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Form of Art, Part 3

Posted on Thu 15th Jul, 2021 @ 4:42pm by Voareth Darqaron & Purulence Addams

1,026 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Waging Peace
Location: Tivoli Gardens, Riverwalk
Timeline: MD-4, 1410 hours

Previously, on Starbase 109...

Voareth followed Purulence. “In my travels, I have seen such things but never to such detail as that,” she said as she tossed her hair back and even looked back at the scene. The Ferengi was gone. “I would say this is due to someone wondering if they can. If I may,” she gave her attention to Purulence, “how far travelled are you? From where do you hail?”

"I've never been outside the Alpha Quadrant," Purulence said, "but I've traveled within it. I went to art school on Vulcan."

Vulcan. Voareth had heard the name ‘Vulcan’ a few times already, all aboard the station. It sounded like a planet name. She would have to research it, see if it was part of the vile Federation, how close to Earth it was, whether it was a civilized place or chaotic, etc.

“I do enjoy art,” Voareth said. Though her form of art was the hunt followed up with the careful dissection of her kill, she knew this one’s idea of art was different. Regardless, all artists had a profound attention and awareness. Voareth wanted to know if Purulence was aware that she was observing and hunting her Ferengi prey.

“And I admit to not being familiar with what you define as a ‘Quadrant’,” though the word did have a quarterly sound to it. Perhaps much of the population in this region of space mapped the galaxy into quarters. Voareth then recalled what little she had learned from when the Voyager passed through what she called ‘home’. “I will need to view what starcharts you have but I do believe I hail from what you would call the Delta Quadrant. I have been travelling for,” she was unsure of the scale with which they measured time, “for a long, long time, what some may consider a life span. And it would take just as long to get back, should I choose.”

Purulence's eyes went wide. "You're from the Delta Quadrant?" She gave a low whistle. "You must love to travel. That's a long way off, since you have to skirt the center of the galaxy to get here." It was so far away that the Voyager crew had feared they might never get back to Earth, Purulence recalled. "What in all the universes brings you here?"

A sense of purpose flashed through Purulence's mind, as if in answer to her question. There was some overriding, all-consuming reason for this woman to have traveled so far for so long. Something about the look in her eyes conveyed that. Purulence itched to draw it.

Was it love? Purulence glanced at her but didn't think so. No, this woman was too self-sufficient. She wasn't chasing after a lover. She didn't miss anyone--or if she did, it was so deeply buried as to be non-existent.

But there was someone she missed, though he had long since been dead. Voareth did not know how he died; either old age or fighting to slow down her pursuers. The latter would have been more preferred.

As for answering Purulence’s question, a massive hunt for her among the other Hirogen was what did it. Voareth had no intention of ever leaving Hirogen space but also never thought about what she would do when Darqaron died. Staying was never going to be much of an option.

“Hunting,” she finally said, though not admitting that she was the hunted for the first few years. “Performing hunts. Once I reached the edge of space I referred to as home, I found new endeavors and new sights.” Another way of saying, ‘new prey to hunt.’

There was even a time she found herself about a year’s travel from El-Auria but decided to not go there. The festering thought of what the Federation did to her kind kept her on track.

“Hunting, either for food,” though she did not detail the type of food, “or for profit, has kept me flying all these years. This new area of space…for me that is…opens up new possibilities.”

For profit, eh? Purulence thought. Since outer space was not full of animals suitable for big-game hunting, she put two and two together after a moment. "Ah. So you're after the Ferengi guy, I take it. Good luck. They're sneaky folks."

So, the dark beauty was observant after all. Voareth knew if the Ferengi suddenly disappeared, perhaps she would become a suspect. Then again, she was good at covering her tracks. The people so far seemed to have been an ‘innocent until proven guilty’ society. Without actual evidence, Voareth would be in the clear. Still, this made the hunt all the more interesting.

Voareth furrowed her brow in a well-rehearsed look of confusion. “I do not know who you are talking about. However, I thank you all the same.”

Not only did she learn that Miss Dark-and-Pretty was on to her, Voareth learned, more fully what many had already said, that the Ferengi were sly and sneaky.

Deciding that some form of introduction was in order, “Vix,” was the name she chose, “my name is Vix. I find it a pleasure to make your acquaintance Miss…”

"Purulence Addams. Good to meet you, Vix," Purulence said. "There are park benches nearby. If you don't mind your hands getting greasy, I have pork tamales I can share, and they're best when eaten hot. Juana always puts napkins in the bag."

“No, thank you, Miss Addams,” Voareth smiled. “I am quite content for the moment,” (a.k.a. full from trying to eat the remainder of her last prey stored within her ship before it went bad or anyone found out.) “I have other engagements I need to tend to. So, I must bid you a farewell. I am certain I will see you again,” though was going to work hard that Purulence would not always see her in return.

"I look forward to it," Purulence said. "Have an excellent day, and good hunting!"

“And I wish you much success with your art. I would love to see it someday.”


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