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Welcome to Tinselle Town

Posted on Sun 4th Dec, 2016 @ 3:18am by

602 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Murder on the Silent Night Express

Isabelle chose to leave the ship as soon as it docked. She didn't care if there would be an accounting afterward, she had to get off the ship. The walls had started closing in about two days prior and no matter how she tried, Isabelle was unable to shake the feeling of being confined. She'd never been claustrophobic before but today she couldn't get past the feeling of being watched.

Her hands shaking as she slid invisibly past the guards on the docking ring, Isabelle headed for the deeper and yes more seedy bowels of the station. She wasn't Dopterian so most of the Marines weren't looking for her. The first thing she would need was a change of clothes. Out of the uniform, she would blend in with the others that belonged on the station but without the proper codes, she wouldn't be able to replicate anything. She'd have to steal them...but where? As she rubbed her hands in thought she realized that she did have something. She wouldn't have to steal. Maybe she could trade. She wore the bosses ring. She'd lifted it from him before...well before.

Keeping in the corners as she made her way to the traders below the promenade, Isabelle tried to keep her hands from shaking. It was getting worse and her nose and mouth hurt. She didn't realize that her lip was swollen but she could feel the throb as the events from last night replayed in her head. She felt a shiver through her body again.

Kringle had become her master when he purchased Isabelle from the Syndicate. He'd been almost kind to her. She had her place on the ship which gave her some freedoms. She had her own quarters and was allowed to come and go. This was almost more cruel than being treated as a slave. Just when she thought she was free, just when she thought she had a chance at a regular life, when she thought she might be able to escape her past, Kringle would remind Isabelle that she was indeed not free and he would drag her kicking and fighting back into the nightmare of forced sex, beatings, and yes the deep hell of sobriety. She needed the Lexorin, now more than ever. There was so much to forget. She looked down at her hands and remembered scrubbing them clean. She remembered slipping out of bed and leaving the man sleeping there deep in his own dreams.

"Ma'am." Isabelle jumped when she heard the voice behind her. She turned and nearly hissed at the Officer that had interrupted her thoughts.

"I'm no Ma'am. I work for my rations." She felt her agitation level raise.

"You can't be here Ma'am." This time the officer made sure to emphasize the word. "This area is for authorized personnel only." He put his hand out toward the woman.

"I'll leave then." She said as she took his assistance and stood up.

"You aren't fleet?" The Marine asked. "Where's your badge?" He scanned the woman and read the bios. "You're the Farian we've been looking for. Your ship has been put under quarantine and you're to be escorted back immediately."

"I need to see your medical officer. I'm not feeling well." Isabelle didn't struggle. She was still broken from last night but she sure didn't want to be confined back to that ship.

"Sorry ma'am. You can see the Medical Officer on your own ship. Everyone is aboard except you." The Marine took her by the arm and escorted her back. Isabelle saw her chance at total freedom vanish.



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Comments (1)

By on Tue 6th Dec, 2016 @ 3:20am

Oh, and now, having read your excellent bio, I'm intrigued to see her reaction to this! What a nice mix in the pot of mystery!