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Sat 3rd Jun, 2023 @ 6:10am

Purulence Addams

Name Purulence Escherichia Addams

Position Addams Family

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Human
Age 33

Physical Appearance

Height 5'0"
Weight 125 lbs.
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Black
Physical Description Purulence was at one time a short, heavyset woman. Though Caucasian, Purulence has dark skin because of melanism and probably because of unique Addams genetics. She looks so different from her sisters that, at times, others have believed her to have been adopted. Purulence has six toes on each foot. Within the last few years she has lost much of her excess weight and has worked out to stay physically fit. Purulence loves splashes of bright color and frequently wears tie-dyed and spiral-dyed outfits as well as clothing in brightly-pattered fabrics.


Spouse None
Children None
Father Pubert Addams
Mother Glorianna Addams
Brother(s) None
Sister(s) Chlamydia and Ischemia
Other Family Cousins Perverto (deceased), Liturgio, and Eloquence Addams, and Sean and Malice Munster. Also, Cousin Cookie.

Personality & Traits

Strengths & Weaknesses Weaknesses:
* ADD off the scale.
* Will procrastinate as the day is long if something makes her anxious.
* Disorganized.
* Low self-esteem.
* Physically out of shape; eats for comfort.

* A skilled portrait painter.
* Very observant.
* Kindhearted. Will try to cheer up people unhappier than she.
* Capable of focus for things she is interested in.
Ambitions Purulence wants to paint a masterpiece someday. She has no idea what the subject of this painting will be; she just knows she wants to paint it.
Hobbies & Interests Many. Purulence dabbles in a lot of things but is expert at none of them: beadwork, fashion design, gardening, cooking, mixology, poetry, to name a few. She can, however, play the harpsichord decently well.

Personal History Purulence Addams has had the attention span of a distracted bird since early childhood. She would constantly leave chores half-finished, books half-read, and move from activity to activity, rarely finishing anything unless prompted to do so--until she started painting. Painting was the one activity in which Purulence would lose herself the way musicians do in music. She could paint for hours, and the art she produced was lively, often brilliantly colored, and strongly evocative of her subjects' personalities. It was startlingly good.

Purulence, unlike many people of her era, has not succeeded academically beyond an associate's degree in fine art. Upon completing her degree she promptly holed up in her room for a week because the prospect of having to open a studio and support herself terrified her beyond action. But her parents forced her to come out on pain of food deprivation and paint every day, so Purulence slowly adjusted to the discipline of the work--at least enough that, with the aid of her assistant, Lyra, her portraiture business is more than profitable, and she has garnered a handful of very lucrative commissions.

Purulence's emotional issues have to do with having low self-esteem because of attention-deficit disorder and from her last serious relationship, which ended a decade ago and involved the lead singer of a death-metal band called Bones, which was vaguely like Kiss in that the band members put on make-up and used stage names to disguise themselves, etc.

The band members went by the names Skull, Blood, Humerus, and Scar when performing. Purulence dated Skull, whose real name was Henry Thornton. He wouldn't tell her his real name for the longest time because he really liked being a rock god--it was a tailor-made personality when his own concept of self was weak. Being Skull meant he didn't have to deal with such mundane things as his real life and his own personality. Also, telling Purulence his real name would lower him to her level, and he didn't like that idea. He was a narcissist, but he was also a legitimately good singer and guitarist, which is why the band kept him on for as long as it did. Henry met Purulence at a party and was bowled over by her. What a perfect woman to enhance his image! Skull and Purulence! She was meant to be his.

The relationship went well for a few months as Purulence, being just barely 20 or so, was starry eyed and willing to put up with Henry's demands that she cater to him because she believed he loved her. Purulence only learned his real name when he was outed by the other band members, whose real names she already knew, pointedly calling him Henry one night. They were pissed off because he had had his name legally changed to Skull, which they thought was ridiculous and worked against the very reason why they used stage names--which was to protect their privacy.

After she learned his real name, Purulence took Henry to meet her parents. At first, they got on reasonably well, because Henry thought Pubert and Gloriana were "living the dream" and no end of awesome. Henry asked Purulence to marry him very soon after meeting her family. He now saw her as being more equal in awesomeness to himself and wanted the connection to the Addamses.

Henry was toxic to the point that Purulence eventually felt like she was dying inside any time she disappointed him--which happened more and more frequently. When she got to the point of "I can't do this anymore" and was contemplating suicide, she sneaked away one afternoon with the band's help while they were practicing and went back home. She was a nervous wreck for several months and had to go into counseling. Purulence had to put out a restraining order (or used a more creative Addams method) to get Henry to stay out of her life. The counseling and taking steps to protect herself helped Purulence on several levels--dealt with the ADD, self-esteem, and post-trauma issues. She left counseling a stronger woman than when she started it, but she has not been interested in romance since then.

Henry's behavior had become intolerable to the other three guys in the band, especially when they saw how he had treated his girlfriend more as his slave than as his lover. They liked Purulence. They booted Henry out about a week after Purulence left him, and they had replaced Henry within a month. Purulence is still friends with them and the new guy (Crystal Skull) and has even designed a couple of their album covers.

Henry--well, it's hard to find jobs when your legal name is Skull and your former band mates have explained to influencers in your industry that you're bad news. He has joined and been let go from several smaller bands for being a pain to work with. He has even formed his own band, but he continues to have problems with people leaving, and it hasn't been nearly as successful as Bones is.