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Physical for the Newly Arrived

Posted on Thu 22nd Jul, 2021 @ 2:43pm by Voareth Darqaron & Khellian s'Siedhri MD & Makila i'Hartelhai

2,123 words; about a 11 minute read

Mission: Waging Peace
Location: Khellian's Place
Timeline: MD-3: 1500

Voareth secured quarters for herself and managed another visit to her vessel before locking it down for the duration of her time aboard the station. She only anticipated a few days to locate her Ferengi prey, to tracking him, to case the place and to dispatch him cleanly and quietly before departing. With the size of the place, Voareth was yet undecided about leaving. Perhaps there were some jobs to be done here. Certainly the Brown Sector was populated with vermin that needed taken care of, as well as those willing to pay for said job to be done. Voareth was unsure they could afford her skills, but debts could be paid in more ways than just money.

Setting that thought aside for the moment, Voareth made her way toward the location of Khellian s’Siedhri. She mouthed the name to herself attempting to ensure she was pronouncing it right. With her travels throughout some far off regions over the years, Voareth had come across many a varied species utilizing many language techniques with naming conventions that ranged from simple to nearly impossible to pronounce unless she had two tongues or a split tongue. Khellian possessed a name she deemed easy enough to pronounce but nowhere near as simple as some; the Ferengi for instance.

Being in a new region of space, Voareth was always aware to stay on top of her health and to get scanned for any biobugs she could be carrying and perhaps introducing to this region of space. In similar fashion, she needed to make sure she was not exposed to anything her physiology was intolerant of.

Everywhere she went, Voareth was noting exits, strategic points to occupy in the event of an ambush, areas to fall back to for regrouping should she see the need. She kept checking her PDA to ensure she was headed in the right direction. With each door she ventured through and each corner she rounded, Voareth was sure to have a glance and clear the area before venturing forth. Walking into a trap happened to her many times. Very few of those times was she unprepared whereas, most traps she saw coming. This place though, time and again, did not appear to have any traps set. Still, she did not let down her guard. It was unbecoming of a Hirogen to do that.

With her El-Aurian empathic abilities, Voareth would scan forward for any thoughts of malice or ambush. There continued to be none.

Checking her PDA again, Voareth swapped screens to check the progress her PDA had in communicating and synchronizing with the station’s public computer profile. It was a slow process. Her PDA at least indicated she was close to her destination so she pocketed it, making it a point to invest in a new device highly compatible in this region and with this station.

She approached the door separating her from Khellian’s residence, or his office of practice. It could have been both. Voareth stood off to the side a little in the event a hostile force waited on the other side. Reaching, she pressed the chime indicating someone calling at his door.

Khellian glanced at the clock that hung in his office when he heard the gentle chime. He didn't use a starfleet issue one, becuase it was clear from first glance that he was no physician of Starfleet. Rising, and stowing the book he was reading on the side table the man walked to his door to allow whomever was begging entry in. He had to turn, once the door opened obediently to see the woman who had called upon him.

"Good afternoon" he greeted the female, his deep emerald eyes casting a practiced glance over her from head to toe. Her breathing was easy, there was no traces of fear in her demeanor nor any signs of pain. There was no favoring of any limb that he could tell, as she stood balanced and wary before him. She looked nowhere in particular, and everywhere. A warrior- his mind supplied immediately, though he didn't feel that he was in immediate danger.

"Enter in peace."

Voareth did just that, and in confidence. The man had not the appearance of any threat to her. In a place like this, and Voareth was familiar with places like this, many who were criminals or sought any form of malice or ill intent often worked to keep a low profile, to not bring any unwanted attention onto themselves.

“I thank you,” she said as she passed him guiding the way inside. She was already looking about the place, the lighting, the layout, strategic points, weapons, possible weapons, where she could sit, where she should not sit, etc.

“I was asking around about a medical practitioner,” she explained. “Your name was mentioned a few times. I have no ailments to speak of. I am, however, new to this region of space only just stepping from my ship for the first time in weeks.” In the middle of the room, with many options to choose from should violence ensue, she turned to face the man. “I wish to inquire about a scan of my body to look for any microbes I may be carrying that are foreign here. Also, for anything here that I may have an adverse effect to should I encounter.”

"That is an interesting request. First I've ever had of its kind." He tapped his fingers on the medallion that indicated the mastery of his craft on Romulus, making a soft ringing sound as he contemplated it. He hadn't missed that word of mouth had once again brought a stranger to his doorstep, intent on making his life interesting.

Voareth noticed him tapping his medallion and immediately set her mind to the possibility that he had activated some kind of emergency signal. Her senses seemed to heighten. She made no fuss over it though and paid no further mind to his action. Until today, she had only heard the word “Romulan” a few times in passing. This was her first time ever face to face with one.

