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Piping the Side, part 1

Posted on Tue 1st Nov, 2022 @ 6:31pm by Commander Mikaela Locke & Commander Paul Graves PsyD & Lieutenant Commander Alora Baro & Criswell Sandbags & Captain Andrus Grax & Qaraq
Edited on on Tue 8th Nov, 2022 @ 8:45pm

1,577 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: A Fresh Perspective
Location: SB109 Arrival Dock
Timeline: MD 1, 1159

Caroline watched her monitor in the FNS broadcast booth at the Arrival Dock. Out the glass front of the booth, she could see the large Sovereign class ship maneuvering to match up with the dock of the inner harbor.

On the monitor, Harry (known usually as Handsome) had thrown up footage from outside the base, garnered from public access ports, and what the viewers were watching, as well. At least, those who were watching FNS. There were several other news media booths, and all had reporters recording this occasion.

It wasn't exactly rare for a new commander to take over a starbase, but it didn't happen more than once or twice a decade, normally, so there was plenty of interest on board. Probably there was interest in many places in the quadrant since their new commander was quite famous as an accomplished diplomat.

Harry nodded, holding up 3 fingers and counting down to none, then pointing to her.

"Good afternoon, Starbase 109!" Caroline said with her usual enthusiasm. "Wherever you are, and whatever you're doing, I hope you're having a great day. We have a special broadcast for you today, as the new base commander, Captain Elena Navarra, comes aboard. Stay tuned for plenty of pomp and circumstance, as befits such an important occasion.

"As you can see on your screens right now, the ship is in the inner harbor here in the docking area, and matching up seals and atmospheric pressure. In just a few minutes, you'll see the officials gathering at the end of the umbilical walkway, where we currently see the Naval Band gathered to one side. They'll be playing the Federation Anthem as Captain Navarra steps out of the ship and pauses to be piped aboard.

"Stay tuned for all of our coverage coming to you in just a few moments. Now, a word from today's sponsor, Orchids & Jazz, which is generously paying all production costs so that our residents can see the entire greeting of the captain, with no interruptions once the docking is complete."

Handsome pulled up a short advertisement he had made at the jazz club, featuring several employees and one of their wonderful breakfast buffets. Jade Lantz wasn't featured, but her handsome doorman, Reon Velasquez, and her assistant, Serena Alia, were. The chef who made the famous food and Death by Chocolate dessert was also given a few seconds to smile into the camera.

"And make sure that the airlock seals are pressurized and holding, Ensign. We just got this bay repaired. I don't want to be the one responsible for our new Captain dying before she even takes command," Henry said as he handed a PADD to the young officer, who took off running through the crowd of people gathering in the area. He was quite shocked and amazed to see all the people gathered just to see a Starfleet officer take command of a Starbase.

As he made his way closer to the dock, the Captain of the Port made eye contact with Caroline Post. Henry darted his gaze in hopes that she would not make her way over to speak. The last thing he wanted to be was interviewed.

As her eyes met Henry Perry's just before he walked down toward the ship, she smiled. She'd wanted to talk to him before today, but maybe she could get his reaction to today's ceremonies afterward, for the evening news. As Captain of the Port, he had other things to do today. Her eyes watched as he descended below the level of the FNS booth, and then wandered the crowd, spotting others she could possibly tap for sound bites later.

=== Qaraq's Game Room, Brown Sector ===

Qaraq's Game Room was doing quite a business. As the goings-on in the upper parts of the station were happening, many people in the area were taking the time off to come in and play games, drink, eat, and socialize. Qaraq's establishment was the only business open in Brown Sector, and Qaraq found himself quite busy, especially without Criswell, who was at the base commander's arrival ceremony, no doubt lost in the crowd.

