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Life's a Zoo!

Posted on Sat 26th Nov, 2022 @ 10:26pm by

910 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: A Fresh Perspective
Location: McCabe's Quarters Deck ; Savannah Nature Preserve and Zoo, Deck 1551
Timeline: MD 8, 0945

"Daddy's taking me to the Savannah zoo, Auntie Janetta!" exclaimed six-year-old Arabella.

"I know, Sweetheart. I wish I didn't have to work today. That's one I haven't been to visit. You save up some good stories to tell me at dinner tonight, okay?" She bent down to kiss the top of the little girl's head. She'd grown so much in the two years they'd been here. At first, she hadn't been sure this was the right choice, but she hadn't had a lot of options when her husband disappeared without a trace. Quickly, she shoved away the thought that she was sure there was a trace somewhere, but he hadn't wanted to be found.

"I will," Bella promised. "We're going to see lions from Africa! And Hara cats from Bajor! There might be ... what was it called again, Daddy? From that bad planet? The ones that took Bajor?"

"Uh, I think you might mean scottril, from, um, Cardassia Prime. We were at war with them, but long before you were born, and we're friends now. Where did you hear they were bad?"

Arabella shook her head and shrugged her shoulders. "Someone at school. They used to live on Bajor."

Tony sighed. "Well, don't spread ideas like that. We're at peace, and they might join the Federation one of these days."

Janetta raised an eyebrow at him, patted his shoulder as she walked behind him, and headed for the door. "Have a good day," she laughed as she went to work. She was still smiling as she got on the lift and headed for the Promenade and her job in Galaxy Gems. Arabella was as smart as anything, and always kept both of them on their toes. Sighing as she got off the lift a few minutes later, she wondered if she'd ever have a child of her own, a cousin for Bella to train up the way she wanted him to go. She supposed, eventually, her brother would remarry. She hoped so, anyway. Janetta pushed open the door to the jewelry store and prepared for an interesting day.

Meanwhile, Tony was hurrying his daughter out the door of their quarters, thumblocking it behind them. Perry Gardens wasn't as luxurious as the Tivoli decks, but it suited him fine. He hadn't grown up poor, nor had his family been wealthy. He felt at home among the working neighbors who surrounded his large apartment, and he felt Bella was safe going about on her own there.

"Hubba, hubba," he said, snapping his fingers. "There are animals waiting to see the strange creatures who parade before them on a regular basis. We don't want to disappoint them!"

"Oh, Daddy. You're always so silly! Those animals don't care if we come visit them or not."

In pretended shock, McCabe widened his eyes and stared at her as they waited for the turbolift. "They don't? What makes you say that? I'm sure they see us as tasty snacks, and are planning the best way to get past restraints to have us for lunch."

Bella laughed, "Then it's a good thing we aren't going at lunch time, isn't it? Anyway, I know they can't get past the fields, so you aren't scaring me today."

The turbolift opened and they got in. It was empty, for the moment, and Tony gave their destination. "Deck 1551." Then he turned to his daughter and resumed the conversation. "So you aren't scared? At all?"

"Nope. Not at all. I know you'd jump in front of me and be lunch while I ran away!" She screamed with laughter, then added, "I'd never leave you to be eaten, Daddy."

He smiled, "If that situation should occur, I'd want you to get away. I don't mind being lunch. Animals want to survive, too. They're just doing what they have to in order to do that. And anyway, they are probably too full and content to eat any visitors. I'm sure the zookeepers feed them lots, for that very reason."

The lift opened, and they stepped out onto Deck 1551. "I believe it's to the right," McCabe said, but he glanced at the directory on the wall nearby. He found the 'You Are Here' arrow, and then located the zoo and wildlife preserve he'd heard so much about recently, as they procured a new animal ... the Vivver Cat, if he recalled.

"Yep, to the right." He held out his hand. "Let's not get separated in this crowd."

Bella giggled, "Daddy, we're the only ones standing here!"

"Might not be," he shrugged. "You never know who's wearing an individual cloaking device."

"Really? They have those? Can we get one?" the girl asked excitedly, as she took his hand and they walked toward the zoo entrance some distance away.

"You are just too easy, Punkin. I'm teasing, there's no such thing. At least, not yet. Think I should invent one?"

"You should, Daddy, you really should! Think of all the possible things we could do with that!" Bella said, skipping excitedly. "I could get that bratty Carlson Redford back for all the tricks he's played on me."

"Do I need to have a talk with this young man?" asked Tony, Super-Dad coming out.

Arabella smiled up at her father. "I can take care of him." They walked quietly for a moment, and then she added, "You're always there for me. I love you, Daddy."

Doing his best not to choke up, he replied, "I love you, too, Punkin."


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