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Honor Demands Action

Posted on Fri 25th Nov, 2016 @ 7:15pm by Warrant Officer Moklor of the House Karn

953 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Murder on the Silent Night Express
Location: Moklor's Quarters
Timeline: MD1, 1230 Hours

Moklor's room was fairly small, but at least he didn't have a roommate. He needed his own space. He felt incompatible living with another man. There was enough room for a bed, a desk and a little bit of space to walk around. Now he leaned over a small screen standing up on his desk, one of the larger PADDs.

"Computer, search for Tellarite Males on this station."

=/\=There are 37 Tellarite males on Starbase Vanguard.=/\=

Moklor had been present at the CAG's ceremony. It was the end of a long shift that started with prepping fighters and taking them on a stressful test flight. Then just when he thought he would wind down and have a nice ceremony, someone called the pilots into a meeting room.

"Cross reference with arrest records, as in who was just arrested."

=/\=Locating... Zarg Fruffeg was recently arrested, processed and released on public intoxication charges.=/\=

"What was his penalty?"

=/\= He spent approximately 1 hour in custody. He is now on probation and has been placed on house arrest over 12 hours a day. =/\=

Moklor was staring at his computer screen. His teeth were bare, pointy at the tips. There was anger in his eyes. He was actually incensed. While many of the other pilots chuckled at the security footage of the CAG, Moklor saw this as an assault. It was an attack on her honor. Moklor knew what this was about.

The video started with footage of the Tellarite, clothed, peering through the Victoria's Secret window and watching women pick out their items. Moklor didn't see the humor in this. The man was a pervert and he took his excitement out on the CAG. Moklor met the CAG once. He had much respect for her.

She seemed graceful and eloquent with a face that carried the strong, bold features of a warrior. And this horny petaQ took his lust out on his senior officer and got away with it.

The Klingon was dressed in an all black jumpsuit. His commbadge lay on his bed.

"And where are his quarters, Computer?" Moklor loved the transparency of Federation computers. They were brutally honest, unless something was classified. Its definition of privacy was quite loose. You could find out where anyone on the ship was at any time, just by asking the computer. Unless they left their commbadge behind of course.

The Computer told the Klingon exactly where to go. He lived in one of the lower habitation rings. Moklor left his room, in the middle of the day dressed in all black, without his commbadge. He knew he looked suspicious. But he avoided the more popular turbolift. In truth, he wasn't thinking clearly. All he could think of was the CAGs honor.

He passed two crewmen on the way to the Tellarite's quarters. They didn't seem too surprised... Just a random 6'4 Klingon strolling through the station, out of uniform. But with this being such a large space station, it was much less suspicious than it would be on a starship.

Finally, Moklor stood outside room 10134. Now he needed to find a way in. He went with the simple option, ringing the door chime.

=/\= Yes, who is it? =/\=

Moklor's eyes grew wide with excitement. He brought his large, deep brown hands together and rubbed them. He could HEAR the petaQ. He thought he could smell him as well.

"Uh, maintenance engineer."

The door opened showing the man, standing alongside a shelf. Clothed. Moklor sprinted inside the door, grabbing the much smaller man by the neck and shoving him against the wall. He bared his teeth, sniffed the air and stared the Tellarite in the eyes.

"Wha..? What's this?", asked the chubby, confused man.

"You dishonored a very important woman."

"I... It was an accident."

"And looking through the window at those women shopping? You brought dishonor to them all."

"But.." The man paused, debating if he should speak his mind. "Looking isn't a crime."

The reply enraged Moklor. He grabbed the heavy man under his shoulders, lifted him and threw him down in the opposite direction, hovering over him. "Spineless ghargh!"

The Tellarite squirmed, realizing things were getting out of control. He wondered who this man was. "Please. Don't hurt me."

"You will write a 400 word letter explaining it was a drunken mistake. And that it was a random accident, the collision. Then you will send her a flower from Orchid's & Jazz and a bottle of Andorian Ale. And then I will try to forget how you dishonored my commander."

"I... Okay.. Okay!" The man shrimped over to his side. "Don't hit me."

Moklor let the man go and slowly stood up. He fought to regain his composure. "She better have the letter, the flowers and the ale before dinnertime. And have someone else deliver it. You are never to look upon her again."

The Tellarite slid back against the wall. "Okay. Look... I'm writing it now." He crawled to a shelf and took a PADD. "What.. What should I call her?"


"Okay... Okay. I just. Let my feelings get out of control. Then I saw her. And made a mistake."

"You will not make any more mistakes. I will be watching you. Even after your house arrest. And if you assault anyone else, I will DoH Qlmmey pe'!"

The Tellarite started to cry. "Please... Please!"

Moklor backed away towards the door. It opened. He turned and quickly made his way back out into the corridor. There was a new satisfaction about the situation. He didn't feel like the man pulled one over on the team. Even though it was early in the day, the Klingon woke early in the morning.

He crept back to his room to take a nap.


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Comments (3)

By Commander Paul Graves PsyD on Sat 26th Nov, 2016 @ 3:14am

May I just say that Moklor is awesome? :D

By Warrant Officer Moklor of the House Karn on Sat 26th Nov, 2016 @ 3:21am

Thanks! :)

By on Sat 26th Nov, 2016 @ 10:20pm

Loved this. All the way through, I was hearing Worf's voice and intonations!