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Let it Snow

Posted on Tue 29th Nov, 2016 @ 5:37pm by

636 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Murder on the Silent Night Express
Location: S.S. Silent Night
Timeline: MD01

Phillipé Snow looked out the circular viewport of his quarters from his bunk aboard the S.S. Silent Night. The station was huge! That meant thousands of people. He considered others, especially strangers terrifying as he turned his head to get a better look at the docking station. He let out a startled yelp as a worker bee pod zoomed past his viewport. "Stupid worker bee pilots," Phillipé commented as he watched the craft zoom off to begin work on the hull of a Miranda Class Vessel. He thought it strange that Starfleet would continue to use such an archaic design. Soon the ship came to a halt. Pressing his face against the window of the viewport, he could see a docking arm extended to the Silent Night. He leaned back from the window and sighed as he contemplated leaving the ship.

The idea of being on a station with thousands of people terrified him but he wanted to get off the ship as well. He hated Kris Kringle--he was always yelling at him, ordering him around like some dictator. Then there was listening to the man constantly complaining about his acid reflux and leaving cookie crumbs everywhere. A part of Phillipé was happy Kringle was dead. Perhaps now the ship would be more enjoyable to work on.

Phillipé let out a sigh as he got off of his bunk and stepped out into the corridor. Thankfully the corridor was empty as he made his way down towards the docking area. Ahead he heard commotion as he knew his fellow crew couldn't wait to explore the vast starbase. He slowly approached the airlock and looked around nervously, especially to the large Marine Guard at the airlock exit. 'Stupid grunt,' Phillipé thought to himself in order to make himself feel braver as he slowly stepped foot onto the starbase. The base was a swarm or people going to and from their destinations, some carrying luggage, others saying goodbyes to their loved one and others enjoying a welcoming home celebrations. Phillipé just wanted a dark place to sit down by himself and away from the large crowds of strangers.

"Are you alright, sir?" the Marine guard asked, looking down at Phillipé.

"Oh! Um, yes, um, I'm fine. Thank you," Phillipé said as he hurriedly moved down the corridor. After a few minutes of walking, he found himself lost. Thankfully it wasn't as noisy or crowded as the docking ring. But being with so few people around also scared him. What if a killer was aboard the station? Or a Dopterian bounty hunter? His uncle once told him a tale of a bounty hunter who liked to kill Ferengi and Dopterian when he was a child.

He swallowed as he heard several footsteps coming his way in unison. "There's one of them!" called a voice that belonged to a man in a Starfleet Security Uniform.

Phillipé screamed as he turned and ran as fast as his legs would carry him. "Leave me alone!"

He was soon grabbed from behind by one of the guards. "Sir! You need to calm down!"

Phillipé turned to look at the Bajoran Starfleet Security Officer who had grabbed him. "But I haven't done anything! Leave me alone!"

"Sir! You and your entire crew are quarantined to your ship until we can figure out who killed the captain of the ship!" the officer explained through Phillipé's struggling.

Right now, going back to the ship sounded good. "Fine! Just let me go! Please!" Phillipé said, still struggling.

The officer let go. "Just come with us. We'll take you back to your ship."

Phillipé simply nodded as he walked next to the security officer, looking at the deck, simply happy the officer hadn't been after him specifically and that it wasn't a Dopterian Bounty Hunter.


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Comments (1)

By Colonel Horatio Drake on Wed 30th Nov, 2016 @ 10:01am

Nice introduction to the character!