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Walk About

Posted on Sun 18th Dec, 2022 @ 2:42am by

1,034 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: A Fresh Perspective
Location: Starbase 109
Timeline: MD 4, 1515

Henry always enjoyed his quiet time walking around the Starbase. When the trappings of the day seemed to get to be too much to handle, he would go for his walk about. He made sure to make Jade's his last stop for a daily glass of lemonade.

As he was turning the corner of one of the corridors, Henry bumped into Yeoman Cowley.

"Yeoman Cowley!" Henry said more so out of fright than anything else. "Please excuse me. I didn't see you there."

"My fault, entirely, Commander. Have you met our new base commander, Captain Navarra?" He turned to his boss without waiting for an answer. "Ma'am this is Commander Henry Perry. We couldn't run this base without him. He's Captain of the Port and keeps all those ships in order, including yours when you arrived."

Turning back to the Captain of the Port, Cowley added, "Commander, may I present Captain Navarra, your new boss and mine."

"Hello, Captain Navarra. It is a pleasure to meet you." Henry extended his hand to his new boss.

"Commander Henry Perry, your reputation proceeds you," Navarra replied as she took his hand in hers. "Where are you heading in such a hurry?"

"Nowhere in particular." The engineer replied as he took a moment to look around his surrounding. "I usually take a walkabout to clear my head from time to time. Something about the hustle and bustle of everyone going about their business brings me peace. Maybe it's because they can afford not to know the details about ... things. What about you? Where are you off to?"

Navarra took a moment to take in her surroundings and could see why Henry took his walks. To see the civilians and officers going about their day was proof that they were doing what they were tasked to do.

"Well, Cowley here is helping me get a lay of the land. Showing me the ins and outs of the Starbase. But unfortunately, my main task right now is that I have to give some very good officers some very bad news."

Henry frowned at the news and did not envy the Captain. He knew this was one of the tasks of command that no one enjoyed doing, but he understood the necessity of such.

"I am sure you will handle it with the grace I have observed of you so far ma'am." Henry gave his customary boyish smile to bring a bit of levity to the scene. "I tell you what ma'am, when you have some free time, why don't you come down to my office so that I can give you a tour of the port and of Samurai."

"Ahhh yes, U.S.S. Samurai. If memory serves, you have command of her since you are testing new designs for Starfleet. I hope if and when the time needs, she will be ready to help defend the station."

Matthew hoped when his boss toured that ship, he was along for the viewing. He'd heard of the distinguished career of the ship, if a ship could be said to have a career, and he was keen to see it. The tragic pirate attack and so much loss of life was a sad mark on its history, and he hoped it would have another chance to shine.

"I would love that, Commander! I will have my Yeoman schedule a time for that tour. But alas, we must be on our way to deliver the news no one ever wants to hear. If you will excuse us, Commander, we will also be on our way."

As they turned to go toward the nearby lift, Cowley asked, "Are you interested in seeing the Promenade, Captain? It's quite extensive, of course, 100 decks, but there are some highlights among those decks. For instance, Deck 636 has consulates and some interesting museums and public buildings." They came to the lift and Cowley pushed for it to stop for them, realizing that Commander Perry was still with them.

"Or there are many restaurants, almost any kind of food you could hope to find is there. One place that most of the commanders and department heads seem to like a lot is Orchids & Jazz. It isn't officially anything to do with Starfleet, of course, but everyone seems to like meeting there, and the food is outstanding. Not replicator-generated. The owner is El-Aurian, and quite an interesting woman, head of the Promenade Association of Merchants. She also plays a fine alto sax and the jazz music there is authentic from Earth of the past. I'm not quite sure which century, but it's a peaceful background to conversation, usually." The lift stopped and they stepped on. "So shall we tour the Promenade a bit?"

"We shall!" Navarra said as she turned around in the lift to face Henry. "Commander, let us know when you are ready for that tour of Samurai. I am sure we would be pleasantly surprised to see some of the upgrades you have made to her."

"Aye Captain. I will contact your Yeoman and put something in the books. You all have a great day." Henry said as he watched the turbo lift doors close.

As the lift moved toward the promenade, the captain's yeoman received a hail. =^=Ensign Cowley, this is Base Security Officer Breiner. We have a situation and I need to speak with Captain Nevarra immediately. Do you know where she is?=^=

"I'm with her now, on a lift, and we have privacy. Go ahead, Officer Breiner."

=^=Sir, a drone worker bee exploded in the inner harbor a short time ago. It was leading WV Nomad out to the outer harbor for departure. Preliminary investigation shows that it was not a natural explosion, but a device of some sort that triggered at a point when the only nearby vessel was Nomad. That ship is being tractored back to dock, and your presence has been requested at the offices of the Port Authority there. =^=

"Well Crowley, so it begins." Navarra took a deep breath and tried to prepare herself for what was about to come. The Captain tapped her comm badge. "On my way!" She said as she straightened her uniform. "Into the breach Yeoman!"


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