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Briefing - Part II

Posted on Thu 12th Jul, 2012 @ 8:29pm by Colonel Horatio Drake & Commander Brian Windsong & Lieutenant Colonel Tallus Karikkar & Major Darian Riva & Lieutenant Colonel Cara Karikkar & Major Kyle Green & Lieutenant Commander Clark Patterson & Commander Jasmine Collins-Keller & Captain Adam Teague & Commander Paul Graves PsyD & 1st Lieutenant Aryll LeStrat & 1st Lieutenant Ian Knapp & Senior Chief Petty Officer Fihnrilk'Hob"ledn-ardol (Fin) & Lieutenant Adam Keller

4,396 words; about a 22 minute read

Location: Observation Lounge, Deck 14
Timeline: Day 1: 0756 Hours

And now the continuation...


"Firstly, Commander Windsong, I must apologize for not informing you of this as your department is heavily involved. There simply hasn't been enough time!".

He smiled and received a nod from the Commander. He realized then that Brian couldn't see the smile and suddenly felt quite stupid. He decided to proceed.

"We have been selected to play host to a diplomatic function between two species" He picked up the PADD that lay on the table in front of him and began reading the information he had received from Starfleet Diplomatic Headquarters.

"The Emorites are a race of semi-aquatic animals living on Theta Prime in the Glastrell System. For generations they have shunned contact with other worlds. This all changed when they encountered the Caliburnites, a race of beings who evolved similarly to their own. Research has demonstrated that the Emorites are almost biologically identical to the Caliburnites. It is believed that the Emorites and Caliburnites were seeded by the Preservers. In fact the two races are able to make out the others language, with some difficulty. After the Caliburnites joined the Federation, the Emorites began to consider changing their isolationist ways. Recently they have asked the Caliburnites to host a conference that will explore the possibility of them becoming full members of the Federation. There is a faction of Emorites who are resistant to the idea of joining the Federation, they have threatened to disrupt any negotiations.
This faction, to justify their beliefs, use the example of a group of Emorites who, many years ago, ventured out into space in search of exploration – they were never heard from again, they picked up the nick name of the “Lost Emorites”."

He paused to take a breath, looking around the room he noted that everyone's attention was now peaked... most had even stopped taking notes on their PADDS.

"There have also been talks between the two worlds of unification. The Caliburnites have requested that the conference be held aboard a Federation Starbase, since it can easily accommodate the various environmental requirements of both the Emorites and the Caliburnites. Also, in light of extremes threats, the Starbase can provide exceptional security for the conference".

He rested the PADD back on the table and looked directly at their Diplomatic Officer. "Commander Windsong, your departments job is going to be twofold. Firstly the negotiated the Caliburnites entrance into the Federation. Secondly, to attempt to unify these two worlds... so, no pressure!" He smiled and a small unified laughter followed from the room.

"Captain Teague" he looked at the Chief Security Officer "it goes without saying that our number one priority must be to keep the two parties safe from whatever extremist faction may try to disrupt negotiations. At the same time, we want to keep everything on Protector as normal as possible".

Adam nodded and took a mental note of security placements and measures.

"Now, are there any questions?"

Darian has quietly entered the briefing while the argument was taking place. So far she'd just sat and listened to the information being presented. With this mission having a more diplomatic focus Riva had a feeling there would be a lot of training exercises for her pilots. That could be both a good and a bad thing. For now she'd just have to see how things progressed, "Given the nature of this mission it sounds like there won't be much need for my department beyond training? Or did I miss something?"

"Yes and no... essentially it'll be a good time for you to get to know your department and see what their capabilities are. But at the same time, we'll probably want Squadrons of Fighters on the perimeter of the base, doing stop-checks on all inbound vessels."

He paused for a moment and addressed the whole table, "As I said, security has to be high and we have to be on guard... but at the same time, we shouldn't be giving the impression that we are. With regards to stopping inbound vessels, we can disguise it under health and safety checks due to the weak nature of the base... or something.".

"Colonel," Brian said after taking a sip of his tea, "You mentioned these two races are semi-aquatic. Will we need any special accommodations for them while they are here? Also does Starfleet have any more information on them? If we are going to be negotiating with them, the more information we have the better. I don't want to make a faux pas that blows things up. And any personal information on the diplomats both sides are sending would also be helpful.

