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Like Qaraq For Chocolate

Posted on Fri 9th Dec, 2022 @ 10:54pm by Qaraq

1,513 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: A Fresh Perspective
Location: Orchids & Jazz, Deck 600
Timeline: MD 3, 1330

Jade sat the beautiful Death by Chocolate in front of the Broot who had ordered it. She didn't know what he understood about calories, but there was a reason death was in the name of the desert! About 100 grams serving had over 10,000 calories and more fat and sugar than anyone's body could digest easily. And the serving was well over 100 grams! Of course, it was delicious, and she'd never known anyone to actually die from eating it, but she never took more than one bite.

The bowl she sat in front of Qaraq was about six inches across, or about 25 centimeters. It was layered with cake, chocolate pudding, chocolate mousse whipped cream and crushed candy made with butter and caramelized sugar. All of it was made from scratch by Marin, and Jade had tasted nothing like it in her travels through the galaxy. It looked beautiful with the swirled mousse whipped cream spread on top, and it tasted even better than it looked.

Almost reverently, Lantz handed the man the handle of a large spoon, similar to a soup spoon. "Eat slowly, and maybe you won't actually die," she said solemnly.

Qaraq laughed and took a bite. It was so sweet it nearly stung his teeth! He recoiled somewhat, then carefully swallowed and smiled back at Jade. "In the Expanse, rather close to where I am from, is the home planet of the Artasians. Artasians are gifted cooks. Their desserts contain an ingredient that is a guarded secret. Their world has been invaded, unsuccessfully, eight times. It's not surprising their highest military rank is 'Master Chef.' Captured Artasians have taken the secret to their graves, even after hours of torture."

Qaraq's gaze looked up to the heavens, as though he were staring straight at the Artasian star. "I once had a freshly-made Artasian doughnut. The glaze of the doughnut was said to be taken from the milk of seven different kinds of majjerhorse, and cane sugar from the Felipar Valley in Wagzilcher, whipped and aged for three generations. The dough was carefully prepared on a baking sheet made of Pollinberry wood, containing flour from the Bilznpish fields on their southern continent, with agrogeese eggs from the farmers of Xamar in the green mountains of Trogrador. Once every ingredient is carefully brought together, the final and most secret of ingredients is added and the doughnut is cooked. The glaze feels hard to the touch, but melts upon entering your mouth. Many a warrior has been brought to tears upon tasting such an incredible work of culinary art." Qaraq took another bite of Death By Chocolate and said, "This is way better!"

"Oh, my," Jade laughed out loud. "I don't know if I can get all that right to share with Marin. I may have to ask her to come out here so you can repeat it, but I know she'd love to hear it just for the sake of your last line! I don't know if you could torture her secret ingredient out of her, but you might be able to sweet talk it away."

This was the second puzzling person she'd come across this week, the first being Aradia. The Broot was more personable, quite adept with his words, seemed to have a sense of humor, and yet ... yet, there was something about him that incited her curiosity. She wanted to know more about him, and realized that he was like Aradia in giving only little hints of himself, for all the talking he did. It intrigued her.

"I wouldn't dream of it," Qaraq replied, sitting up straight and squaring his shoulders. "Secret ingredients are secret for a reason. But this is unimportant." He leaned forward. "I didn't come here just to try the food. There is also business I would like to discuss."

"Oh." Lantz looked around the club. Lunch had settled down, and she had plenty of help, including Daneel here at the bar. "Would you care to bring your fine dessert to savor in my office while we talk?" She was curious what kind of business he would propose, but she was open-minded and willing to listen and ponder a new opportunity.

Qaraq nodded and picked up his plate. "Lead the way...."

Jade did just that, pausing a moment to let Daneel know she might be away for some time. Then she turned down the corridor to the right that led to offices, and the area whee the humaniforms lived ... or could be found when they weren't off on a job. Three doors down on the right, she turned into her office and waved at an over stuffed chair in front of her desk. It was burgandy leather, and the dark wood on the arms was studded with brass buttons, like an antique she'd seen on Earth. This one wasn't antique, but it gave her a sense of refinement and happiness.

"Have a seat," she invited, bringing over a dark wood gate-leg table for his dessert. Then she moved around her desk to her own chair and shut down the holographic image that showed a beach out the window that didn't exist.

"Now, I'm intrigued. Take your time eating that dessert, but do satisfy my curiosity about your idea of business we can do together," Lantz encouraged.

"Thank you, but I think I'll get a box for this," Qaraq said. "Desserts should be enjoyed after business is done." Qaraq cleared his throat. "My casino made a large profit from being the only business open in Brown during the Captain's arrival ceremony a few days ago. I know my choice was seen as disrespectful to some of those in Starfleet, but I stand by it. I am not Starfleet and most of Brown Sector isn't either. I believe this was a large reason why Starfleet rejected my bid for advertisement during the broadcast. In fact, I couldn't help noticing your establishment was the sole sponsor." Qaraq leaned forward. "This rather upset me.

"However," he leaned back, "this is not a grudge against your establishment, and I am not here to initiate some kind of competition between our businesses. Quite the opposite, in fact. You see, my new casino here is a tiny cog in what I hope to make a much, much larger machine. But when I came to Starbase 109 to represent and speak for Delavi, I found the people of Brown Sector are in need of a strong voice as well." He smiled. "As you may have noticed, my voice is very strong. But apparently here, your voice is stronger. So I came here hoping to strike up some kind of deal, one that benefits both of our businesses and, hopefully, clientele. I realize with your tenure and reputation you have no obligation to accept this request. But I have more resources than just the casino that could be very useful to you, and I'm willing to do whatever it takes to make this work."

Jade was rarely surprised, but today, this Qaraq surprised her. Although he didn't have an aura, she could feel his sincerity, and it impressed her. What she still didn't see was exactly what she could do to further his goals, exactly what his goals were, or how she fit into his plans. She took a moment to study him, and then she nodded. "You have my attention. I'm not sure what your plan is, but I'm still willing to listen. I do have a certain amount of ... influence, would be the closest word in the Terran language, I think. It's hard-earned, and I intend to keep it, but I'm not above thinking there are things that need to be fixed, on this starbase, and in Starfleet in general. I am not Starfleet. I'm a civilian citizen of the Federation, nominally from Earth."

Lantz took a drink from the cup of Golden Turmeric Herbal latte she had taken from the replicator. Though she would serve the actual drink to a customer, she often used her replicator ... because she could really taste no difference. "I sense you have a strategy to put into place, so lay your cards on the table. I can promise you anything you say in this office will not go beyond the door, nor be shared with anyone you haven't approved to know." She leaned back and relaxed, preparing to be amazed.

"Very well," Qaraq said. He put his hands together, making a steeple with his index fingers. When he spoke, it was soft, and his inflection entirely sincere, without the jovial merriment he'd maintained til this point. "Profit is not my ultimate goal with the Federation. I want something more. Something that benefits more than me, my family, my business, my empire. It's something I cannot, with all my vast wealth, ever purchase. Something I will, if necessary, give my life to earn. It's also something I've been twice denied." Qaraq leaned forward. "I want to make Delavi a member of the Federation. I want to bring the Federation to the Expanse."

To be continued...


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