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Tue 29th Nov, 2016 @ 5:45pm

Warrant Officer Moklor of the House Karn

Name Moklor of the House Karn

Position Squadron Leader

Rank Warrant Officer

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Klingon
Age 28

Physical Appearance

Height 6'4"
Weight 230 lbs
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Brown
Physical Description This Klingon walks with a swagger. A scowl usually rests on his face, but he is quick to grin, revealing his pointy teeth. The long black hair of a warrior flows down past his shoulders. His ridges are defined, a sign of his heritage on the southern part of Qo'nos. Several scars are visible including a scratch on his face. His voice is deep, but gets high pitched when he yells... Or sings....


Spouse None
Children None
Father Q'tar - 61 - B'rel Captain
Mother Lomor - 59 - Tactical Officer
Brother(s) H'tinga - 32 - Klingon Warrior
Matak - 30 - Engineer
K'var'cha - 20 - Klingon Warrior
Sister(s) Lusha - 25 - Klingon Warrior
Other Family Ne'haq - 49 - Uncle
Ka'lorn - 55 - Uncle
M'ta - 22 - Cousin
Loras - 19 - Cousin

Personality & Traits

General Overview Moklor has been flying since the age of 14. His family ran one of the smaller B'rel Bird of Prey craft. His father was the Captain, which meant he made things harder for his son. No matter how well Moklor performed, praise was limited and punishment was often. It made Moklor bitter, hard and built a constant desire for self improvement. Moklor loved his dad, understanding it was the Klingon way. His duty in life was not to be comfortable, but to serve the Empire.

He started flying his father's ship as the Helmsman. The Bird of Prey was fast and agile. Moklor found himself in several situations where extreme pilot skill came into play. He avoided enemy fire as well as dangerous natural phenomenon. After a few encounters, he became known as a trusty pilot.

He ended up back at Qo'nos where he found work flying the BoQ`nuQ shuttles. It was exciting at first, having his own ship. But there was little glory to be had here. He told himself his work was important and that he was the last line of defense. But he missed being out of the fight. He became involved with some of the internal disputes of the Klingon Empire.

The chance came up to participate in an officer exchange program. It was an accelerated program with the Starfleet Marine Corps. They were looking for experienced pilots to work with their fighter program. Moklor jumped at the chance, sensing glory. His family had good relations with the Federation.

It was a two year program. Moklor did quite well and even joined the aerobatics team during his last six months. It helped him work on his precision flying.

He graduated and spent his first year flying out of the Columbia, a Galaxy class starship. However, he applied for a transfer after a disagreement with a wing commander.
Strengths & Weaknesses Moklor is aggressive. He is vicious in any fight, with his fists or in the air. As a fighter pilot, he's good at getting on his enemy's tail. He's a tough match in a one on one dog fight. Moklor uses his anger to motivate himself in the air. He is dogged in his pursuit of the enemy and in protecting his wingmen.

The anger can get to him. He speaks his mind even when he should hold back. He also puts himself in danger if he thinks it will help someone else. His former wing leader called him "reckless" and put a note akin to that in Moklor's record.
Ambitions Moklor wants to fight and die for the Empire. He believes working with the Federation will make the Klingon Empire stronger. He knows he can make a difference in his small craft. He hopes and dreams of the day when he will sacrifice his life for the greater good.

But before that, he hopes to find a mate. Someone has to carry his legacy, after all.
Hobbies & Interests Moklor likes to train and fight in the holo deck in his spare time. He's handy with a bat'leth and is no stranger to a dagger. His programs often use Romulan assailants. Moklor is not a fan of Romulans. He thinks they are the bane of the universe. When the Romulan home world was destroyed, the Klingon sympathized with them for the first time ever. He realized they were just people. He has been reading about Romulan culture ever sense.

Personal History Moklor grew up on his parent's ship. He spent most of his time as the helmsman. He gained a little experience in all departments though, including basic engineering. His father trained him in the ways of the warrior. He earned his first bat'leth and made its mastery one of his life's missions.

When he went back to Qo'nos, he constantly fought with other Klingons for sport and competition. He grew into a tough young man. He was just as quick with his blade as he was in his shuttle.

During his time at the Academy, Moklor gained the reputation for being a hothead. His skills in a fighter couldn't be denied though. Like many space children, who were raised on ships, he was a natural pilot. The ship was an extension of his body. The controls were intutitive and Moklor always felt dialed into his ship.

His former wing commander put him in for a transfer. There was a minor disagreement and Moklor responded with anger. The commander just didn't think the Klingon was compatible with his unit. He put a note that he was still an excellent pilot and shows strong leadership potential.
Service Record 2378-2384 - Served aboard IKS Ka'tok, family B'rel
2384-2389 - Moved to Qo'nos, Trained in the Ways of the Warrior, Flew small craft
2389-2391 - Accepted into Starfleet Academy's Marine Pilot 2 year program
2391-2392 - Assigned to USS Washington as fighter pilot