I have found in my experience that it is usually intrigue not raw violence or physical attacks that destroys such talks. Brute force usually brings the sides together rather than drive them away from each other."

Ashton rested his elbows on the back of the chair and now lent, relieving some tension in his back. "Indeed... all quarters will have to be fitted to be water tight... essentially with a double door system installed as a sort of airlock" he nodded at LeStrat as he said it. "They can survive out of water, I am led to believe, for a number of days but their are at their most comfortable when submerged."

He cleared his throat and then carried on. "Regarding information... we really haven't got much, but I'll make all that we do have available to your department".

Ian listened intently "about how many fighter squadrons are we looking at using sir?" Ian asked the colonel.

"That's really up to you, Lieutenant. I would suggest to begin with we split the surrounding space up into quadrants and have four squadrons on rotation", Ashton replied.

"Yes sir," Ian replied then to his Group Commander "Ma'am I'll get a flight plan as well as a schedule together for the rotation" Ian said

There were many undercurrents in the briefing room. Some of them Jade could read, and understood from knowing the species or persons involved. Others were still a mystery to her. She pondered what the diplomatic talks would mean for the businesses on the Promenade. So far, she'd been a silent observer at the meeting, but perhaps it was time to make everyone present aware of more than simple Starfleet regulations in regard to the visitors.

"Colonel Drake, the businesses on the Promenade would be most happy to make the visitors welcome, of course. There will be special needs to consider, of course. Where are you planning the initial diplomatic reception for all the ambassadors and delegates to the meetings?"

Ashton had briefly remembered hearing about Jade Lantz, whilst he was en route to the Starbase... but the small talk certainly didn't do her justice. Despite her intriguing looks, it was her voice that seemed to strike a chord with him. Ultimately relaxing... the voice, it seemed, of absolute knowledge and experience. He was taken aback for a few seconds.

"Um... in fact, Miss Lantz... I hadn't got that far yet! Would your venue be willing to fulfill such a need?" He asked, inquisitively.

Jade thought for a minute, trying to count how many businesses would jump at the chance to help Starfleet, and how many would complain about the inconvenience. "I'm sure something can be arranged, Sir. When you can, let me know how many diplomats will be arriving, and the numbers in each entourage. I'll meet with the other Promenade businesses and we'll come up with a plan for an initial reception, and what we can do to help with any other entertainment needs during their stay."

Paul's gaze had widened slightly in surprise when Col. Drake had turned from the window to face them. Firstly, he hadn't expected that fellow to be Drake, and secondly, the man's age startled him. Drake couldn't be older than thirty, unless he was extraordinarily well preserved. The starbase commanders Paul had previously met had all been well into late middle-age. That Drake had pursued starbase command over starship command was unusual. Most of the hotshot command-track cadets Paul remembered from Starfleet Academy had all wanted to be on starships. Interesting.

"Do we have access to any information about this Emorite isolationist group that wants to disrupt the negotiations, Colonel?" Paul asked. "I'm curious about them. It's unusual for an isolationist group to argue the case of fear. Usually, they argue that, 'We're better than they are. We don't want them to contaminate us with their foreign ideas.' Arguing one's own moral superiority is, in an odd way, a more positive argument than fear of vanishing like some other group did, years ago."

This was one personnel file that Ashton had indeed read. Lieutenant (JG) Paul Graves, a human-betazoid cross... raised on Betazed. A man of extreme academic qualifications and intelligence... someone who was clearly more interested in doing his job than the rank that he held, as he could have been a lot more than a Junior Lieutenant at this point in his career. The quality of putting profession before rank was something that Ashton now admired... before, when he was an arrogant, career minded Marine he would have turned his nose up at it... but his world was a different place now. Rank was seemingly unimportant.

"I tend to agree, Lieutenant," He said he agreed, but truthfully he wouldn't know what an isolationist group usually argued. "In all honesty we've got less information on them than anything. For all we knew they could be a few guys in a basement somewhere, spouting at propaganda... or a well armed and dutiful militia... all I know is that it's usually best to be prepared for the latter!" He smiled at the Counselor.

