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Thu 29th Feb, 2024 @ 12:32am

Lieutenant Commander Dallas Briggs

Name Dallas Jessie Briggs

Position Chief Security Officer

Rank Lieutenant Commander

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human/Betazoid hybrid 1/4
Age 38

Physical Appearance

Height 6' 5"
Weight 275
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Brown
Physical Description Dallas is a pretty big and muscular guy that sports a great looking tan, probably genetics since he doesn’t seem to get much sun. He has dark brown eyes that feel like they can penetrate your sole and his head is normally shiny since he keeps his black hair shaved off. He tends to lead with a smile even though he doesn’t feel like smiling. He probably has some of the whitest teeth you’ve ever seen.


Spouse Victoria Ramirez Briggs (Deceased)
Children None
Father Allan (Doctor Star Fleet)
Mother Naomi (Admiral Star Fleet)
Brother(s) None
Sister(s) None
Other Family None

Personality & Traits

General Overview Dallas is easy going with everyone, but has suffered a tremendous loss a year ago by losing his wife and his right leg in an explosion in their quarters. He always smiles and tries to make it genuine even if he is hurting inside. Anyone that can find a way to observe Dallas from afar without being spotted might see Dallas talking to himself or easy gets distracted from time to time. He’s probably talking to his wife which is a friendly ghost that’s probably trying to play cupid.
Strengths & Weaknesses + Trustworthy
+ Focused
+ Determined

- Determined to a fault
- Distracted at times
- Prosthetic leg sometimes a hindrance
- Quick Tempered
- Suffers from PTSD
Ambitions Dallas had wanted a command of his own until his spouse pass away then that seems to be put on hold. He wants or needs to catch and punish those responsible for his wife’s death.
Hobbies & Interests Dallas loves flying fighters and shuttles, mixed martial arts, parasailing and playing the piano even though since his wife’s death he hasn’t touch the piano. He has been known to spend a lot of time in the gym and even enjoys orbital diving.

Personal History Dallas was born as Dallas Jessie Briggs son of Allan and Naomi Briggs of Dallas Texas, on Earth in the year 2355. Allan was a Doctor in Star Fleet and well known for several Medical breakthroughs. Naomi was from Betazed and is a well known and decorated Admiral in Star Fleet. His parents reside on Earth now and are still in Star Fleet.

During his early life the family lived on starships because of his mother's command. The family had been assigned to the Hospital ship USS Solis so his father could continue his research. When Dallas was eleven years old there was a security breach aboard the Solis when it was docked at StarBase 31, an Orion agent had infiltrated the ship in order to steal Allan`s research on a very important project.

Dallas had made a birthday cake for his dad and wanted him to share it with his department and was on his way there. The intruder had created a diversion to get the department empty so he could get in and get out relatively easily. He had set up an EPS conduit to rupture and it wounded several staff members and had cleared out the department. During the chaos the intruder would slip in and find what he needed, but he had not counted on, was the cake. As the intruder ran down the corridor and rounded a corner, he was greeted in the face with a German Chocolate cake, Allan`s favorite. Dallas and the intruder both hit the floor and this little delay gave security enough time to surround them and capture the intruder. Needless to say, for just a kid, Dallas was pretty scared with four or five Security Officers pointing phasers at him and barking orders.

There is a point in a kid’s life when the opposite sex becomes less unpleasant or frightful and become more attractive or appealing. For Dallas this seemed to happen overnight when he met a pretty young girl about his age, fourteen. The girl had been attracted to him for about a year.

Penny Blake had admired Dallas from afar when her parents were assigned to a Science vessel and she would be able to only gaze at him for only a few moments every month or so when the ships would resupply. Penny's parents were finally reassigned to Dallas' ship and the two hit it off right away. Over the next couple of years, they were inseparable.

Penny’s and Dallas’ grades had declined somewhat during the time the two teenagers dated and Penny’s parents blamed Dallas. It was no secret that her parents never like Dallas, they said he was a bad influence on her. One evening Penny came running to Dallas, she was pregnant and had no idea what to do. The two sat down with their parents and explained the situation. Penny’s parents flew off the handle, blaming it all on Dallas and stormed out. The very next day they had been reassigned to a new ship. Dallas tried to make contact with Penny, but the Parents refused all attempts and finally a response came back a few months later, ‘The baby died, leave Penny alone.’

