
Starbase 109    [ View Specifications » ]
Brig   The main holding cells
Brown Sector   Decks reserved for refugees, includes the Zodiac on part of several decks. Over time these have grown into a more or less permanent settlement on the starbase. People here have many needs, but no one goes hungry, sleeps in tents or temporary housing, or is in dire need. Crime is at the petty level, with a few small gangs, some smuggling, occasionally a murder (like many a small town) but also safe zones, schools, businesses, and Varam, a thriving marketplace filled with original artworks, imported goods (or smuggled, some whisper), and salvaged or repurposed or transformed merchandise. Food available in the market is generally what's grown in the sector or imported by various routes.
Chief Engineer's Office   Starfleet recognizes the need for department heads to have their own workspace away from their Bridge duties and so assigns each one their own office IF the ship they serve aboard is of a certain size. Usually a department chief's office is located on the same deck as their quarters or on the deck that houses most of their department's activities. The Chief Engineer's office, for example is always located on the deck next to Main Engineering. The Chief Medical Officer's office is always next to Sickbay, and so forth.

Large ships (such as the Galaxy class, Sovereign class, and Vikrant class) and space stations normally have offices not only for each department head, but also for the Chief of the Boat (Command Chief on stations), the Boatswain, and the Quartermaster. On smaller ships, DHs will typically use part of their quarters as an office.

Offices are normally generic in design and lay-out, but DHs are permitted to decorate them to suite their particular tastes.
Docking Ports (External)   Areas of a ship or station's hull that allow for the embarking/disembarking of personnel, typically to other ships or stations
Marine Decks   The main training facilities, resources and barracks for the Marine compliment
Operations Center (OPS)   An Operations Center (also known as Ops) is the command and control facility of a space station or outpost. (
Promenade   A large, multi-level public area that houses civilian commercial and service-based shops. It is usually the hub of civilian activity aboard a Starbase or outpost.
Pub 10-42   Pub 10-42 is a bar on the Promenade that serves Italian food. Its theme honors the service of Security officers and police.
Senior Officers' Quarters   The living quarters of the Senior Officers
Sickbay/Infirmary   The primary medical care facility aboard a space station, where illness and injury are treated
Tactical Information Centre (TIC)   The Tactical Information Centre (TIC), also known as a Combat Information Center, is an auxiliary control area on a ship (normally classes considered "warships") or station that provides processed information for command and control of the near battle space or "area of operations".
Varam in Brown Sector   A tour of parts of the Varam - the shopping area on Deck 2245 in Brown Sector.