Paul nodded. "Groups in power don't usually like to let word get out about their opposition. I'll see if Intelligence can dig up anything about them. I think it would benefit us to know more than just what the diplomats are willing to tell us." He paused. "And, speaking of the diplomats and their entourages, I'll need to get psych profiles of them if any are available."

Drake simply nodded in response to the request... Starfleet barely had what foods they ate, let alone psychological profiles on them! But he would see what information Command might be forthcoming with.

Nyx listened to the briefing and made a few notes on her PADD. She'd been chastised enough by Kell for one day. "I'll need to have bio scans of their species so I can treat them if anything comes up." She added her own input into the conversation.

"Ah, now that is something that we do have! I'll make all the information accessible to your department, Lieutenant."

"Thank you sir. As soon as I've got my team settled, I'll brief them on this. We'll be prepared for any medical situation that might arise while they're on base - as long as the information is viable." In a duty mindset, Nyx was nothing but professional. The minute the Commander started speaking, she sat up and took note.

"I'll take the time to ah..." Aryll stopped briefly. "Have some bells, and whistles, installed in the Ambassador's rooms. Try and make it feel closer to home, for them."

Ashton grinned... perhaps LeStrat was warming to the idea of being here after all.

Major Green thought for a moment. It seemed that the security and diplomatic department were good. Major Green asked, "Colonel, have we heard of any threats against any of the delegates or the starbase?"

"No, none as of yet". He replied, in his stern, Marine type voice... saved for special occasions.

"What kind of Intel do we have on their ships weapons? Sir," Clark Patterson asked.

"Again, not much... nothing that Protector couldn't handle with ease... even in its current state. I think the concern is more about any would-be hostiles getting on board," Ashton replied.

"Sir, I am no diplomat. And doing security is not a job for a Marine. What will you be having my department do?" Tallus asked.

"Well, neither the Security nor Marine department are up to full strength yet. Security definitely has to be the visible presence on the starbase during these negotiations... but they haven't got enough officers for undercover work. This is where the Marines will fall into place". He nodded at both men, as they glanced at each other.

Jade made a mental note that the departments all over the station were thinking about how the visit impacted their work, and she had been no different. It was interesting to her to hear the variety of inquiries bombarding the base commander. From each question asked, it was easy to tell which department the questioner represented.

"How many people from both sides will be coming aboard? May I also recommend we lock all non essential locations and post round-the-clock security around the Representatives?" Clark said making notes on his PADD.

"I'll make sure to upgrade the security networks, regarding that." Aryll said, nodding.

Ashton was taken aback by the efficiency and exceptional teamwork that the Senior Staff were showing... less than a few minutes together and they were already working as if a seasoned team.

"From what I can ascertain, it will be a standard diplomatic entourage - essentially about eight to ten people from each side." he paused for a moment "And yes, Commander Patterson, on both those counts".

Major Green added, "Colonel, I understand that we have a lot a shuttle crafts. Why not have a patrol around the station to ensure more security?"

"This could be something we need to enact, Major, but for the time being I think we should probably stick to the Fighter patrols". Ashton replied.

"I will have my Marines dress in gold. Have them appear to be working on repairs. Assign them to be wherever the delegates are." Tallus said.

"I'll make sure to have the replicators authorize it." Aryll said, nodding. "If you send me a list, I'll do some creative editing of their publicly available, and not-so-publicly available crew roster files."

"Thank you." Tallus said looking to Aryll.

Nyx was shaking her head. She hated the idea of the Marines being in Fleet uniforms. At least now she could tell them apart. Now she wouldn't see them coming. In her little section of the station, the medical bay, it wouldn't matter who they were. She'd treat each and every one of them the same and fight as hard for their lives if it came to that. But walking about the station, doing every day things, she tried to avoid the Marines who tended to be gung ho and obnoxious... ~Let's hope Tallus remains in green so I can avoid him.~ she smirked as she sent the message to Cara and Devyn.

Cara hid a laugh even as she sent back a feeling of agreement to Nyx and Devyn.

Devyn shot a warning glare again in Cara's direction. ~DON'T~ He hadn't removed his hand from Nyx' so she got the message loud and clear as well. ~Once more Nyx and I'll open my thoughts to the man so he can hear everything...and let him deal with you.~

Looking much like a scolded child, Nyx sunk some in her chair and continued to take notes from the briefing. She was pretty sure that Tallus was enjoying this.