"I assume you have reason to suspect such a thing? Are you prone to allergic reactions, or overtly sensitive to microbial infection?" the questions were innocuous but they would paint a picture for him of just what he was searching for in this scan. He assumed the scrubbers on the docking bays or the transporter buffers would have done a more than adequate job in that. But it didn't hurt to see how effective they were. Nothing in the universe was perfect.

“Crossing paths with a crew of Talaxians once is reason enough for me to suspect such a thing. Their scans showed nothing out of the ordinary but, then again, I happened to be carrying a microbe they had never encountered before. Therefore, their scans did not pick it up. They all fell ill, but recuperated.” Voareth even made a deal of currency helping them find a solution.

“I am confident this station scanned me as I arrived. Yet, I assume the scans searched for all known microbes, what can affect those that reside here, and even for foreign microbes. I am, however, not confident it can find everything. I have yet to become impaired via any allergic reactions, yet I am from far away. Nothing here has yet adversely affected me. I just want to be sure. Consider this just another safety precaution.”

"Seems reasonable enough. My scanner is sophisticated enough to sample any unknown microbial life, and turn it over to the scientists. Identification and categorization are not my areas of expertise. I leave that to the minds most specialized in the matter. " He turned his attention from the idle movements of his hands to her once again. After a moment of quiet observation, he indicated that she should follow him into the room on the left.

Voareth followed him as he directed. She followed behind him but not too closely. He might have been an anxious type but following someone too closely has oftentimes lead to skirmishes. She did not know Khellian and, though she gave him the benefit of the doubt, she maintained distance as he guided her into the adjacent room.

Immediately and instinctually, she observed the room, looking at the lighting, entrances, exits, strategic points, what could be used as weapons, etc. The survey took all of a few seconds, but enough for him to recognize.

Khellian chuckled despite himself at her frank assessment of the room. He couldn't supress his amusement, even though the fact that she was as near to a hair triggered warrior as any he'd ever seen. He would hate to see what she could do if she were confronted with a threat. It would likely be a bloody, messy end to whatever she suspected was a threat.

“These scientists, those who specialize in the matter, are they trustworthy? Personnel aboard this station? Military?” Voareth wanted to know just who and how many would be perusing these scans. She also did not know just how thorough the doctor was going to be, if he would pick up the contents of her digestive tract; the cooked meat of a week-old prey.

Not everyone enjoyed the idea of the consumption of the carcass of deceased sentient life. She never got his name or race but he called her ‘pataq’ with his last breath. He was worthy for her to care for his dissection, turn his skull into a trophy and prepare his meat for consumption.

Again, not everyone enjoyed the thought. Voareth never thought twice about it.

"If you count Starfleet among the military minded, I would be surprised. I am sure they have fine tacticians and weaponry, but a military they are not. They are, however, exceptional scientists, explorers and have fascinating minds. Are they trustworthy? Yes, most of them."

“Starfleet?” Voareth repeated his word. “That is part of the Federation right?”

"It is. One of the founding members in fact. I don't know if there are Vulcan ships here, but that is a possibility." he paused a moment and thought "They might be better at sussing out any microbial stowaways you might have, if I think on it."

Voareth gave a nod of understanding. She was in the midst of the Federation, right under their noses in fact. She had already learned much of the station in the short time she was aboard and tracking her prey. Once this job was done, she could then refocus her attention and energies to making the Federation pay for their old genocidal crime.

For the moment though, “Where do you need me?” she asked, getting the conversation back to the topic at hand; scanning her body.

"On the table, face up. You don't have to close your eyes but there is some light associated with the scan that could be uncomfortable." Khellian instructed quietly.

Voareth moved to the table as he had instructed. “Eyes open then.” She wanted to see everything, including any hidden or sudden attacks. Her reading of the situation and of Khellian did help put her at ease though. She started undoing her blouse and removing her belt as she approached the table.

She stopped, understanding an uncomfortable silence had come over the room. She looked to him, and was close to disrobing. “Is this not necessary?”

"Not unless you wish to? The scan does not need to be unobstructed." he answered, a hint of amusement in his voice.

Voareth shrugged and kept her clothes on. More of an advantage should there be a struggle in the near future. She hopped up and laid upon the table.

"Very good. The scanner does make a soft noise, and there is a faint vibration in the table when it is on." came the warning, for she was as close to a hair trigger as anyone he'd ever seen. He was concerned about anything surprising her whilst she was on his table. He was liable to pay the price.

“I will keep that in mind.” Voareth laid back and relaxed. Not her senses though. She was ready for what he gave a fair forewarning about but kept herself ready in the event of something out of the ordinary, a sudden entrance of another, phaser fire, an intruding probe, anything. “I am ready,” she said.

Muttering a command to the computer in Rihannsu, the scanner whirred to life beginning the first of several passes over her body. It would scan every inch of her inside and out, giving him a complete view of her physique as well as her macro and microbiome. It would be a fascinating study, and give him something to do this day.


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