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Fri 16th Jun, 2023 @ 2:14am

Nicha th'Elex

Name Nicha th'Elex

Position Civilian

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Andorian
Age 32

Physical Appearance

Height 6' (1.82 m)
Weight 150 (68 kg)
Hair Color Silver
Eye Color Blue
Physical Description Tall and slender with antenna toward the front, as typical for Bish-ee Andorians, Nicha is as undistinguished physically as his brother and either could be lost in a crowd of Bish-ee, they are so typical of the type. With another 95 years expected life, he is young and athletic. He has had some of the same Imperial Guard training as his brother, and also rarely visits Andoria. In his case, however, there is definitely something shady in his background and even on SB109, he keeps a low profile, working in Brown Sector, easily lost among the refugees and others there.


Spouse NA
Children NA
Father missing in action
Mother deceased
Brother(s) Tieran th'Elex, businessman in the promenade
two deceased, three farmers on Andoria
Sister(s) One, but her whereabouts is unknown, though Nicha has a pretty good idea where to find her, if he has to.
Other Family Unknown, and he cares no more than his brother, Tieran. He and Tieran are close in some ways, and not in others.

Personality & Traits

General Overview Nicha has his own moral code, less defined than his brother's, even. He'd never do anything to hurt a child, or probably even an adult, but he's definitely out to take care of himself. He does interact with his brother, but not in what an Earth counselor might call a healthy family relationship. He stays within the law, most of the time, but he has no compunction about working for someone who might not. Nicha is as much of a flattering charmer as Tieran, and maybe more successful at it because he's more carefree.
Strengths & Weaknesses +clever
+good looking

-morals are flexible
-charm can lead him too far in the wrong direction
-less than strict about his associates
Ambitions Just stay out of trouble with the law, even when he goes ahead and bends it.
Hobbies & Interests Likes to gamble, but usually stops before he's in financial trouble.

Personal History Born in a military camp on the Andorian home world, an m-class moon circling the gas giant, Andor, Nicha grew up poor. His father was a low-ranking soldier who couldn't seem to move up. He needed a sponsor, and he could never quite connect with one. For this reason, and because there were seven sons, the th'Elex family never did very well.

Nicho watched his next oldest brother the closest, because they were only a few years apart in age. Tieran developed the ability to make something of nothing, tinkering with things other families threw away to get them to work for his family, which improved their lifestyle. For Nicha, however, it was too slow, and he developed friendships with those on the wrong side of the law. He also developed a very flexible set of standards, which eventually led him into trouble with the law. After several short stays in prison, he was given a life sentence for multiple-thievery.

Somehow, he managed to get that commuted, probably through contacts with criminal elements off-world, and though he can legally visit Andoria and it's moons, he rarely does. There's nothing for him to go back for. After a few years of wandering, he wound up on the same starbase where his brother has a technology shop in the Promenade. He, however, chose a different path, after staying with Tieran for a few months and helping in his store. He found a place with Sorra Yarime (Yari) in the Brown Sector. Luckily for Nicha, Yari was actually an honest man, running his casino and other businesses above board and completely legally. This has kept Nicha from further adventures in prison.