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Poke her? No I said poker!

Posted on Mon 28th Nov, 2016 @ 12:23am by Commander Zachary Hunt & Lieutenant Coco Kiralbi & Lieutenant JG Patrick Biere

1,508 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Murder on the Silent Night Express
Location: Deck 44: Holodeck 7

Hunt was quite excited to be invited to the poker game Lieutenant Coco Kiralbi had set up. Apparently it was a regular thing between her and some of the other crew members. He wasn't exactly sure who was going to be there or even how many of them, but still he was excited about it. They had agreed on a time and Holodeck 7. It was supposed to be a friendly game with no wagers involved, but Hunt was a gambling man so that could change.

He walked into the holodeck and in the middle of the room was the poker table - all set up for 5 people. 4 of them already sitting there chatting to themselves, waiting for Hunt to arrive. As he walked in, Coco turned around and spoke, "Better late then never I suppose eh??"
Hunt laughed and sat down on the available chair. He introduced himself to the two people he didn't recognise there. They introduced themselves back, "Ramona Phillips - Quartermaster," The small voice piped in. She was very scruffy looking.
"James Beckworth - Engineering Officer, but I keep this one in shape!" He laughed and poked Patrick Biere.
"Patrick, nice to see you again," Hunt said, shaking his hand.
"Likewise!" The response was.
"Five card stud?" Hunt asked.
Coco raised an eyebrow at him, "No...Texas Hold'em here. If you know how to play that is..."
Hunt laughed, "Of course, you'll find out soon enough."
She smiled on that reply, and went on to explain chip values, "You start with a stack of 5000, blinds start at 50/100 and double every 30 minutes."
"High card for dealer," Patrick stated.
Hunt glanced across at Patrick, only just noticing how tall he really was, he must be about 6'6 or 6'7, very tall. Coco placed some cards face up around the table, 2 of diamonds in front of Patrick, 7 of spades in front of James, king of hearts in front of Ramona, queen of diamonds in front of Hunt and a 3 of clubs in front of herself. "Ramona, looks like you're starting the dealing off," Coco said passing Ramona the deck of cards.
Ramona took them and shuffled them, asking Hunt to cut the cards. He did so. She dealt the cards around the table for the first hand. Hunt put the small blind of 50 chips down, followed by Coco putting the 100 down for big blind. Patrick folded. James raised to 300. Ramona folded. Hunt looked down at his cards. King and a queen of diamonds. 'Interesting first hand,' he thought, showing no emotion. Hunt called the raise. Coco also called. The flop went down, 3 of diamonds, king of clubs, jack of spades. Hunt was in a strong position so bet 500. "Look here everyone, the newbie wants to bet already!" Coco said, calling his bet. James also called. On the turn another King came out, the king of spades. Hunt checked, knowing he was in a strong position. Coco bet 750. "You're betting high already? You won't be in the game before you know it!" Hunt smiled at her.
Coco raised an eyebrow as James folded. Hunt called. The last card was a queen of hearts. 'A full house! Great first hand!' Hunt thought.
He checked again. "All in," Coco said with no expression pushing all her chips in.
This move startled Hunt, he knew there was no way she could beat his full house. Hunt pushed his chips in. Ramona sat up, "Well?"
Hunt flipped over his cards and showed his king and queen of diamonds..."Full House!" He exclaimed.
Patrick whistled knowing that Coco couldn't beat it. Ramona sat there in awe of Hunt. James was studying both Hunt and Coco, trying to work them out. "You seem pretty excited on that one, eh Hunt?" Coco quipped.
In that moment she flipped over a queen of spades and the last king in the deck - the king of hearts! She to, had a full house! "Split pot I think you find," Coco chuckled.
Hunt didn't know what to say, lost for words once more. He didn't see that coming...


