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Dear Elliot

Posted on Sun 6th Nov, 2022 @ 11:24am by Lieutenant Meghan [Maggie] Jericho
Edited on on Mon 14th Nov, 2022 @ 3:37am

478 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: A Fresh Perspective
Location: Jericho quarters
Timeline: MD- 1 1400hrs

Maggie sat down at the desk. She’d done this every night, but tonight was different. The dark man stood in the shadow just out of site as she settled into the chair and began to type. Her heart was breaking, but the decision had been made and it was the only thing she could do.

My dearest E,

I’m sorry to have to do this. Believe me when I say that I have no choice. I tried every way that I could to get past this, but I have to consider our unborn child. I can’t live this life anymore. I can’t not know where you are and what you are doing. It is important to me and our child that we have a stable home life. Our child deserves two parents who are going to be there to nurture him or her.

For this reason, I have decided to leave you and Star fleet. Understand that I need to find myself. I have no choice, it's what I must do.

After losing you and being adrift for so long, I’ve become afraid of so many things, but, my biggest fear is losing you. For that reason, I have been given no choice but to leave you in order to save myself and our child.

Please don’t ever think I left because I didn’t love you. It’s quite the opposite. I love you too much to stay. I am going somewhere that you won’t find me, so please don’t come looking.

Always in my heart,


Maggie hit transmit on the console and stood. Her hand went to her belly as she slid out of the chair sideways and took a step back from the desk. Her hand instinctively went to wipe the tears from her eyes, but that was ineffective. By now her cheeks were streaked from the constant stream from her eyes.

The man behind her put a hand on her shoulder and she nodded.

“I’ll have to pack a small bag.” She spoke flatly. “There are things I must take for my health and for the baby.” She explained.

“Of course.” The man nodded, “Don’t take too long.” He followed her to the bedroom and watched as she placed a few things into a knapsack. He grabbed the small bottle of prenatal vitamins on the bed stand and tossed them in. “You’ll want those.”

As the man escorted her back out of the room and out the door, Maggie took a look around the room one last time as flashes of guilt surged through her mixed with an immense sadness and fear. What would become of her and the baby? Feeling the man’s arm around her waist, Maggie sighed and stepped out the door and toward her new future.


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Comments (1)

By on Wed 9th Nov, 2022 @ 1:29am

Wow, didn't expect that! And don't know how this comes out. Nothing like a lot of options and no sign posts. Good writing!