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Well Earned Rest - Part 1

Posted on Fri 4th Nov, 2022 @ 2:33am by Lieutenant Commander Andrew Eberstark & Lieutenant Commander Alora Baro

1,346 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: A Fresh Perspective
Location: Orchids and Jazz
Timeline: MD 1 - 2200 hours

As Andrew was escorted to the nearest available table by the hostess, he glanced around Orchids & Jazz quickly to see if Serena was working this evening but didn't spot the familiar face as he sat down. He politely declined the initial inquiry of his choice of drink and decided to wait for Commander Baro to join him before ordering.

Wearing civilian garb Baro arrived a little late deciding that covered in grease and oil most likely was not appropriate to a place like Orchids & Jazz, though if one were close enough a hint of oil smell underlaid her soap. She didn't notice the slight metallic hints, so use to it was she.

She caught sight of her party and headed over, "Commander." She said with a smile, "Sorry I'm late, had to be presentable for public."

Andrew stood up to greet Baro as she made her way over, "I know the feeling. Truth be told, I almost prefer wearing the uniform. Takes the drama out of choosing what to wear in public.'

As they sat down, Andrew added with a grin, "And call me Andrew. No need for the formalities while we are off duty unless of course you prefer it."

Alora shook head, "No it's fine. I don't tend to get out a lot. Force of habit." She joked. "Yeah uniform for every occasion but then you're almost obligated in the formalities. Good and bad to it." She glanced around, "Nice place. I should swing by more"

He nodded, "I get that. It was only recently I decided to actually do some exploring of the Starbase and be social. Up until then, I pretty much kept to myself, here and on my previous assignments. I do recommend this place if you do want to stretch your legs." He caught the waiter approaching their table once more and asked Baro, "Are we celebrating with synthehol or the real stuff?"

Alora smiled, "Unless there's a reason I find the real better until my feet get unwieldy then I can always switch later." She turned to the waiter, "A Water and a pint of T'lek's Ale please." Then glanced at Andrew with another smile, "There are rules to safe drinking, one of those is always stay hydrated."

Following suit, Andrew grinned and ordered, "Trakian Ale, please. And a water as well," adding as he turned back to Baro, "I unfortunately found that out the hard way at the Academy. I've tried the no water method a couple times since and let's just say I'm not as young as I used to be."

Alora laughed, "Oh yeah, me too. That advice I gave was hard earned during my Freshman year, a senior medical cadet tried to warn me. I ignored it and was promptly told 'I told you so' with looks you could have seen from space as she helped me back to my room." She smiled now at the memory, "You know can really judge your type of friends depending who not so gently mocks you and who brings you pain killers."

Andrew grinned, "I hear that. The Academy was also a time where I was far more susceptible to be provoked," pausing to point to the side of his face, "That and unsafe drinking was essentially the combination that landed me this scar. Lesson painfully learned."

"Now that sounds like a story." Alora encouraged as she leaned forward attentively.

As the waiter returned and placed their drinks down, Andrew grabbed his drink, "Well, if we have a few drinks I could be persuaded to tell it," raising his glass, "But first, here's to a successful effort to thwart Theo and his devices on the Starbase. And a special shout out to those spiders of yours."

"I'll hold you too it." She said in replied to the first part of his comment before raising her own glass briefly. "Thanks. Let's hear it for insomnia ideas." She grinned, "Not the way I wanted to beta test those. Though to be fair, I got good data though for versions 2.0. And we stopped the bad guy, I call that a good day." She briefly raised her glass again in salute to Andrew and his efforts.

Andrew nodded in agreement, "Nothing like being thrown into the fire to put your work to the test," taking another sip of his drink, "I'm looking forward to your version 2.0 of the spiders. I imagine they will be useful for a bunch of tasks when we aren't chasing down criminals throughout the Starbase."

She nodded, "That's my hope a multiuseful field aid. I've other ideas including trying to figure out an undetectable holographic projector for undercover work, anti jamming communications systems and so on." She shrugged with a smile, "So many ideas so little time..."

Raising an eyebrow in interest, Andrew commented, "Well if you need any assistance developing any of those ideas, let me know. The potential tactical advantages are definitely worth exploring. And hopefully things die down a little around here that you do have a little time. I admit, I wasn't expecting this much action when I came aboard 109."

"I will." She shared a smile of agreement, "Everyone's got a specialty in a department this large and that's a good thing. Me I've developed an interest in what I've been calling 'Anti Jerk tech'. Someone evil trying to mess with your day? I got a device for that. That sort of thing. Maybe it was stories of the Occupation of Bajor I don't know but I really can't abide a bully and this is my way of helping even. Though I understand well the old adage about the castle and the siege tech just building off each other.." She looked a little embarrassed, "Sorry I sometimes get running off on a tangent." She ended taking another drink.

Andrew gave a small laugh, "No need to apologize for enthusiasm. Especially when it comes to Anti Jerk tech. My specialty kind of shifted mid Academy career but I've always had an interest in battle and tactical strategy," pausing to take a final drink from his glass, "You good to order another drink?"

Alora smiled, it had been to long since she just hung out with someone of like mind, "Sounds good to me." The music changed to another one with a beat and Alora glanced over, "First though, how are your dance moves?" She asked with another teasing grin.

Andrew wasn't sure if his faced turned a shade of red that was noticeable or not, but his instinctive shift in his seat was, "First, my dance moves are very out of practice. Second, I think if Serena caught me dancing without her I may need to transfer off the Starbase," pausing, "I don't suppose you play an instrument though do you?"

Alora laughed good naturedly and took pity on her friend. She'd meant as a friendly gesture but didn't want to get the poor man in trouble with his girlfriend. "Well we can't have that." She agreed, "instruments no, I am learning a stringed instrument but as it currently sounds like I'm torturing a small feline, I'm not sure I'm safe for public. You?"

Andrew shrugged, "Also, I may not be the best dance moves so maybe it's a combination of things, who's to say. And as it happens, I dabble in a few. I've recently picked back up the violin. If you're interested at all in the future, I'm always looking for someone to play with."

As the waiter came back over to the table, Andrew glanced over at Baro, "Up for another drink?"

Baro leaned back in her chair, "Sure." She nodded to the waiter who took their drink orders before leaving. "As for a jam session sounds great. I'm learning a harp, should work with a violin. Its amazing though" She said briefly shaking her head, "I did not realize until I started learning just how different you could make a note with how much force and how often you tug the strings. The slightest difference and its a new song"


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Comments (1)

By on Sat 5th Nov, 2022 @ 4:58am

An interesting conversation. I wonder what Serena will think about this dinner.