The group kept playing poker for four more hours in total, wavering some of the blinds progression. They were getting along like a house on fire. Even Ramona, the shy person who hates new people found a liking to Hunt. He was easy going and paid attention to her and all the other people around the table. It made her feel welcomed, even though she knew all the people here. James was the first to bust out fairly quickly, losing to Patrick - A pair versus ace high. In James' words 'He felt a right plum.' He stayed for a bit until he retired to his quarters. He was closely followed behind by Ramona, who lost her chips to Coco - Trip Kings versus Pair of Aces. The night continued with three of them left, the friendship between all of them growing. Soon Patrick lost his chips to Hunt. "This guy is the luckiest son of a...." Patrick said before Hunt interrupted.
"Pure skill my friend, clearly you've never seen anyone of this calibre play poker before!" Hunt joked, winking at Patrick.
"Just remember....I'm still better then you at Racquetball," Patrick replied.
All three of them started chuckling at that comment before Patrick left Hunt & Coco to finish the game off wishing them both luck.
They continued playing, the chips going in a lot of the time and moving between the two stacks. "Shall we say next hand wins?" Coco asked.
"Giving up so easily?" Hunt replied.
"Normally I would continue to the end, but I don't think the boss will appreciate a tired staff member tomorrow!" She replied.
Hunt chuckled, "Alright, one final hand."
They decided to split half of the chips up each to make it a fair final hand, so they had 12,500 each. Coco dealt. She raised straight off to 700. Hunt whistled, "I know we said last hand and everything, but jeez!" Hunt said.
Coco smiled. Hunt looked down at his cards, trying to keep the reaction to himself - a pocket pair of aces (clubs & hearts), his luck was definitely in tonight. He called Coco's bet. The flop came down - king of diamonds, queen of diamonds, ace of spades. Coco bet to 1500. Hunt called her straight down, flowing with confidence. The turn card came down, ace of diamonds. Hunt kept the smile to himself, last hand of the night and he hit quad aces! Coco bet once again, relentless as always, this time to 3000. Hunt called her down. The river card was a duff and came out a 4 of spades. Coco checked to Hunt's surprise. He thought about it for seconds, before shoving his whole stack in. "So?" Hunt asked.
"Give me time," Coco replied, waiting a few minutes before calling the all in.
Hunt smiled, flipped over his quad aces. Coco reacted surprised, "I agree with Patrick ... luckiest guy!"
"My luck was definitely in tonight!" Hunt said, starting to scoop the chips over to himself.
The next moment went from joy to utter disbelief for Hunt. Coco flipped her cards over, revealing the jack of diamonds and ten of diamonds....She had only just gone and hit a Royal Flush on him. "Wha-at?" Hunt said, his jaw dropping.
"I guess you've never met a woman like me before!" Coco winked at Hunt.
He couldn't believe it, he thought his luck was in only to be taken away in the last minutes. He knew Coco would never let him live it down. "Congrats then, I suppose," Hunt said quietly.
"Cheers hun, maybe I will invite you back for the next game!" Coco replied back.
"If I want to come back after that!"
"Oh I know you will be here."
Hunt raised an eyebrow, "And how are you so sure?"
"Because you hate losing!"
Hunt knew she was right. "Well I think it's bedtime for both of us now! Thanks again though for inviting me, it's been a really good evening and was nice to meet everyone else!"
"Cheers for coming tonight," Coco replied.
They both walked out of the holodeck. Hunt turned to talk to Coco, but before he could say anything she planted a kiss on his lips. He didn't say anything and there was seconds of awkward silence. "I be going," Coco said, starting to blush.
She turned and started to walk off. Hunt hated the idea of taking things further with anyone, but he enjoyed Coco's company and knew it would be awkward if he didn't make her feel at ease. "WAIT!" He chased up to her, grabbed her arm and kissed her on the lips back.
"Good night," Hunt paused. "Let's make it dinner next time!"
Hunt smiled, turned around and walked off, leaving Coco to deliberate about what had just happened. As he glanced back, she was still standing there, looking the most dumbfounded he had ever seen. He raised another smile to himself and continued walking back to his quarters, ready for another day.


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