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Form of Art, Part 1

Posted on Thu 15th Jul, 2021 @ 4:40pm by Voareth Darqaron & Purulence Addams

714 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Waging Peace
Location: Tivoli Gardens, River Walk
Timeline: MD-4, 1400 hours

Voareth could have sworn she was outside, planetside, going on a walkabout around some well-maintained gardens complete with a sparkling river running through. She was in her casual garb, a flowery blouse with baggy, flowing leggings. Her hair streamed down her back and often blew about in the moving air. Her headdress kept it mostly in place.

She did not seem interested the in people spotting the place here and there. She was not with anyone, simply alone and taking in the place.

Voareth took in the sights and smells of the place, stopping and smelling the flowers, watching the fish slowly make their way this way and that. Coming to a stopping point, Voareth knelt and dipped her hand in the water. It was clear and cool to the touch. The fish did not seem that all perturbed at the intrusion proving this must happen more often than not.

She remained there watching the restless waves of the water as it flowed, churning around a bend and some rocks. A leaf from a nearby bush let go of its hold and softly fell and gently tumbled into the water.

Under a nearby tree, Purulence Addams sat with her SketchPADD, making swift sketches of the people exploring the riverbank. She wondered if she could bring Haksin and Lexy up from Brown Sector to play there sometime.

Work was busy lately. She was working on a commissioned portrait and had also been hired to design part of a mural on Bajor. That meant she would have to travel there soon. Unfortunately, Ignatius couldn't come with her; he had his own work to do.

She smiled at the sight of a long-haired woman smelling some Denobulan roses that had been planted in a decorative bed. They smelled like a heady combination of wine and spices and could perfume an entire room if you let them. Interestingly, this woman didn't just bend over; she crouched down on the balls of her feet and had such good balance that she didn't need to touch a hand to the ground to steady herself. It was pretty impressive.

Purulence began outlining the woman's figure, the way her clothing draped against her body, the curve of her back, the line of her hair as it fell forward, the bulge of her calf muscles, the way she peered at--

Purulence paused. That was odd. The woman was not enraptured by the roses; something else had captured her intense attention. Curious, Purulence followed the woman's gaze.

Nothing there; just a Ferengi. Purulence added him to the sketch; it would make an interesting 'sub-plot' to the drawing, give the viewer something to look at and wonder about.

Voareth knelt onto the ground and breathed deeply, taking in the aromas and the warm air. Birds perched and chirped nearby. She turned to look at them and found herself pondering how the locals referred to these winged creatures. Consulting her PDA was an option but the thing was still synching with the station’s computer. Voareth undoubtedly needed to invest in something more compatible.

For the time being, she eyed the birds and allowed the mystery of their popular name to stretch onward. This whole time, though, Voareth made sure her recently reacquired prey remained in view. She was detailing his features just as she had detailed the flowers, the river, the fish. She was mentally noting his movements.

The Ferengi certainly seemed a little on edge, but most of them appeared thus by default. This one was apparently aware that there was a price on his head. He tried to keep himself in public places, Voareth found as she had been trailing him for the past hour, and he would strike up conversations with random people so as to not be alone. For the moment, the Ferengi prey was speaking with a female Dosi who appeared bored to tears. Voareth was more than willing to rid the Dosi of her pain.

In a start, the Ferengi turned to look in Voareth’s direction. She in turn flicked a lock of her blowing hair behind her, rubbed at her neck, allowing herself to fall backward into a sitting position on the ground and continued to enjoy the beauty of the park.

(To be continued...)


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