
  • 11 Mission Posts

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Tue 18th Jul, 2017 @ 8:11pm

Lieutenant Coco Kiralbi

Name Coco Kiralbi

Position Assistant Chief Intelligence Officer

Rank Lieutenant

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Human
Age 30

Physical Appearance

Height 5'6
Weight 68kg
Hair Color Blond
Eye Color Green
Physical Description Coco has piercing green eyes. The first thing you'll notice is those eyes and how beautiful they are. She has a beaming smile with a dimple on the right hand side. Her blond hair is just beyond shoulder length and is always well kept. She is generally very slim and tries to keep in shape as much as time possibly let's her. She gets a lot of attention because of how she looks but tends to palm this away until she finds the right person.


Spouse None
Children None
Father Paul Kiralbi
Mother Christine Kiralbi
Brother(s) None
Sister(s) Jennifer Kiralbi - 37
Lucy Kiralbi - 23

Personality & Traits

General Overview Coco is a quirky woman. Although she gets a lot of attention for being so beautiful, most of the time she doesn't like this. She would much rather be left alone to get on with her job. She is quite shy, but to make up for her not always talking to people she has a witty sense of humour and would come back with sarcastic remarks if she didn't know what to say. She wouldn't call herself outgoing as she hates going out in massive groups. She would rather confine herself to one or two people for the night. She also has an attitude that can sometimes be perceived as rude, however it is not meant like that.
Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths - Dedicated to her job. She will always be 100% faithful to her job and that comes first for her. Her beauty and sense of humour are also seen as strengths
Weaknesses - Shy, doesn't like massive groups. Sarcastic at the wrong times.
Ambitions To work her way up.
Hobbies & Interests As she likes keeping in shape, she enjoys going to the gym. Among other things she plays three musical instruments - trumpet, saxophone and a piano. She enjoys reading but would rather listen to music or compose her own. She has a small interest in archaeology but likes that interest in her free time rather than for work, hence why she became an Intelligence Officer instead. She enjoys using the holodecks to create archaeology digs she can work on.