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Looking for the Doorman

Posted on Sat 17th Dec, 2016 @ 6:46am by Carlo Rienzi

761 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Murder on the Silent Night Express
Location: Orchids and Jazz
Timeline: MD 2, 1130 hours
Tags: carlorienzi, reonvelasquez

In his apartment in Tivoli Gardens, Carlo ran a comb through his hair and then tossed the comb onto his dresser to reach for his cologne bottle. He hesitated. Too much? Yeah, probably. He used a light splash of after-shave, instead, which would smell decent but not be overpowering and would not, he hoped, suggest that he was 'dressing up.'

Even though he totally was.

Still, one could not go into Orchids and Jazz in jeans and a t-shirt. So Carlo pulled on black slacks, a dress shirt, and a casual jacket and made his way to Deck 600. If Reon wasn't there, maybe he would go to that Besm place with the crazy name. It was amazing, the eating establishments one could find if one had access to the Promenade's computerized restaurant list and an hour--at least an hour.

He got into the tram and rode it upstation. As usual, Deck 600 was filled with people at this time of day. Some were Starfleet personnel, others people just passing through, waiting to make connections with passenger transports headed to other solar systems. As always, Carlo was struck with awe at the number of aliens to be seen--Trills, Bajorans, Vulcans, Orions, Ferengi, and a myriad others he couldn't identify. Manhattan, being part of New York City, was considered a cosmopolitan place on Earth, but it couldn't hold a candle to Starbase Vanguard, Carlo thought.

He paused at a kiosk whose Vulcan merchant was offering samples of various beverages found all over the Federation. Carlo asked to sample a glass of the Vulcan brandy from ShiKahr. It had a nice, herbal flavor, kind of like bitters, but more refreshing.

"So, is this what 'logical' tastes like?" he asked. The merchant lifted an eyebrow but did not appear amused. Ah, well; I'll make him laugh, next time, Carlo promised himself as he ordered a case of the brandy for Pub 10-42. Then he turned down the spoke corridor that led to Orchids and Jazz.

Not due on station until 1800, Reon had nevertheless come in this morning to help with a couple of jobs Jade needed done. Jobs requiring muscle were usually his. As he pulled a clean sweater over his head, he frowned. He knew it was more than that which caused Jade to hire him, but there were days when it seemed like his brawn was all that was ever required. He checked his face in the mirror and decided he could wait to shave until later. The staff locker room was getting busy with the lunch crew, and he wanted a break from his co-workers. Might be a day to go to the zoo.

As Velasquez came out of the restaurant, he bumped into the owner of the pub he'd recently visited. Literally bumped into. "Sorry, I wasn't watching where I was going - in a hurry to leave before someone found another job for me," he grinned. "You heading in for lunch? I promise, you won't be disappointed."

"I was actually looking for you," Carlo said. "Reon, isn't it? I enjoyed our conversation the other night and was hoping to see you again, but I've been so busy working, I haven't had the chance to look you up. I'm off today and wondered if you'd be interested in doing something together, if you were free and didn't have any other plans."

Not quite sure what to say, not having had many friends in his life, and none of them men, Reon paused a moment as if thinking. His mind was racing furiously, though mostly he was simply flustered. After a moment, he said, "Sure. I had no plans for this afternoon, though I have to be back on duty this evening. What did you have in mind?"

"Honestly? I'd be happy to walk around the Promenade or maybe in Tivoli Gardens--or stop somewhere for coffee, if you like. I just don't want to go to a bar, if that's okay with you," Carlo said.

Reon laughed. "I imagine not. Look, I'd been thinking about going down to the San Diego Wildlife Zone. I think it's on Deck 1553? Maybe. It's kind of like a zoo. I haven't spent much time in Tivoli Gardens, but Jade mentioned this place, and ... well, it's something different, and it definitely isn't a bar. Would that do?"

"That sounds fine to me," Carlo said. "The only zoo I've ever been to is the one in Central Park on Earth, and it's tiny. Let's see what the one here on Vanguard has to offer."


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