Dallas closed himself off from girls, he didn’t want to get hurt again. He buried himself in his studies and applied for the Star Fleet Academy when it was time. He loved his parents dearly, they were always understanding and caring, however he was ready to get out and see what there was out there.

Dallas was accepted into the academy at 18. He buried himself in his studies and his academics showed for it, he was near the top of his class. Whatever he set his mind to he accomplished with honors and his efforts were noticed by an elite group of cadets known as the Red Squadron. Member of Red Squadron received special classes and some advanced field training. They had taken Dallas under their wing and that's when Dallas met and quickly fell in love with a beautiful Cadet by the name of Victoria Ramirez. Victoria was already a Sophomore at the academy and tutored Dallas, not that he needed it.

Dallas was no longer closed off from members of the opposite sex, Victoria had broken through his defenses and showed him how to love again. For the rest of Victoria’s academy days, you couldn't see one of them without the other, they did everything together, to include studying and for that their academics continued to stay up very high, they were best friends.
When it was time for Victoria to graduate, she was shipped out quickly, but the couple vowed to send messages every day, no matter what was going on in their lives and when the time came, they would get married. That year was the longest that either of them ever had to endure.

When it was time for Dallas to graduate, Victoria was there waiting for him in the crowd. The very first thing they did after the graduation was get married. They eloped in Tahiti on the beach. They had a short honeymoon and soon they were assigned to the same ship.

The ship that they were assigned to was the USS Typhoon, an Akira class star ship that was purposed for carrier duties along the Breen border. They both excelled as fighter and shuttle pilots, having each other as friendly competition. Other duties beside training included Security for the Typhoon. Soon they both would have a reputation for being the finest fighter pilots in the quadrant.

In 2379 they were both promoted to Lieutenant Junior Grade. The only thing that they loved more than flying was each other. In 2382 they earned their Lieutenants rank, but again they did so together. Dallas was promoted to Assistant Chief of Security. Shortly after the promotion an Admiral contacted the couple with special orders. Back in the academy they were both part of Red Squadron and they had special training, emphasis on Special, so they were assigned the special orders. Star Fleet had credible intel on a Breen research center just inside Breen space that was nearing completion of a weapon that could wipe out an entire planet of humans and leave everything else unharmed, a designer weapon for genocide.

Their mission, enter the asteroid field where the lab was located undetected, land, find the lab and destroy the asteroid and lab with explosives. If they were to get caught, the Federation would deny knowledge of any such mission. Unfortunately, the Breen were expecting something and the shuttle was shot down. Dallas was injured in the crash leaving Victoria to complete the mission alone. Needless to say, the mission was a success and the two were rescued. Victoria was a hero and got picked up for her Lieutenant Commander.

In 2388 Dallas was ordered to pilot a shuttle containing two dignitaries that were asked to conduct a peace treaty on Solaia V, however the shuttle was shot down by one of the warring factions. The dignitaries were wounded from the crash and Dallas had to settle the dispute beginning and ending his career as a diplomat.

Shortly after that mess, Victoria got promoted to Executive Officer. On a later mission Dallas was asked to negotiate a trade agreement since Command thought he was good at it, however one side was very unhappy with what they receive in the treaty and later on that week there was an explosion in Dallas' and Victoria’s quarters killing Victoria and caused Dallas to loose his right leg. Dallas had to accept a metallic prosthetic leg which gives him pain on a daily basis. Victoria began to haunt Dallas, but is a friendly ghost and is only seen and heard by Dallas. It is unknown why Victoria is still around. It has been a year since Dallas lost his wife and has been dealing with the prosthetic leg. If not for the ghost of Victoria, Dallas probably would have drunk himself to death. She still asks him not to pursue the ones responsible when he brings the subject up, she says to let it go and move on. For now, she tries to play cupid, she only wants him happy and to move on.

Service Record 2373 - Begins Academy – Cadet
2374 - Gets accepted into Red Squadron- Cadet
2376 - Graduates Academy
2376 - Dallas and Victoria assigned to USS Typhoon – Ensign
2379 - USS Typhoon - Lieutenant Junior Grade - Security
2382 - USS Typhoon – Promotion – Lieutenant - Assistant Chief of Security
2393 - SB 109 - Lieutenant - Assistant Chief of Security