A Fresh Perspective

Created by on Thu 2nd Mar, 2023 @ 3:00am

MD: 1 0530 - "A Friend in Need" Isabella introduces an old friend to Riko McCord. 0600 - "Cementing the Deal, Part 1" Perry, Nemis, and McCord come to terms for Nemis joining the team. 0630 - "Cementing the Deal, Part 2", Trust is established 0800 - "Diplomats At Work" Those on Helicon III to mediate discuss their opinions and options 0830 - "Diplomats at Work, Part 2" Kiara disappeared in a transport, and Briggs has gone after her. 1030 - "Complacency Is The Enemy" Olumorron Eirie 'Xin' gets an assignment from the Xindus Institute 1030- "Working Vacation" Aboard the Jovith- Maiek gets to work on his beloveds wedding dress and other designs. 1105: "Diplomats at Work, Part 3" Kiara is rescued and the negotiations are complete. 1159: "Piping the Side, Part 1" Caroline Post's news coverage of arrival of new captain begins, as others express their feelings about the event. 1220 - "Piping the Side, Part 2" Further coverage of the new captain coming aboard 1240 - "Piping the Side, Part 3" The captain steps aboard and is greeted. 1300 - "Down to Business" Following the piping ceremony Navarra & Locke have their first meeting 1300 - "Safe Harbor" Antero is docked in harbor of SB109, and Dr. Graves meets the ship. 1325 - "What's New With You?" Graves and Harrington visit at Orchids & Jazz 2035 - "My Mind to Your Mind" - Mikaela & Paul have dinner; Mikaela broaches the subject of her memory loss (unpublished) 2100 - "Thirteen Reasons, pt. 1" Renato and Gary Thirteen meet for the first time, again. 2100 - "Thirteen Reasons, pt. 2 Renato and Gary Thirteen meet for the first time, again. 2145 - Milli-Cochrane Caper: Conclusion Part 1 The last grenades have been found. 2200 - "Well Earned Rest - Part 1" Andrew and Alora take some time to relax after the previous mission. 2200 - "Well Earned Rest - part 2" Getting to know the people you work with and for doesn't have to be a chore! 2230 -"Mille-Cochrane Caper: Conclusion, part 2" - and the grand finale of the Milli-Cochrane Caper! MD: 2 0750 - "Orders to Cooperate" SB109 and Starfleet admiral discuss new orders for aquatic research. 1100 - "Gary/Sundae at Orchids & Jazz, Part 1" - Gary brings his cat in for milk and meets Damion Ildaron and Criswell 1130 - "Gary/Sundae at Orchids & Jazz, Part 2" - More information is forthcoming over lunch ... and a mystery is developing. 1400 - "Dear Elliot" Maggie writes a 'Dear John' letter to Elliot saying good bye? 1600 - "Vacation or Something Else" Elliot Jericho consults with Adam Keller over his wife's disappearance. 1800 - "A Quick Goodbye and Off" Adam prepares for the mission to save Maggie. 2200 - "Boot and Rally" We meet the mad Pirate H'teks Twin Brother, Partha y'Bodstava MD: 3 0800 - "Cooperation or Coercion?, Part 1" - Scientists on Attina and SB109 get together to discuss merging some of their research and changes to the Water Decks 0825 - "Cooperation or Coercion?, Part 2" - Scientists on Attina and SB109 discuss merging some of their research and changes to the Water Decks 1115 - "Two Plus One is Too Many" - Serena hears Andrew had dinner and maybe dancing with another woman 1148 - "Sorting Out Potential Problems" - Serena and Andrew work out what actually happened with the Chief Engineer. 1300 - "Two Owners Meet at a Bar" Qaraq comes to Orchids & Jazz and meets Jade. He orders Death by Chocolate! 1330 - "Like Qaraq For Chocolate" - Qaraq brings up a business proposition with Jade 1415 - Meet and Greet - Dr. Dhuro has a meeting with Dr. Marshall, the new CMO, to get acquainted. 1430 - More Meet and Greet - Dr. s'Siedhri joins doctors Marshall and Dhuro. (unpublished) 1600 - "Waters Embrace" Gwy'llim takes a swim in the deep dive pool. MD: 4 0800 - "Renovations" Two engineers meet with Aquatics to determine changes needed in water decks 0815 = "'Tis a Puzzle" - What is Aradia doing on SB109? Jade Lantz intends to know. 1320 - "A Deceit of Lies" - Admiral Nechayev and Captain Navarra - what are they up to? 1515 - "Walk About" - Capt. Navarra, Henry Perry and Matthew Cowley run in to each other as the new commander learns a bit about the base. 1530 - "Off We Go!" - Nomad leaves the inner harbor with everyone aboard. 