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Sorting Out Potential Problems

Posted on Tue 20th Dec, 2022 @ 5:45am by Lieutenant Commander Andrew Eberstark

1,412 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: A Fresh Perspective
Location: Orchids & Jazz, Deck 600
Timeline: MD 3, 1148

Previously, in Orchids & Jazz ...

"Umm..before we eat I have a question. Did I do something to rub you the wrong way recently? Because I thought we were okay, but if I did something or have been too busy with my duties to come by as often as you would like..." Andrew paused, realizing he was rambling. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to drop that on you."

Serena smiled and shook her head. "Let's sit and we'll talk about it while we eat, but no, we're fine."

They busied themselves with napkins and arranging food on the table, but then Alia looked up at the nervous man seated across from her. "Relax," she told him, layiing her hand on top of his on the table. "I had an odd introduction to work this morning myself. It came from ... well, almost everyone. Side looks, strange comments. I think it did start with something you did, but I don't think anything of it and neither should anyone else."

Thinking on Serena's words, Andrew let out a sigh, "I wonder if it stemmed from me grabbing a drink with Commander Baro recently here." Andrew certainly meant no deception or disrespect with Serena and their relationship, but maybe someone could draw the wrong conclusion seeing him one on one with someone else. He admittedly wasn't the greatest with social interaction or keeping track of the rumor mill back at the Academy.

Serena swallowed, and then chuckled, "I rather think it did, Andrew. Everyone seemed to think you were cheating on me, but really? Right here in Orchids & Jazz, where I work? I would think someone in your job would be smarter than that. I know you are. I didn't give it any credibility, but it certainly gave people something else to think about other than the new base commander. Were you down there, too?"

Content with Andrew's brief explanation, Serena gave him room to move on, or say more, whichever he wanted. She smiled slightly, thinking of Jenna's and Marin's thoughts on her relationship with him. People were funny.

All Andrew could do was give an embarrassing shrug in response,"I don't know what to say, really. I appreciate you not believing the speculation. I can assure you it was just an innocent outing to celebrate finishing up some official business down in Brown Sector. And since we are both part of the Senior Staff of the Starbase, we figured it was a good opportunity to get to know each other a little more." Realizing how the last part came out, Andrew quickly added, "As colleagues of course."

"Of course," Serena smiled, crinkling her eyes a bit. "I really didn't think anything of it. Don't worry about it. Tomorrow, there will be some other newsy tidbit that has everyone staring and speculating. We live in a city of a quarter million people, yet we act like a village of a hundred."

She leaned back in her seat and patted her tummy. "That steak was so good! I'm not sure if I have room for this gorgeous French Apple Pie. I'll wait while you finish and see. "So do you like this colleague? Chief Engineer, right? I won't even ask what you were working on together. I know a lot of what you do isn't for public consumption. If you have to work with her often, it would be nice if you liked her, though."

Andrew gave a shrug, "Yea. I'm not exactly great at parsing through the rumor mill, if you haven't noticed. My sister would tease me constantly about stuff like that."

Finishing his main course and wiping his mouth with his napkin, Andrew swallowed the last bit of steak, "No argument from me. I love the steak here. I have no shame, either." Grinning, he went for his slice of apple pie on the cart next to them, "Don't mind if I do."

As he took a bite, Andrew deliberately took his time to put together a coherent response to Serena, "Commander Baro is the Chief Ops officer. She's more than competent at her job." Keeping the details vague, since he wasn't sure just how much of the events down in Brown Sector made their way to the rumor mill, he added, "It was honestly my first time really working with her on an assignment. I thought we worked well together, as should all senior staff aboard."

"It's important to work well with others. You've always struck me as someone who would, even though I've never actually seen you at work," Serena said.

Taking another bite of pie, Andrew added, "Full disclosure, it turns out we both share an interest in music in our free time so we may be organizing a group session in the future." Whatever Serena thought of that idea, she hid it well on her face. Andrew couldn't read her reaction as he awaited her response.

"What instruments are involved? Anything Jade would want to have here from time to time, maybe for a special night? Of course, that would have to be jazz, but maybe that works?" Serena asked. Though not playing an instrument herself, she still enjoyed listening, and she was still withholding judgment about Andrew's night with his boss. She had no business judging him, anyway, and she smiled now to show her acceptance of his conduct. She didn't own him, she merely ... liked him, and a little part of her laughed to think she might like to own him ... though that was not the appropriate word. She shook off her thoughts.

"Jade plays sometimes, late at night. Have you ever heard her?" she said aloud.

"Violin and harp," Andrew answered, "So I'm assuming not the musical genre Jade is looking for. Although, I do dabble a little with guitar," he paused. "But it's been a while since I seriously played that. Actually, Jade and I did speak about music one night a while back. when I was here late night enjoying a drink a little stronger that synthehol. I got the sense she was politely building me up to ask to play eventually but nothing materialized."

Realizing Serena may misinterpret his story, he quickly added, "Please don't put in a word with Jade. I didn't mean it that way. Besides, I don't think I'm quite ready to perform in front of any audience."

"Oh, this isn't an audience, especially late at night," Serena pushed away that concern. "It's just friends sitting around jamming. So why can't a violin and harp play jazz?" she asked, putting her chin in her hand propped on the table.

Andrew shrugged, "I guess that's a matter of perspective. I've never gotten used to an audience of any size to be honest." Thinking on her question, "That's a good point. I guess when played at the right tempo, they could work well. I just never thought about playing the violin that way," he smiled. "When I get in that mood, I usually turn to the guitar anyway." Sitting back, he added, "Don't get the wrong idea. I've only played in front of my sister, so it's not like I'm some angsty Starfleet officer looking to express emotion through music."

He surprised a laugh out of Serena. "No, I imagine not. I never think of you as 'angsty', anyway. I'm not going to push you, but if you're going to be playing with the commander, you'll have someone besides your sister who has heard you. Maybe you'll get used to it. There's no time limit on the idea."

She straightened up, glancing at the empty dishes in front of them. "It looks like we've managed to demolish this meal, and solve the base's problems for today. I guess I need to dump these things in the recycler and get back to business. Thank goodness Jade installed a recycler access in here. Makes life so easy!" She stood and began to gather the leftover mess from their meal.

Andrew helped clearing the plates, "I'm glad you had time for this delicious lunch. I certainly ate much better than what I normally do on my own during the day."

As the cleanup was completed, they both departed and headed back out to the main dining area. Feeling relieved and infinitely more relaxed than the start of the meal, Andrew gave a smile, "Back to reality. Let me know if you're ever free around this time again. Just please, no more rumors."


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Comments (1)

By Commander Paul Graves PsyD on Tue 20th Dec, 2022 @ 9:14am

Kellian needs to meet Andrew. Then, all they'd need is a viola player and another violinist for a string quartet along with the harp!