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The Discomfort Zone

Posted on Sat 26th Nov, 2016 @ 8:41pm by

405 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Murder on the Silent Night Express
Location: Promenade Deck 598
Timeline: MD 1, 1030

The tall Marine looked down at the Dopterian woman. "I'm sorry, Ma'am. Could you repeat that?"

Sara laughed. She liked to laugh. Thinking about her 4'10" next to the Marine standing more than a foot over her head gave her such a funny picture. Add to that the confusion in his voice ... she simply had to laugh again.

"Oh, Corporal, you are so sweet. I said I want to go to Victoria's Secret. Do you know of it?" Sara asked.

Hesitantly, Corporal O'Reilly answered, "Well, yes, Ma'am. And we're on the right deck, but ... well, Ma'am, I'm not sure it's someplace I should take you."

"Really?" the Dopterian asked in surprise. "Why ever not? Oh, wait, you mean because it's a store for women's underwear? Corporal, I'm surprised at you!"

Lance blushed, a full deep red that showed on his pale white skin all the way to his hairline. Stiffly, he responded, "Ma'am, I grew up on Monasteria. There, we treat women with respect. Women are a special gift from God and not to be treated lightly."

Instantly, Sara was sorry for giving the nice young corporal such a hard time. "Then what are we to do?" she asked. "I need ... um, clothing, and this is the only place we're likely to stop for the next who-knows-how-long where I can get it."

"Perhaps there is a female who can accompany you," the Marine said. He clicked the communicator on his shoulder tab. "O'Reilly to OOD. I have a small situation."

=^= Go ahead, Corporal.=^=

"My Dopterian charge needs to visit a store where it is not appropriate for a male to take her. Is there a female available?" Lance asked.

=^= Corporal O'Reilly, you are a Marine. One of the few, the proud, etc. Deal with it. OOD out. =^=

Sara felt sorry for the corporal. He was young, though she always had trouble telling how young with the smooth-faced humans. He was clearly out of his element, but he had been everything kind to her. "Corporal, would it suffice if you waited outside the store? Perhaps facing away and watching for any possible trouble?"

Regretfully, O'Reilly shook his head. "No, Ma'am. It's my duty to stick with you. I will simply have to ... deal with it. There's a Deck map over there," he nodded toward a three sided kiosk. With a resigned voice, he added, "Let's find out where Victoria keeps her secrets, and get this done."


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Comments (1)

By Colonel Horatio Drake on Wed 30th Nov, 2016 @ 9:39am

I had a vivid picture in my head of a disgruntled Sergeant at the other end of the comms, rolling his eyes at that!