1600 - "Back We Go!" - Nomad is ordered back to Inner Harbor after explosion of Worker Bee. 1700 - I Have a Little List ...Isabella and Riko await the arrival of a security interrogator. 1725 - "Who Never Would Be Missed Riko and Isabella are detained and then interviewed by Captain Navarra. 1900 - "Once More Into the Breach" Nomad is heading out from SB109 again, this time with no Starfleet Officers officially aboard. MD: 5 0800 - "Medical Matters" - LCDR Marshall, Capt. Navarra and Ens. Cowley discuss Andosian Flu epidemic in Brown Sector. 0815 - "Lending a Hand" - Ens. Cowley does what he can to smooth the way for Commander Marshall. 0900 - "Is This the Party to Whom I Am Speaking?" Kya has the unenviable task of evicting a resident who doesn't want to go. 1400 - "The Counselor Missed Something" Dr. Anderson realizes her head has been in the sand. 1420 - "We Rise By Lifting Others" Dr. Anderson does what she can to mend her inattention to Brown Sector around her. 1600 - "The Real Situation" Dr. Marshall and Captain Navarra head down to Brown Sector with a team of doctors and nurses to help with vaccinating against epidemic at s'Siedhri's Clinic. (unpublished) ? - "Reading In" - A summary of Starfleet and SB109 intelligence interests in the Triangle (unpublished) 2245 - "Rescue, Part 1" A distress call goes out when deadly leaks begin in a planetary lab/factory. MD: 6 0800 - "Upgrades or Demolition?" - Starbase personnel work out who's responsible for what in the Water Deck renovations. (unpublished) 0945 - "Rescue, Part 2" Transporters stop working during the evacuation, but help has arrived! 1238 - "Rescue, Part 3" - The cave with the rescued population appears to be falling to pieces as "The Squid" tries to get the ship to safety. 1450 - "Rescue, Part 4" - The rescue is accomplished, and a Starfleet officer decides to learn more about the non-humanoid species in the galaxy. 1800 - Kitchen Invasion! - Damion and Jaroth feed the masses in Brown Sector so Kya can get some rest during the flu epidemic. 2000 - Food and Vaccines - Damion and Jaroth bring supper to people awaiting vaccinations and to the medical staff. 2030 - "Dinner Break!" - Damion, Elizabeth, Dieklin, and medical staff get a bite to eat after vaccinating people all day. (unpublished) 2113 - "Home is Where You Leave It" - WV Nomad is almost to home base. What will they find there? 2200 - "All Ashore Who's Curious" - Podkayne brings Nomad safely into orbit and wonders where the base is (unpublished) MD: 7 0930 - "Be It Ever So Humble" - Navarra and Cowley discuss issues in Brown Sector 1030 - Salutations and Invitations - 1320 - "Dinner For One" Navarra and Lena meet in Orchids & Jazz, while Jade listens like a mouse. 1700 - Dangerous Baggage Kellian makes a confession to Makila. 2130 - "Competition or Collaboration?" Jade makes a visit to Qaraq's later one evening, to see how he fits into his background. (unpublished) MD: 8 0945 - Life's a Zoo! Anthony McCabe takes his daughter to the Savannah Nature Preserve 1015 - Stranger in a Strange Land Desdemona Addams introduction MD: 9 1045 - "Met By Chance?" - Torrog meets Criswell ... is that accidental or will it lead to business for one of them? 11:20 - "Business Never Stops" - Torrog and Criswell have lunch on a Ferengi barge and find they have common interests. (unpublished) MD: 10 0200 - "Storytelling #1" Hank tells some Brohs the Colors story. Is it true? You decide. 1900 - "Poker ... Smiles or Frowns?" It's poker night at Orchids & Jazz! Come join the game! (Contact Jade Lantz to be added to post. (unpublished) MD: 12 1500 - First Flight Two Brohs bring their hatch to Wendy for training and safe-keeping, MD: 13 1630 - "It's a Hot Bunk Life What's it like, living with someone else in your bed when you aren't home? This begins to answer that question for one man.

Categories: Mission Timelines