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Lending a Hand

Posted on Sun 11th Dec, 2022 @ 3:09am by

1,069 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: A Fresh Perspective
Location: Yeoman's Desk, outside Captain's Ready Room, Deck 12
Timeline: MD 5, 0815

In a previous post, Matthew overheard Dr. Cade say, ...

"I've got two Doctors and three nurses from both alpha and bravo shift set to help out. I'm waiting to hear from gamma shift if there are any volunteers." He knew it wasn't much, but he had to consider the patient load to the rest of the station as well. "We'll rotate four hour shifts over the next few days. One doctor and two nurses with one nurse dedicated to vaccinating those who aren't sick."


"Thank you." Cade gave a quick nod of appreciation to the yeoman and walked toward the Captain's offered hand. "It's been a whirl wind, I have to say." He smiled. "But I think we're settling in. I'm looking for a permanent home for myself and my daughter. Our quarters are more than satisfactory, but I think she needs a little room to stretch." He explained that they had just come from their family's ranch on Earth. "I'm afraid I'll be hunting her down before too long. She isn't afraid to go anywhere."

And now, he takes matters into his own hands, on two counts.

As Cowley closed the door, he heard the doctor's words. As soon as he sat down, he first contacted Dr. s'Siedhri's clinic in Brown Sector and reached his daughter. "Hi, this is Lt. Cowley again. Captain Navarra asked me to find out if Starfleet medical has sent any medics, nurses, doctors, even corpsmen down there to help with the epidemic? I know we have some coming into the base soon, but has anyone here sent you help?"

"The only member of Starfleet medical down here is me, and I'm only a Medical Resident and not officially a member of Starfleet. I was doing my residency with Dr. Addams before she left. I have not yet spoken to the new chief on whether my residency will continue or not. Starfleet has never offered us any assistance of any kind, because of the gang factions down here previously having run off the attempts to care for the citizens here. It's been me and my father doing so on our own. I do know that Mr. Qaraq offered us assistance maybe a week prior, and Father was going to speak to him regarding his intentions."

"That's what I was afraid you'd say. So you know, Admiral Nechayev is sending a medical team with the flu vaccine, and there will be more than twice the vaccine needed for Brown Sector and Zodiac, so Captain Navarra hopes we can keep it from becoming a pandemic. She negotiated hard with the admiral. I'll let her know no one from Starfleet has been helping, and why. I haven't been here myself long enough to know that kind of history, and I appreciate the information," Cowley assured her.

"By the way, before I go, I think it's safe to say your residency will continue. I hope when you're past that, you'll be staying on the base, either in your own practice somewhere or whatever your dream is. I hope it includes us, Doctor i'Hartelhai.

"I'll let you know as soon as we have word on arrival of the medical team and vaccine, and I'm sure Dr. Navarra will get help for you immediately. We have a new CMO, Dr. Marshall, and I expect as soon as he's read into everything on board, you'll hear from her as well."

"How about we see her instead? People are dying down here, and the two of us cannot hold the line forever..."

The call clicked off, and Lt. Cowley sat thinking, glancing at the Ready Room entrance. No, I'll wait a little longer before I interrupt. They may work it out on their own ... and there's another call I can make.

He tapped quickly on a keyboard and sent a call to a realtor he had talked with in Tivoli Gardens.

"Mr. Oto here, Tivoli Gardens realtor to doctors, lawyers and unusual species. How can I help you?" a man answered.

"Mr. Oto, it's Lt. Matthew Cowley. We spoke about my leasing a place in Tivoli Gardens. I've about settled on a forest cabin, but that's not why I called today. We have a new Chief Medical Officer who has a little girl, but no wife. The child is apparently in need of more space to wander and play, and I thought you might be able to offer some suggestions to Dr. Marshall on where he could find that. I could have him contact you, as soon as he's caught up on medical matters on 109. Meantime, you might find the place that appeals to him the most. I just thought I'd give you a heads up," Matthew said quickly.

"A doctor, eh? Do you know how old the child is? It makes a difference in some of the housing areas." Oto said.

The yeoman thought back to what he'd heard as he shut the door. "No, I don't believe she said. My impression is not a very young child, and not a teenager. Perhaps somewhere between nine and twelve?"

"That's not so bad an age. So she likes her space. What does the doctor like?"

Matthew laughed. "I don't know him, Mr. Oto. He's sitting in the captain's office talking with the boss. He mentioned the quarters were fine, but he'd be looking for his wandering daughter before long. I don't have children, I can't advise him on parenthood, but I do know you. You can advise him on housing. His daughter he'll have to figure out on his own. Shall I send him to you, after he's settled into the job?"

"Yes, yes, send him on. I might have something over in the neighborhood where Dr. Addams lives. Say, wasn't she the chief of medical? What happened to her?"

"You haven't heard? She took her daughter and left the station. Where she went isn't popular knowledge, and I don't suppose it matters. Her two sisters are still in the house, however."

Oto shook his head. "Young people, never staying in one spot. Well, I'll talk to the new doctor and see how I can help."

"Thanks, I was sure you would," Cowley smiled and signed off. He sat back in his chair, satisfied with his few minutes of business. The rest would be up to the doctor ... both the epidemic and housing. He'd done what he could.


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