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Sun 11th Feb, 2018 @ 8:58pm

Colonel Horatio Drake

Name Horatio Drake

Position Commanding Officer

Rank Colonel

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human
Age 34

Physical Appearance

Height 5' 12"
Weight 182 lbs
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Hazel
Physical Description Horatio makes a point of not only ensuring his clothes are always clean but must be ironed and wrinkle free as well! He attempts to keep his hair short, even though his mother has always insisted it looks better slightly longer. He has dark brown eyes, hazel in colour, but enjoys the look of blue or green eyes.


Spouse Patrick Chambers (dec'd)
Father Paul Drake
Mother Jennifer Drake
Other Family Rear-Admiral Jonathan Drake (Starfleet Command)

Personality & Traits

General Overview Horatio used to love having a joke and laughing around, despite this being something he could suppress when needed to. This trait has very much changed in recent years - laughing and joking is something he can barely remember how to do. He has always prided himself on his intelligence although some of this pride is perhaps slightly misplaced, he has always excelled in academic subjects and has always preferred them to the manual, more strenuous tasks like engineering. He is an incredibly lonely person and, whilst longing to be around people, he always somehow shuns or pushes them away. He has a strong dislike of sports but enjoys the holodeck enormously. He has a strong interest in ship design, something he would have liked to look a bit more deeply into at the Academy. He finds how starship design has changed over the years, fascinating. By the same hand of the
cards though he finds all but recent history very boring and quite useless. Horatio is, for all intents and purposes, quite a walking contradiction in many aspects of his life.
Strengths & Weaknesses Through his training Horatio has become proficient in most types of weaponary and hand-to-hand combat. He also has a passion for ship design and configuration and enjoys research into the history of Starfleet.
Engineering is not a strong point of Horatio's, nor the sciences - not to say that he is ignorant of them, simply doesn't quite understand as fluently as he perhaps should do. Since the death of Patrick, that has been his number one weakness.
Ambitions Before Patrick's death Horatio wanted to move up the ranks as high as possible and be commanding his own ship before he was 30 - with the help of his Uncle, a Rear-Admiral, this seemed absolutely possible. However after the tragic accident involving his partner, he feels no desire to progress any further in Starfleet.
Hobbies & Interests Horatio very much enjoys shooting and can often be found on some target range or another on the holodeck. He has a strong passion for reading and music alike, which he loves listening to with friends. He is very much interested in the history of ship design and configuration and how everything, not just weapons, have developed over the history of Starfleet. Once again, however, since the death of Patrick... these have dwindled.

Personal History Horatio always loves having a joke. In serious circumstances this trait disappears strangely enough, but in every day, routine situations he laughs and jokes… sometimes a bit too much. Horatio has always prided himself on his intelligence although some of this pride is perhaps slightly misplaced, he has always excelled in academic subjects and has always preferred them to the manual, more strenuous tasks like engineering. Whilst Horatio is incredibly outgoing and loves to be around people he likes, he is incredibly lonely. Deep down he longs to be with someone. Despite having numerous opportunities, no one has ever clicked in his mind. He always either blocks them out or pushes them away quietly. He has a strong dislike of sports but enjoys the holodeck enormously. He has a strong interest in ship design, something he would have liked to look a bit more deeply into at the Academy. He finds how starship design has changed over the years, fascinating. By the same hand of the
cards though he finds all but recent history very boring and quite useless. Horatio is, for all intents and purposes, quite a walking contradiction in many aspects of his life.

Character Background:
Pre-Academy History
Horatio grew up between central London and the outskirts of Hampshire, coming from a very traditional family. His parents were quietly adverse to him entering into Starfleet, as they always envisioned him going into law, which was what he initially studied. He decided that Starfleet held much more promise for him whilst he was still reading the law, but didn't inform his parents until he was ready to leave mid-way through the course. Likewise he knew what field he wanted to specialise in quite a while before he applied to the Academy. His application was accepted faster than he had anticipated and he was away. Horatio's Uncle was a career officer in Starfleet and had just reached the rank of Rear-Admiral when his application was accepted. Despite his parents denying it he strongly believes, to this day, that it was his doings that pushed the application through. This face massively annoys him in the way that people are always assuming with every promotion, that his uncle is !
quietly somewhere behind the scenes. Whilst this is perhaps true or perhaps not, he still hates the fact people automatically assume superiority in this thought!
Academy History
Horatio struggled in some aspects of the Academy, namely engineering and strangely enough science. He didn't enjoy engineering because he found it quite taxing and it held little interest for him. The field of science though quite bored him he never quite understood the science position in Starfleet as, it seemed to him, other departments filled in and made up what the science department on any starship, actually did.