Rolling her eyes at Devyn Cara muttered mentally at him ~Not my fault he acts like he has a stick up his ... *Ahem* behind.~

Aryll simply nodded to Tallus. Her mind was preoccupied.

Tallus raises his eyebrow making a mental note to keep a lookout for the people who disliked him. "I will pose in Security Gold so that I can keep a better eye on the delegates. With the rank of Ensign. It will not be my first undercover mission."

Patting Nyx's hand, Devyn grinned when he felt her mentally sigh.

"May I also suggest to have nonessential personal keep away from the delegation, and have the bar keep a tab on how many drinks people have, the last thing we need is a crazy drunk insulting the delegates." Clark said.

"It might cause some grumbling," Jade inserted, "but the Colonel could order only synthahol for the duration of the talks, and avoid that problem."

Suddenly, from the discussion of duty, everyone was looking at Drake. He mentally went over how many bottles of scotch he had in his quarters... he was looking forward to visiting O&J, in an unofficial capacity, but he supposed that now had to wait.

"Indeed, Miss Lantz, I think that might be the best option," he begrudgingly replied.

Fin hadn't joined in the conversation yet, but when she heard the comment about synthahol, she shook her head. "That would be a double edged sword. There are some who will no doubt be much more open to negotiations if they have a little help from the real thing." They were all grown up, it shouldn't be necessary to babysit them by counting their drinks.

"You think they'll be drinking immediately before the negotiations, Chief?" Ashton asked with a smile on his face.

"Perhaps you should have the 'real stuff' under the bar for special requests, Miss. Lantz?" Ashton supposed that this was already the plan.

It did appear that most of the officers present were attempting to work together though. That was a good sign. "Are they any pictures or vids of these aquatic peoples?"

Typically, Ashton had glanced down for a moment to look at his PADD and missed the person who spoke. He tried to sound nonchalant about it and address everyone. "We have some limited pictures of both species, which will be made available to all department".

"Have you ever seen a Marine that is not allowed to have alcohol? Synthahol will not suffice. Marine's work long hard hours. I know because I train them. Keeping tabs, that is something that will suffice. And if any of the Marine's act out of practice then I will be sure to put them back into practice." Tallus said.

The man had an overinflated sense of self importance. "If the Marines were storming the Bastille or landing on a hostile beach I might agree with you. However, they will be on guard duty and not working any harder than anyone else." Fin looked at the CO. "It should be all or none for everyone, Captain."

"Oh yes," Nyx couldn't help herself. "It's much easier to tell a Marine he's cut off after he's had more than enough to drink than it is to tell a sober Marine he should stay sober for one or two days." She shook her head. "May as well tell a Klingon there's a ban on Blood Wine." She looked directly at Tallus when she spoke. Devyn shook his head and sighed. He couldn't protect her from herself if she insisted on opening her mouth without regard to others rank or station. "No offense." She added as an afterthought.

Ian just sat there trying to hide a smile. "I think I'm gonna like this crew." he thinks to himself while also hoping his fighters are still in good shape

"I should think the Marines would be professional enough to avoid excessive alcohol if they're ordered to for the duration of the talks," Paul said. "If they could not be trusted to govern themselves, why would we permit them here? Might we be seeing a problem where none exists?" SFMC was one of the more difficult branches of the military to get accepted into, Paul thought. Its troops were neither fools nor barbarians. He stifled his irritation, wondering how much of it came from himself and how much came from Karikkar.

"My Marines will follow their orders to the letter and I will not be having a Starfleet officer disrespecting them. Watch what you say Lieutenant. One day those Marines will be watching your back and you will be needing them." Tallus said looking directly at her in the traditional Vulcan tone. Without even a hint of emotion.

Brian leaned back and steppled his fingers. An advantage to being blind is that it was difficult for people to notice who you were focusing on. He didn't even try to keep his face from smirking. This was indeed going to be an interesting assignment.

"With all due respect Major aren't you being a tad touchy, especially for a Vulcan? I didn't hear any disrespect from Lt. Nyx., "he said.

"Lt. Nyx just told me that my Marines cannot be trusted to stop drinking when they are told to. That is an insult. And if you'll notice, I am no traditional Vulcan. I do not hide my emotions." Tallus said responding.

