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Thu 25th May, 2017 @ 1:32pm

Lieutenant JG Patrick Biere

Name Patrick Biere

Position Engineering Officer

Rank Lieutenant JG

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human
Age 25

Physical Appearance

Height 6'6
Weight 120kg
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Blue
Physical Description Patrick was always tall, and this stayed with him. Normally it's the first thing people notice about him, how tall he is. He is very strong.


Spouse Maria Biere -26
Children N/A - Maria found out at young age that she would never be the bearer of children.
Father David Biere - 51
Mother Joleen Biere - 52
Brother(s) Gareth Biere - 28
Simon Biere - 21
Sister(s) Ava Biere - 31

Personality & Traits

General Overview Patrick is obviously very tall and strong, but he is super nice and easy to get along with. He doesn't have a nasty side and what you see is what you get. He got married at a young age. His wife lives among Vanguard so he still gets to see her. He is happy to work in engineering as he is intelligent and is very capable of doing his job. He aims to please his boss and he will work better if he is working under someone who helps guide and lead him.
Strengths & Weaknesses The strength Patrick has is that he is very intelligent when it comes to engineering. He is also very strong. Patrick is a very down to earth guy, and is happy for small talk.
His weaknesses are that he can be slow in combat situations. He is easily panicked though in situations he is not comfortable with. He doesn't like new things, especially when those things move.
Ambitions He would like to become a Chief Engineer, before moving even higher in ranks
Hobbies & Interests Engineering is his #1 interest. Followed by playing Poker- Texas Hold'em & Five Card Stud, although he does know other variants of poker such as Omaha hi/lo. He also enjoys spending time with his wife whom is also on board Vanguard. He also likes playing Racquetball.

Personal History Patrick had an easy life. His parents got on and dreamt of him having the best childhood they could afford - and that was exactly how Patrick grew up. He had a good childhood, he was brought up well, not spoilt or a brat, but taught how to be a gentleman. He took those on board and become the well mannered man he is today. He knew he had a love for engineering after spending time with his dad looking at structures and certain mechanics. This helped him on his chosen career and he decided to apply for Starfleet.

It took him 5 years to graduate, although he was very intelligent, he didn't come top of his exams at the time and learnt more whilst on board the USS Peterson. His time here proved a success and he was noticed by Starfleet, hence a promotion to Vanguard. The circumstances aboard the USS Peterson were unforeseen though so the promotion was fairly rushed through for reasons unknown.

During the Academy, he met his soon to be wife - Maria. When he graduated he proposed and swiftly married her. She down played her career so she could be with Patrick on board Vanguard. They found out that Maria could never have children, so the two of them will always be the only two people in each other's lives.
Service Record 2382 - Applied to Starfleet Academy for Engineering

2387 (Early) - Graduated from Starfleet Academy. Assigned USS Peterson – Engineering Officer - Ensign

2389 - Promoted to Lieutenant (JG) as Engineering Officer on Starbase Vanguard due to unforeseen circumstances aboard USS Peterson