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Sat 20th May, 2023 @ 3:33am

Sorra Yarime (Yari)

Name Sorra Yarime (Yari)

Position Casino/Hotel Owner

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Bajoran
Age 41

Physical Appearance

Height 6 '
Weight 187lbs
Hair Color Brown
Eye Color Brown


Personality & Traits

Personal History "The Bajorans were a peaceful people before you came. We were no threat to you. We could never understand why you had to be so brutal."
– Kira Nerys, 2369

Yari, born Sorra Yarime to mother Sorra Petell and father Sorra Horal during a very dark time in the Bajora history. Bajor was occupied by the Cardassians from 2319 to 2369 where the Cardassians strip-mined the planet of its resources, they conducted forced labor, slavery and genocide of the Bajoran people.

When Yarime was 5 his parents were killed by Cardassians for no reason, just like many other Bajorans. Horal’s brother Donar took Yarime in as his own and began to teach him a special trade. Donar was a ruthless man and was nearly branded a traitor to the Bajoran people. He dealt in man things as long as there was a profit such as gambling, smuggling, black market goods, extorsion, racketeering, slave trade and more. The only thing that seemed to help the uncle from being branded the traitor was that he helped the Resistance more so.

Yarime was always by his uncle’s side leaning and soaking up the experiences like a sponge, eager to please his uncle and avenge his parents. When Yarime was 16 years old, he fell in love with a beautiful Bajoran girl his age. For the next 6 months they were inseparable. They began to plan their future away from the occupation and Yarime’s uncle began to plan their escape. Donar would take the young couple somewhere and start over and continue to groom Yarime to one day take over the family business.

Plans were made, credits shifted to different accounts and bribes were payed. The trip would be smuggled off of Bajor. On an unfortunate and fateful day just before the small group could leave a Gul overseer by the name of Geiad Prac eyed Yarime’s sweetheart and wanted the young woman for his own.

Yarime was furious and attacked the Gul Geiad Prac and his 2 guards and was knocked unconscious. Geiad Prac recognized Uncle Donar and spared Yarime’s life as long as he never saw Yarime’s face again. That day the 2 of them, Donar and Yarime were smuggled off Bajor.

Yarime and Uncle Donar stopped at many planets and locals over the next year as they tried to find a place to set up their family business and wound up in the Beta quadrant on SB109 when it belonged to the Federation Civilian Defense Authority. The base had been really struggling during this time and with Donar’s skills and knowledge the family business was up and thriving in no time. Donar and Yaime wound up in the Brown Sector, the only place they were able to settle in, however it was also the best for their business. First the operation was small, but never insignificant even during its infancy since the struggling population needed what the family business could provide.

Yarime buried himself in the business and soon the painful memories of his beloved softened. Yarime and his uncle purchased a large area and made a modest casino, hotel and night club which also was a front for their family business. Donar and Yarime continued to have a reputation and were feared by many as well as respected by most. Yarime leared a lot from Uncle Dornar including a code. Donar never broke his word and his word was his bond.

When Yarime was 24 Donar became ill. A rare for of cancer that only Bajora get quickly attacked his body and within a week his was gone. Yarime now alone took over the family business. Using all that he had learned from his uncle he would use to keep the business going and prosper.