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Contain the spread.

Posted on Sat 14th Aug, 2021 @ 2:12pm by Lieutenant Claire Minelan

766 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Waging Peace
Location: Hydroponics Bay 3
Timeline: Day 2 0930

Licking her lips, which were sore and chapped from her state of anticipation. Her results were clear, the water had been contaminated with several bacterial pathogens, and a fungus that had clouded the water. The fungus was an opportunistic one, that had only proliferated when the other creatures keeping it contained had gotten overwealmed or died due to the Vibrionaceae. It was a simple Pythium fungus, and getting it under control once the water quality was back to normal was more than possible. It amused her that the simple mold was the reason that the water quality was so low. Pythium ate the plant matter, and broke down plants that weren't dead, as well as those that were. A simple filtration should get the particulates to a manageable level.

How had the Vibrionaceae gotten in there? More importantly, how do I get RID of it now that it is?

"Computer, how long a dry time would it take to eradicate the bacteria Vibrionaceae and eradicate the fungal spores?"

" The fungal spores, as they do not have a compete chitin layer, and will dessicate within hours. Their removal once desiccated is a physical one, requiring the scrubber. V. vulnificus will take 36 hours in current lab conditions. 10 hours if the humidity is dropped to less than 30 %. V. anguillarum is carried by the aquatic life within the water, and only antibiotic treatment or eradication will remove the pathogen completely. "

"Well, I can't do that. " Tapping her lips with a stylus, she pondered aloud "How did these bacteria get here? This was a sterile field when it started, and was cultured for the specific bacteria that it would need to thrive. Even the plants were clean grown and their microbiotica was specificly monitored. How did this happen?"

"Data incomplete" the computer replied tonelessly.

"I know the data is incomplete!" she shouted at the computer, raking her fingers through her flaming curls. They were a riot at present from the sheer humidity in the aquaponics bay, and even more wild once she started taking her frustration out on her curls. Soon she'd be chewing the end of one tightly wound curl so she could think. "I don't know what questions to ask, because I don't know what is happening."

With a wordless groan of irritation, Claire paced the length of the pool that was supposed to produce oxygen and foodstuffs for the massive station. She wrinkled her nose again at the scent of the water, which was foul and noticed the smell faded as it approached the smaller tank for filtration. There were 6 tanks in this room, all connected in a cascading fashion to a massive filtration system. She would have to water test each and every one of them. Damn.

"Computer, speculate source of contaminant given known data."

"Probability 82.6%- Intentional addition of contaminant to water supply.
Probability 74.8%- Cross contamination of water supply from secondary source
Probability 65.7% Accdental introduction of contaminant
Probability .075% Spontanious growth of pathogen in aquaculture."

"What could be a secondary source?" Something about that statement made her pause and think for a long moment about just what could be involved.

"Manufacturing error- non sterile conditions in mechanical processing and production. Growth in epidermal or pulmonary biological flora of assigned science staff with passive transfer. Improper sterilization technique of filtration system. Inadequate containment and quarantine of Neopterygii."

"That's too many options there computer." she muttered darkly, again stroking her fingers through her long hair. It was a She watched as a strand fell from her fingers to land on the water's top.

"Specify parameters to limit search."

It was such a typical response from the dry computer voice that Claire chuckled despite her great annoyance. She'd rather be curled up in her armchair with a good fantasy novel, but alas, things to do, microbiotica to kill. And I was getting to such a delicious part of the Spellmonger

"How much decrease in oxygen production will there be if I take this unit offline?" Tapping her lips she figured she would have to let it dry out, then refill it and treat it with antibiotics. "Can the other aquaponics bays make up the difference?"

"Loss of 5% production is possible, without any alteration in power flow to other Aquaponics bays but sufficient buffer is avaliable in Bay 1 and 17 should it be required. No disruption of life support should occur."

Chewing on a lower lip that was already painfully chapped the redhead heaved a huge sigh. "Begin quarantine and drainage process of this bay. Instruct the tenders of the other bays to increase production."


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