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Vacation or Something Else

Posted on Tue 20th Dec, 2022 @ 6:32pm by Lieutenant Adam Keller & Lieutenant Elliot Jericho

1,258 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: A Fresh Perspective
Location: Jericho quarters et al.
Timeline: MD 2, 1600 hrs

It was almost quitting time. That's 1600 hours or 4 PM for all the non-Federation folk. Elliot had to fly Admiral Cole around the system for some type of tour that he hadn't told Elliot about. It was just some spur-of-the-moment thing. Elliot was pleased that he was able to make it back to the base in time for the end of his shift. He was looking forward to a vacation with his wife on the beaches of Betazed even if it was to hide from the imminent threat that they were told of by Adam Keller. Someone in Star Fleet had leaked their names to a family member of the man that Elliot killed during their top-secret mission to recover the Prototype shuttle.

They had to give Adam time to identify the threat and then it could be dealt with by either Star Fleet Security or Elliot himself. He had to keep Megahn and the unborn child safe until the right time. He walked down the corridor and smiled. He had spent far too much time away from his wife and now it was time to smoother her with love.

He entered their quarters and called out, "Meghan, I'm here, are you ready to go?" When she didn't respond he added, "Meghan, are you ready?" He headed to the bedroom, but she wasn't there. Elliot wasn't one for panicking, however, he did feel the panic being to overcome him. =^=Computer, locate Meghan Jericho.=^=

=^=Meghan Jericho is not currently aboard the station.=^= The computer replied.

=^=At what time did Megahn Jericho leave the station?=^= he asked.

=^=1421 hours.=^= the computer responded.

Elliot caught a glimpse of a flashing light on the desk that indicated a message was waiting for him. He walked over to the desk and sat down before playing the saved message from his wife that was titled "Dear Elliot."

After playing the message he knew what had to be done. He had to ask for help to obtain the information needed to get his wife back. He needed Adam Keller`s help.

He tapped his combadge =^= Jericho to Keller, respond please.=^=


Kellar Residence

Adam was surprised to get a call while he was off duty, but it didn't come through as an official comms from work. He quickly excused himself from dinner and stepped out of hearing range.
=^= Keller here. Go ahead. =^=

=A=That situation that you discussed with us, has happened. They took her, they took my wife and unborn child and I need to get her back, right now!=A= Elliot could barely keep himself in check now that realization began to set in since he had said the words out loud and to someone else.

=^= On my way. =^= Adam responded.

Adam went back to the dinner table and explained to Jasmine what was going on and why he had to rush out during dinner. "I'll be back as soon as I can... I love you both." He kissed his wife and daughter, "Please lock the door behind me," he ordered before hurrying off toward the Jericho quarters. It would have taken him about ten minutes to get there, but he took off at a dead run and managed to knock on Elliot's door in less than seven minutes.

-------Jericho Residence--------

"It's open!" Elliot called out when he heard a knock on the door instead of the door chime. He held a small phaser behind his back just in case it wasn't Lieutenant Keller. "Thanks for coming so quickly Lieutenant Keller, I don't know what to do just yet. Star Fleet Security won't help. They said that because of the Message that Megahn left, they can't look for her. to them she left on her own accord. I can find her myself, but it will take a lot of time, my resources are limited."

Adam stepped in and looked around. There didn't appear to be any immediate sign of a struggle or fight. 'Curious,' he thought to himself, but didn't vocalize the concern. "What makes you sure that she was taken? Has there been a ransom demand or a note with some kind of explanation?" He was sure the man was correct in his assumptions, but he had to ask all the hard questions

"I know my wife, Lieutenant. She would never leave me, especially now that she is nearly due with our child. She's my soul mate and I know her better than she does, just like she knows me better than I do. There is no way she would leave me." Elliot walked over to the computer terminal and cued up the video message that Meghan had left him. "Watch this."

Adam shook his head as the message ended. "So this looks like a typical goodbye message." He looked at Elliot. "Tell me what I should be seeing. What is it that she is saying that isn't what I'm seeing?" All he saw was a woman upset about making the decision to leave her husband. But, he believed Elliot. He had no doubt that the woman must have been taken. He needed to see the message through Elliot's eyes, though, to know what clues Meghan had left.

"Not only do I know that she would never leave me, but she called me E. She tried calling me that once or twice and knows that I hate that. I believe I tried something similar, Meg. and she hated it. For me, there are all kinds of warning flags here. The intel that you received that someone was after us, the fact that she would never leave, especially without discussing it with me, the first letter of my name and her shortened name, both of which we hate so much that we would never use them. " Elliot explained and it didn't matter to him if Adam didn't understand, he was going to find Megahn with or without his help.

"Good enough for me." Adam nodded. He looked around. "It doesn't look like any struggle occurred, which means she is most likely not injured." He looked around. "It means they want her least for now...It means they want something, probably from you." It meant they had time before she'd be in danger, but they had to work fast. "I'll transfer everything I've got to your console. If you have any questions or need anything else from me...I'm here."

'Please send the information to the Kavorka, she's my F17 Kaplan. I will be departing within the hour if you wish to tag along. I have to get Meghan back as soon as possible." Elliot said. He knew that time was not on his side. He really wasn't worried about them hurting or killing Meghan, they could do much worse to her. Elliot blamed himself for this situation, he should have killed the man even if it would have been in cold blood. If he had, the man wouldn't have alerted the pirates to they're arrival to take the prototype nor would Megahn be gone right now.

"I'll get the information transferred as soon as I can." Adam made a quick note of the time. "Don't wait for me. I have some things to take care of here before I can go anywhere. I have a wife and daughter, but I'll get here as soon as I can. If I don't make it. I'll be behind you." He explained. "I have to put my family's safety first." He nodded knowing the man would understand and hurried off to make his preparations.


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Comments (1)

By on Wed 21st Dec, 2022 @ 3:10am

I like the touches that prove she didn't leave on her own. Awesome thinking!