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A Reception Of Sorts, Part 1

Posted on Mon 23rd Aug, 2021 @ 11:31pm by Commander Zed & Daeren Iril & T'Vala & Tessanna (Tessa) Valeri & Miadze Palel

1,267 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Waging Peace
Location: The Great Hall, Helicon III
Timeline: MD 1, 2035
Tags: tag Velis up toward top

Diplomatic functions were a sort of potlatch the universe over, Daeren Iril mused as he entered the reception room with Miadze, her slender, red-sleeved arm resting elegantly on his black-clad one. Round, cloth-draped tables dotted the space, while rectangular ones piled high with artistically arranged mountains of hors d'oeuvres lined the walls.

"They have a distressingly wonderful array of finger sandwiches," Daeren noted. "I might be tempted to over-indulge."

Miadze smiled. "Iril, tell Daeren to behave."

"My host always behaves ... himself." the Trill diplomat commented. The pair approached Prime Minister Dajir.

The Prime Minister was in a dress robe that he wore loosely. The vibrant colors and shapes depicted a story of long ago heroes battling tyrant overlords. Anthon smiled, "The first of our guests have just landed and will be here in a moment."

"And then the fun will begin," Daeren said to him. "I shall look forward to meeting them."

"What an interesting suit you are wearing!" Miadze said, closely studying Anthon's robe. "When we have time, sir, I want you to tell me all about it. The stitching and the color palette are exquisite. I've never seen such intricate applique. You could almost imagine yourself in the scene."

Anthon nodded, he was proud of the rich history of his people. He smiled, "The robe has been passed down for many generations. That's why it's a little big on me. It tells a story that is best shared near a warm fire while enjoying drinks among friends. I look forward to sharing the story with you when we have time."

"I think I would enjoy that very much," Miadze said as she and Daeren moved aside so Anthon could greet other arrivals.

Once they were out of earshot, Daeren glanced at Miadze. "Were you working him or flirting with him?"

"Yes," Miadze said with a smile that looked both innocent and mischievous. "Besides, I really do want to hear the story--and enjoy drinks by a warm fire."

As Lt. Regos glanced over the crowded room, she thought, Perhaps fashionably late isn't a concept to which those on Helicon III have yet to be introduced. Smiling slightly, she spied their diplomatic liaison dressed in a robe that bore the evidence of history in both its fit and grandeur. She took a drink from a passing tray and moved up near Prime Minister Dajir and waited for a moment of his time.

T'Vala arrived with Tessa. She was dressed in her Vulcan ambassadorial robes for the formal event.

Tessa, not wanting to be as formal, chose a long black dress that was both sophisticated and simple at the same time. It also, she was pleased to note, helped her blend in with the tablecloths.

The two took a quick look around the room before queuing up to greet Anton.

"Prime Minister," Regos said, with a nod of her head. "Thank you so much for choosing to honor our mission with a party of such proportions. Is there anyone to whom you think we should particularly pay attention, or perhaps cultivate this evening?" She took a small sip of the drink, surprised to find it was an Earth champagne, or something so close she couldn't tell the difference.

Anthon nodded, "I would probably meet all three leaders before we begin the talks. That will be the best time to get a feel for them. Play special attention to Emperor Targan Marra, leader of the Nassan. Throughout the family's history they have been known for their ruthlessness."

"Ah, advice with a warning about the scorpion's sting. Much appreciated, Prime Minister. I will take both suggestions to heart," Lissi agreed with a half smile. She moved away so the line could continue to snake its way past the man, and began to unobtrusively seek among the faces of the great and mighty of Helicon III. Feeling a touch on her elbow, she turned slightly to confront a man dressed much as she was, only the uniform was unrecognizable, even with the studying she'd done of Helicon III's recent military dress.

"Yes?" she asked, seeming puzzled. The man's face had not been in the briefing information given to her, either. "Do you wish to speak with me?"

"Velis Akhnir, of the Nassan delegation," the man said with a slight bow. "You are with the Federation ambassadors?" His words were polite enough, if a bit direct. He had a rather arresting gaze--not in a good way. He wasn't undressing her with his eyes; he was sizing her up the way a drill sergeant might a raw recruit. He didn't look like a drill sergeant, though. Sandy-colored hair flowed back from a high forehead set above a face that didn't look as if it smiled much at all. He'd look much handsomer if he did smile.

"Yes, though I'm not an ambassordial staff. In fact, I'm not even a diplomat," Regos answered. "I came out here searching for my boss, who seems to be lost somewhere searching for our actual ambassador. Quite a mix-up."

Giving him her most piercing interrogation stare, she added, "I've heard of the Nassan delegation, but I'm not at all sure where you fit into the mess your planet has made here."

Velis returned Lissi's look, stare for stare. His eyes widened a trifle. An eyebrow lifted. He coughed. Then his shoulders started to shake, and his lips twitched. "Indeed, I see you speak the truth, Madam. You are not a diplomat." Humor flickered in his eyes. "Quite refreshing, actually. It is too bad that diplomacy cannot more often be so candid." He paused to take a glass of wine from a tray that a waiter carried and arched the same eyebrow at Lissi aa before to inquire if she wanted a glass. "Nassan is in contention with Kellios over rights to the spores in Mount Borte."

Regos shook her head at the wine. She needed a clear head here. "And what do you think is important enough to cause all this friction? What advantage is there in not compromising in some way over the rights? Cooperate with one another."

Velis studied the woman-who-was-not-a-diplomat for a moment. He glanced about the room to gauge where the other various diplomats stood. At last, satisfied that none of them were within earshot, he seemed to make a decision. "At the risk of being indiscreet, my government has reason to suspect that the Kellios government is not as forthright as it seems. I have known Governor Marda for some time. I respect her. But I also think she is not without a devious streak, so I cannot entirely dismiss the idea that her government may be attempting to falsify documents regarding ownership rights. That is what rumor claims, at least. As the spores are rare--grown only on Helicon III--and extremely valuable to the pharmaceutical industry, my government is disinclined to allow ourselves to be cheated out of what rights we know we do have."

"Ah. Skullduggery, then. That's an entirely different story. I wondered if everyone were as above board as it appears. I'm especially doubtful about the Anthon fellow. He seems too helpful to be completely straightforward. But maybe I'm just the suspicious type," Lissi smiled at him.

"Skullduggery? Undoubtedly--somewhere. Who is behind it is anyone's guess. As diplomats and politicians, we are almost never above board," Velis said. "I have never had any complaints of Prime Minister Dajir, but I don't know him as well as I know Governor Marda."


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