private booth in the corner and spent the night drinking and talking about the various ventures they both had participated in over the years. In the early hours of the morning, Shroan invited Sipov back to his office to go over a series of financial earnings in an attempt to convince him to invest in similar ventures, more than aware of the other man's solid income. Sipov had boasted about it as well as some of his past deeds, showing his pension for greed.

It didn't take Shroan long to convince Sipov to invest in the logistics transport companies he backed and within a short time Sipov began sending a portion of his earnings monthly to Shroan as an investment partner. An additional unintended side effect is that Sipov now was also being exposed to the Federation and what they were as some of their policies had direct impact on the trade deals and earnings that he and the Denobulan participated in. The regulations the Federation imposed on imported items frustrated him greatly costing the shipping company more for the additional inspections and safety certifications required. While the earnings were less off of the goods they transported to Federation space, it was a much more stable source of income as a number of the other companies that Sipov and Shroan funded fluctuated in their monthly earnings due to their clientele being typically Cardassian, Breen, or other small private governments. He was also exposed to the Cardassian and Bajoran cultures as he ran across citizens from their systems due to partially open borders primarily allowing trade. While the Cardassians were a more shrewd race in his interactions with them, to an extent he respected them and their outlook on life. As for the Bajorans, Sipov didn’t pay much mind to them as they typically were easier to manipulate and take advantage of.

After two years of piloting the much larger ships he once more grew tired of the ever changing scenery and decided to focus on the business ventures themselves and at thirty-one Sipov gave notice and stepped away from his piloting career. Moving to Delof permanently allowed him to now focus on the daily operations of the business and work alongside Shroan, as well as get to further know the other man. Being in a static location and now making money hand over fist, Sipov found himself with more time and money than he knew what to do with. Now being able to more freely afford his old habits, frequented cantinas and lounges to pick up women and dabble once more in other recreational opportunities.

With his additional stability came more free time causing Sipov to focus on his piloting abilities once more, studying and training for almost a year before applying to take a test for his level five piloting certification. He never knew when he may need it again and it showed further progress in his career even while he wasn't actively flying professionally. Upon receiving the certification passing a series of tests, he took to celebrating over a series of days. Meanwhile Shroan took note of Sipov's increasing absence and began to scale back on the additional shares he'd been paying him. At this point he was treated as only an investor since the money was still flowing into the operation and while Shroan ensured Sipov was getting his returns, their relationship began to degrade.

After a month long binge in drugs and alcohol, Sipov sobered up and went to check in with his partner. Taking note of the reduced pay he felt he'd been cheated and Shroan utilized a standard line on him: a contract is a contract. His reduced participation entitled him to less of the money. In a fit of rage Sipov destroyed their shared office and told the other man he'd be pulling out his stake from the company unless he was valued more. Shroan didn't bite and over the course of the next couple months the two men dissolved their business relationship.

Looking to further distance himself from the monotonous life of working daily, Sipov began to live off of the savings he had and now drank on a regular basis. For the next couple of years he enjoyed a fairly care free lifestyle relaxing and enjoying the time to himself. He'd also lost a fair amount of money gambling and taking bad bets, not managing or paying attention to his finances which soon caught up to him when he was unable to pay up on a bet. After being given a couple of weeks to pay and subsequently failing to, he was kidnapped and taken outside of the city where he was beaten and left for dead. A chance passerby found him and notified the local emergency services who picked him up and took him to the local hospital where he spent a couple months recovering. Upon his release he found himself with no money and once more in need of a job. Looking over at possible locations for opportunities, he took note of a call on Starbase 109 for pilots to ferry goods to and from the base. It was quite a distance away but the man needed a fresh start in life, and to get away from a number of the debts that surrounded him. Scrounging up what little money had had readily available, Sipov boarded the next transport and never looked back…..