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Sat 8th Apr, 2023 @ 2:24am

Lieutenant Commander Andrew Eberstark

Name Andrew Peter Eberstark

Position Chief Tactical & Strategic Operations Officer

Rank Lieutenant Commander

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human
Age 28

Physical Appearance

Height 6'1"
Weight 180
Hair Color Blonde
Eye Color Blue
Physical Description Andrew has a slightly above average height and weight for a human male. He has blond hair and blue eyes with one scar running down the side of his forehead to mid face. He has broad shoulders and slightly muscular arms.


Spouse N/A
Children N/A
Father James Eberstark
Mother Elizabeth Eberstark (deceased)
Sister(s) Michelle (younger)
Other Family Grandparents, various cousins, aunts, and uncles

Personality & Traits

General Overview Andrew has an outwardly strong personality towards his fellow officers and friends and tends to loosen up a little around familiar people, but until then, he tends to be a little cautious around people he doesn’t know. The friendships he has are very close and stable. At times, however, he can be very forceful with his opinions. Occasionally, he can distance himself from people because of difference of opinion, which leads to confrontation, but usually knows when to stop. He does have difficulty sharing emotions with anybody and tends to bottle them up inside. Despite that, he is caring and appreciates his friends and knows how to enjoy life with them.
Strengths & Weaknesses +Well trained in tactics and hand-to-hand combat, intelligent
+Friendly, once you get to know him
+Passionate, hardworking
-Can put too much focus on work
Ambitions Continue his career in Starfleet

Prove to his father and sister that he belongs in Starfleet
Hobbies & Interests Reading, sports, martial arts, music

Personal History Born on July 25th, 2364 in a small-town in Pennsylvania to the parents of James and Elizabeth. At age 5, his mother gave birth to his sister Michelle. His mother joined Starfleet Medical on Earth, while his father stayed home with him and his sister Michelle. His childhood was uneventful until age 11. He enjoyed reading, protecting his sister and made a core group friends in the process. He was also very attentive in school and always was atop his class. Until then, he was interested in the other races in the galaxy and Starfleet's strategic history and objectives (thanks to his mother), but these interests soon became his future. His mother was in San Francisco at work when the Breen attacked earth in 2375. His mother, along with many Starfleet officers, was killed in the bombardment by the Breen fleet. Although he never expressed it to the many counselors, he took her death extremely hard. He took it upon himself to look out for his sister day and night and would almost never leave her.

Nine years after the attack, he decided to join Starfleet Academy with the support from his friends and family, excluding his father, in hopes of becoming a tactical officer. His first year was the hardest, as he had difficulty adjusting juggling his home life with classes. His grades were barley average and managed to make almost as many enemies as friends. Andrew and one second-year cadet got into an argument and soon escalated to the cadet gashing Andrew's right side of his face with his knife. Andrew broke his nose and gave him a concussion in return. Fortunately for him, the altercation was not during the semester and off duty so they both only received formal reprimands. That seemed to be the turning point for Andrew in his studies. From then on, he was in the top of his class and took part in social activities. During the end of his senior year, he was admitted to Advanced Tactical Training, which was invaluable to his development of character.

A year after, he was assigned to the deep space, Nova class, USS Nova as assistant tactical officer. After transfers to two other vessels, he was promoted to Chief Tactical officer aboard the USS Samurai.
Service Record -Starfleet Academy/Advanced Tactical Training
-Assigned to USS Nova
-Transfer to USS Serenity, Assistant CTSO
-Transfer to USS Freedom, Assistant CTSO
-Transfer to USS Samurai, CTO Promoted to Lt.