Post-Academy History
2381 - After graduating from the Academy he found his first posting on board the Galaxy Class Starship, USS Liberation. When application for field promotions came around he applied to the Liberation for two simple reasons he liked the Galaxy Class and the name of the ship was his Grandfather's middle name, simply in English instead of Latin (Libertas). His parents thought he took his posting too seriously, but Horatio always believed they lacked a little something when it came to dealing with him and they didn't quite understand that there simply wasn't that much choice when applying for an officer position on board an active starship.

2382 - He served on the Liberation for a year he found that the crew, especially the senior officers, were very set in their ways and had all been on board for many years. Being a young officer, promotion was important to him. He decided to transfer for give his promotional prospects more of a chance.

He applied for a transfer to the USS Jakarta, an Akira Class Starship. Unfortunately the new start he had envisioned didn't quite turn out as he had planned. The Senior Staff were all war-toughened, middle-aged men who viewed someone so young coming into their senior staff as an intrusion. He didn't get on with any of them and took solace from befriending NCO's or more junior officers. He would spend many a night with them, perhaps stepping over the boundaries of officer-subordinate relationship, sometimes. He couldn't ignore his duties all the time though and because of his unhappiness on the Jakarta his career was suffering. He decided that enough was enough and after a mere six months, he applied for another transfer.

2385 Drake was now only 27 but already a full Commander, his time on the USS Jakarta had taught him a secondary lesson, of sorts, on the impact of what war could do. Obviously never serving in the Dominion War, being only 15 at the time, he couldn't envision what it must have been like however he saw firsthand what it done to the officers who did serve in it.

Horatio was in a long-term relationship with his boyfriend, Patrick. Patrick was what made his life however for some reason his career always came first to him. This wasn't a conscious decision but given the choice, Starfleet always came first.
In the years since his graduation he had had to put up with a lot of stick from fellow officers about his Uncles position within Starfleet he always maintained that his promotions were from his own hard work he did, however, question sometimes how he had achieved his promotions in only a few years secretly he knew, deep down, that his uncle must have had a hand in it even if it wasn't first hand.

Late 2385 also saw the death of Patrick - a freak shuttle accident had happened at home on Earth. Horatio was due to be on shore leave the day it took place, but chose to put it back by only a couple of days to catch up on work before he started relaxing. This threw him into a surreal state of depression he was put on extended leave from Starfleet and completely broke down. He blamed himself for the accident. He blamed himself for not being there. After six months of this trauma, something changed in him he was ready to resume his Starfleet career, however he now turned this passion and absolute loyalty in Starfleet for a hatred for the organisation he was no longer the young, happy, duty-bound officer that he once was.

However, Starfleet... or rather his uncle... didn't share his opinion that he was fit to return to duty. Instead of returning to the Line Ships that he had loved and served on, he was assigned to command a Starbase. This enraged Horatio - before the death of Patrick he was being considered for command of a state-of-the-art Line Ship, now he was being given command of a Starbase in the middle of no where!
Service Record 2376 - Applied to Starfleet Academy for Marine Tactical Officer

2380 (Early) - Graduated from Starfleet Academy specialising in; Ship Design and Configuration; Tactical Combat Manuevers; Weapons Configuration and Command. Assigned USS Liberation - Marine Officer - weaponry - 1st Lieutenant. 1st Class Graduation in all areas.

2382 (Late) - Promoted to 2nd Lieutenant and Marine Executive Officer Officer - USS Liberation.

2383 - Promoted to Captain for performance on USS Liberation and transferred to Akira Class, USS Jakarta.

2383 - Transferred to the Marine Intelligence & Infiltration Division - CLASSIFIED.

2385 - Promoted to Major for position of Chief Security/Tactical Officer on board the Sovereign Class Flagship, USS Sovereign.

2387 - Promoted to Lieutenant Colonel for position of Executive Officer on board the Nebula Class vessel, USS Ronnau.

2390 - Promoted to Colonel. Considered for Commanding Officer, USS Ronnau in light of CO's Retirement.

2391 (Late) - One year compassionate leave granted - death of spouse, Patrick Chambers.

2392 - Transferred to Starbase Vanguard, Commanding Officer