"Well I heard the same comment and didn't really hear it that way, but yes I did notice that you are not a traditional Vulcan. That part at least I can admire," came Brian's reply.

"It is purely a matter of perception." Tallus said nodding to the Lt. Commander knowing that he wasn't able to see but felt that he would know.

He irritated Cara with his apparent know it all attitude but she had to admit "Not all marines are drunks, but Nyx is right too Tallus ... the younger humans and Klingons at least do tend to get pissed when they get a chance."

~Apologize Nyx.~ Devyn sent a clear message to the woman.

"I apologize if you took my comment as disrespect toward your Marines, Major. But I have patched up enough lacerations, broken bones and dislocated joints the day after to know that not all Marines do as they're expected nor do they think rationally or show good judgement any more than any Fleet officer. What they do have however, is the ability to inflict more damage than most." She looked at Tallus and repeated. "I was not disrespecting your Marines."

From where she stood, Fin watched the conversation around the table and shook her head slightly. There were too many telepath's present for her comfort. Even though they could not read her thoughts, it was obvious that there were 'silent' conversations going on that only those involved in them knew about. And they weren't all happy ones. She settled her cognac eyes on Tallus. The man was a blowhard and for a Marine and Vulcan, that was not a compliment. She wondered if he had an inferiority complex that he was over compensating for. The big half Klingon mix in security was a treat for her eyes, but it also looked like he was spoken for. Too bad. Their leader, Ashton Drake was too young to lead this rag tag bunch to victory, smoothly and the others? Well, she'd have to observe them more before making a decision.

"I accept your apology. Thank you." Tallus said nodding to Nyx. "I will personally 'talk' to any of the Marine's that do not behave. You have my assurance."

"Fine." She responded like a truly chastised child. She looked at Devyn in time to see him smirk. "My recommendation still stands that they be restricted to synthahol for the duration of the talks."

"As the person who will have to repair anything they break, and file the reports with Fleet HQ, should any be incarcerated, and, Marine or not, they will be, I would second that notion." Aryll said, with a nod.

Finally someone was on her side. Nyx couldn't help but give a triumphant grin.
~smug much?~ Devyn smirked at her.

"Do you want Intel to act as security, too, or is there another assignment for us?"

"In all honesty we simply cannot have enough security... I think it would be best for Intelligence for liaise with both the Security and Marine Department and to advise them on best practice; basing this on your research of both the species." He nodded at Patterson.

So, they were to be security. It wasn't her favorite thing to do but perhaps the two species would be intriguing enough to keep her interested.

The interactions among the personnel gathered around the table would make a wonderful study for a PhD in Psychology, Jade thought. Her eyes focused on each person as they spoke, and she realized again that there had to be some telepathic communication of some kind between some of the officers seated there. Eye contact and facial expression gave it away to someone who was skilled in studying such things, though she doubted anyone else at the table would notice, or even think about it. Terran humans, especially, were well-known for looking only at the obvious surface level, even most of those who thought they saw below that.

Jade was gathering a lot of information, simply by listening and watching the men and women around her. It wasn't information that she would share or use for any particular purpose, other than knowing how the various personalities interacted. She also made mental notes of "hot buttons" disclosed by the interactions. Glad that she ran a restaurant with few employees and not a starbase, part of her mind began to work on reception ideas for a species with very specific environmental requirements.

"Colonel, I notice you said the species are "semi-aquatic." Are the ambassadors and their staff members able to interact with other species without special equipment?" the Orchids & Jazz owner asked thoughtfully.

Paul too gave Drake an interested look. Should he be called upon to interact with the diplomats, it would be helpful to know.

"Yes, they can indeed." He knew the answer to this question and didn't need to consult the PADD. "Essentially they can survive a number of days away from water and not submerged... however it is their natural comfort zone. Essentially it would be like us holding our breath... not very comfortable... it's just that they can do it for longer. As long as their quarters are immersed in water, we shouldn't have any problems with keeping them happy!"

Jade nodded, making a note. "Excellent. Are there any other species requirements, such as food allergies, or even preferences, that I should know about when planning a reception in the Promenade? I wouldn't want to cause a reaction such as mint in Vulcans."

~Or chocolate and Chameloids.~ Nyx smiled at Devyn who chuckled a little.



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