Qaraq would have - could have - gone himself as an official, but opted out after his offer for sponsoring the event was declined and given to Orchids and Jazz. Qaraq wasn't bitter over the matter. After all, his business had only been open a matter of days. But it was Criswell using his Ferengi upbringing who suggested Qaraq's staying open for the event. It was paying off, too. They'd been open for only an hour and already had more business than ever. Qaraq took it a step further by advertising an open, free buffet for the event, despite Criswell's objections. People who didn't have to spend money on food could spend that money on drinks or games. So, Qaraq really had nothing to be bitter about.

Qaraq was showing the ceremony on every monitor, and while the place was completely full, most people went about playing games and socializing, ignoring the matter completely, save for the curious calico cat sitting on the counter, transfixed on the monitor and not budging in the slightest when Qaraq tried to shoo it away.

===Near the Umbilical Mooring Walkway===

Lt. Commander Baro Alora, as a Bajoran her last name tended to go first, Chief of Operations, stood with a polite expression as she waited with a group of officers to form up. Part of her mind was on not standing out as another part considered the status of projects she was currently working on. Such facial expression one learned when attending a formal event with cameras. She hated these things, but accepted it as part of her duties. She was in dress uniform like the others, rarely worn medals pulled out of a drawer for the occasion, as required. Her traditional Bajoran earring glittered in its place on her right ear.

Paul Graves stood a little apart from the crowd of Starfleet officials and diplomats who had gathered for the Piping the Side ceremony. He was as far away as he could get from them without looking too much like he wanted to avoid them. Everyone was, in turns, excited, curious, massaging sore feet, bored, looking forward to the reception that would follow, or wanting to get the folderol over with so they could go back to work.

He flicked a glance at Dhuro Lanis as the doctor walked over to him. "Hi! I wasn't sure they'd let you up here, since you aren't acting CMO anymore."

Lanis rolled his eyes at Paul. "I was ACMO for barely a week. Turns out, being a Lt. Commander has some perks, one of which is standing up here if I want to. How are you holding up?"

"I'd rather meet her in my office." Paul shrugged. "But I would have done this when Commodore Suzuki came aboard, if she hadn't been injured, so I can do it for Captain Navarra, too. I'll live."

"You'd better. Who else am I going to miss Chlamydia with?" Lanis said.

"Good point. Come by my place later, and we can toast her with a bottle of her favorite wine--and a skull."

Commander Locke glanced over at Graves, off to one side of the main gathering of officers, and quietly wished she could allow herself the luxury of the counselor's more relaxed approach to this ceremony. For all her poise, she hated the formality of these ceremonies. Perhaps that was why she hadn't put her name forward for permanent command of the base. The day-to-day, gritty side of managing a crew she could handle, but she was not a diplomat - an area where Captain Navarra was most definitely strong, and clearly a quality that Starfleet Command deemed to be important at this sensitive time for the Triangle Region. She glanced to her right; Captain Grax was flanking her, just a step behind. Grax offered a small, almost imperceptible nod of reassurance. Clearly, he sensed her nervousness. Once the ceremony got going, she would be fine, but the waiting... the waiting was killing her.

The band director kept sweeping his eyes over the small, official greeting band that was active on 109. There had been a few ceremonies over the months, but not nearly enough opportunities for him to feel confident in the band's professionalism. Oh, they could play their instruments just fine. Were they able to stand at attention for long times, able to refrain from idle chit-chat, able to do Starfleet proud? He supposed he'd find out today, as the new commander came aboard.

His eyes wandered to the man and woman who would actually play the traditional pipes. He hoped they could play in unison. They'd managed in practice, but many a slip happened after perfect practices. He wanted to shift his feet, stretch his neck, do something to change his position, but that could set off a chain reaction in the band, and that wouldn't do. He sighed. Maybe he should find another purpose and abandon the title 'Band Director'.

Caroline glanced at Handsome, but he shook his head. She still had at least a couple of minutes as the camera panned the area at the end of the umbilical. Into her PADD, she tapped names of people she saw among the officials, thinking it might earn her a few points that could come in handy, if certain officers heard their names had been on the news.


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