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Well Earned Rest - Part 2

Posted on Sun 18th Dec, 2022 @ 12:01am by Lieutenant Commander Alora Baro & Lieutenant Commander Andrew Eberstark

894 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: A Fresh Perspective
Location: Orchids and Jazz
Timeline: MD 1 - 2200 hours


As the waiter came back over to the table, Andrew glanced over at Baro, "Up for another drink?"

Baro leaned back in her chair, "Sure." She nodded to the waiter who took their drink orders before leaving. "As for a jam session sounds great. I'm learning a harp, should work with a violin. Its amazing though" She said briefly shaking her head, "I did not realize until I started learning just how different you could make a note with how much force and how often you tug the strings. The slightest difference and its a new song"

And now...

As the waiter placed their drinks down, Andrew nodded in agreement, "Next time I make time to practice, I'll let you know. And I know what you mean. I started playing seriously in the Academy," pausing to give a quick laugh, "Focusing on understanding how to play helped me rein in some immaturity," again pointing to the scar along the side of his face.

Alora nodded, "Music can do amazing things. I remember being very young and whenever I was scared I would go to my mother and she'd sing to me. All was well again." She smiled at the memory, "I may not have learned an instrument but I think my love of music started there but before I get too far off topic." She continued "How does learning music relate to the scar?" She asked curiously. Her mind having been presented with a puzzle wanted to know.

Smiling, Andrew sipped his drink, "Well, the short version of that story is I was young, brash, and way too susceptible to instigation. One night, there was a confrontation with a Klingon. I didn't like some of things he said and I may have said some things to escalate the situation," shrugging, "He brought a D'k tahg to what I thought was a fist fight," pointing to his scar to illustrate the result.

Continuing, "I did end up breaking his nose and got a few other hits in though. Anyway, I figured after that experience that I should channel my emotions into something else. As it happens, my mother also taught me the violin growing up so I figured music may be an option for an outlet. Turns out I still had a knack for it and I've kept playing ever since," sitting back, Andrew motioned to Baro, "What about you? Any stories from the Academy? I've yet to meet anyone who coasted through without at least one incident."

Alora grinned, "I did get into a few fights myself, mostly with arrogant jerks who couldn't back up their attitude." Though I do have a favorite story.

"sooo a few medical students figured out how to make what humans called a 'still'. All I knew was it could make alcohol, now it was located just off campus at someone's house nearby." She paused, remembering, "We threw the biggest party, I didn't make the alcohol but rigged up the lights and the music, acted as the DJ." She grinned and it broadened into something quite pleased with herself. "It was the stuff of legends. Anyway my perimeter alarms went off so I activated the 'killjoy protocols' fried everything, crashed the the lights and everyone scattered fortunately the security teams raiding the party didn't have us quite encircled and some got away. I wasn't one of them, fortunately I'd slagged everything so they weren't quite sure everything that had gone on so not enough to kick us out. Personally my engineering mentor was quite impressed."

Andrew leaned back in his chair and grinned, "Wow. That certainly sounds like the party of the year. I'm just happy to hear that you didn't always use your engineering talents for good," pausing, "I have to ask though. How good was the alcohol?"

Alora grinned, happy to have found a kindred spirit, "I'm pretty sure I could have cleaned an oil spill with it. I do remember I thought my internal organs were on fire for the longest time." She said in the told of high praise, "Bit like field repairs, not always pretty but certainly does the job. I believe some Earther called it 'moonshine' though I failed to see what the moon had to do with it." She shrugged at the unimportant detail.

He nodded in understanding, "Oh, yes. I'm familiar with that term. I believe the term was coined due to the need for it to be transported during the night to avoid being detected by authorities. Apparently it was that strong," glancing over with a sarcastic grin, "Although I'm sure whatever you had wasn't that strong," taking another sip of his drink "Although, that makes me want something a little stronger than this now that I think about. Or do you think we should call it a night?"

Alora laughed, "It sure felt strong at the time." She glanced at the bar, a considering expression on her face. "To quote a friend if future me doesn't come into the past to stop me, how bad a decision can it be?" She replied with a grin.

Andrew responded with a laugh of his own and calling over the waiter, simply said, "I like that attitude."

Alora grinned leaning back in her chair, it had been awhile since she cut loose with friends. This ought to be fun.


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Comments (1)

By on Sun 18th Dec, 2022 @ 4:22am

It was fun to read a post of companionship and relaxation between two co-workers!