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UFP Associated News Network - *BREAKING NEWS*

Posted on Sat 3rd Dec, 2016 @ 7:14pm by Colonel Horatio Drake & Lieutenant JG Kellian Michaels

205 words; about a 1 minute read

Mission: Murder on the Silent Night Express

United Federation of Planets
Associated News Network


It was confirmed this morning that Captain Kris Kringle of the Federation Transport, SS Silent Night, was found dead in his quarters mere hours before a scheduled docking with Starbase Vanguard.

Captain Kringle had served with the Dopterian Defence Force for over thirty years before retiring six years ago, whereupon he took command of the SS Silent Night, a passenger transport service between Dopteria and other Federation Worlds. The route had recently been taken over by the Federation, and the Silent Night was due to dock at Starbase Vanguard earlier today.

Lieutenant (JG) Michaels from Vanguard's Security Department had to say:
'The SS Silent Night dropped out of warp on the edge of the Berelli system at approximately zero-six-thirty-five this morning, six hours past its scheduled docking time. Their first officer informed us via sub-space radio a murder had been committed on board. The ship was subsequently ordered into quarantine but, because of unforeseen system errors, this order was not received. The crew are now, however, being questioned by authorities and are being placed under guard. The death is being treated as suspicious, and investigations are ongoing.'


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