Murder on the Silent Night Express

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Mission Info

Status Completed Mission

For some of those on Vanguard, the festive season is upon them. A time for joy, happiness, selflessness and... murder.

Mission Group The Drake Years
Start Date Sun 20th Nov, 2016 @ 1:15am
End Date Sun 8th Jan, 2017 @ 1:15am

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Title Timeline Location
Hizik & Hunt
by Commander Zachary Hunt & Lieutenant Elas Hizik
Deck 1553: Tivoli Gardens Casino Resort/Lower Lounge
Taking duty
by Lieutenant Colonel Brooklyn Wellington
Fighter Bay
Looking for the Doorman
by Carlo Rienzi
MD 2, 1130 hours Orchids and Jazz
The Dating Game
by Commander Zachary Hunt & Lieutenant Coco Kiralbi
1900 Hours Deck 44: Holodeck 7
Checking on Lt. Biere
by Commander Paul Graves PsyD & Lieutenant JG Patrick Biere
MD 1, 1307 hours
Lacy Embelishments
MD 1, 1100 Victoria's Secret
Tis the season to be... Captain?
SS Silent Night
Tea and Misfortune
by Lieutenant Commander Lanis Dhuro MD
Pearl With a Chainsaw, Deck 666
Bah and Also Humbug!
by Carlo Rienzi
MD 1, 1200 Pub 10-42, Deck 595
MD 2 1147 Interrogation room, Starbase Vanguard
Welcome to Tinselle Town
UFP Associated News Network - *BREAKING NEWS*
by Colonel Horatio Drake & Lieutenant JG Kellian Michaels
by Colonel Horatio Drake
MD-01: 0435 Deck 27: Drake's Quarters
Confronting Moklor
by Lieutenant Colonel Brooklyn Wellington & Warrant Officer Moklor of the House Karn
MD01 CAG's Office
Let it Snow
MD01 S.S. Silent Night
Finally Off the Ship
MD1, 0730 hours Video Game Arcade, Deck 682
Poke her? No I said poker!
by Commander Zachary Hunt & Lieutenant Coco Kiralbi & Lieutenant JG Patrick Biere
Deck 44: Holodeck 7
The Autopsy
by Lieutenant JG Kellian Michaels & Colonel Horatio Drake & Commander Zachary Hunt
MD-01: 1600 Hours Deck 83: Main Sickbay
The Crime Scene
by Lieutenant JG Kellian Michaels & Colonel Horatio Drake & Commander Zachary Hunt
MD-01: 1210 Hours Deck 575: Docking Bay 56
Loops and Curls
MD 1, 0930 Promenade Deck 605
The Discomfort Zone
MD 1, 1030 Promenade Deck 598
Tea and Fortune
by Lieutenant Commander Lanis Dhuro MD
Pearl With a Chainsaw, Deck 666
Honor Demands Action
by Warrant Officer Moklor of the House Karn
MD1, 1230 Hours Moklor's Quarters
Making the Rounds
by Commander Paul Graves PsyD & Commander Zachary Hunt
A day or so after the Warspite returns to Vanguard Hunt's Ready Room
by Colonel Horatio Drake
MD-01: 0735 Holodeck 24: Deck 1280

Mission Summary

A Federation Freighter docks at Vanguard... there has been a murder on board. With only a handful of people on board it shouldn't be hard... quarantine the ship, detain everyone on board, conduct an investigation and arrest the guilty party. A series of mishaps and unfortunate events lead to the crew and passengers of the ship being released in general population. With no way to track them, will the crew of Vanguard find them before more murders take place?