
  • 24 Mission Posts

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Thu 22nd Dec, 2022 @ 10:29am

Captain Jason Harrington

Name Jason Harrington

Position Captain, KCS Antero

Rank Captain

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Angosian
Age 36

Physical Appearance

Height 5'11"
Weight 191 lbs
Hair Color Brown
Eye Color Brown
Physical Description Jason has neck-length brown hair that he allows to do whatever it wants and he normally has a goatee and some heavy stubble if he hasn't taken a shower in a while. He looks pretty fit even though he rarely works out now, he's normally kept busy. He normally wears leather type clothing since it is a strong material.


Spouse None
Children Maybe one or two, but he doesn't claim them.
Father Mathis Harrington (Prime Minister)
Mother Kaloni Harrington (Professor)
Brother(s) Martius 31

Bruthor 29
Sister(s) Abby 27

Personality & Traits

General Overview Jason is a fun-loving individual and enjoys a good time, but most of all he loves his baby, his cargo ship, the Antero. Jason loves women and loves to drink, what he calls "To Celebrate". He is conceited at times, probably his ego after it gets inflated and nothing gets it more inflated than a pretty girl saying yes. Chivalry is alive in Jason, he thinks of himself as a Knight and values courage, honor, courtesy, justice and the willingness to help the weak.
Strengths & Weaknesses Confident

Sometimes too Confident
Sometimes a little conceited

Personal History Born on Angosia III