
  • 7 Mission Posts

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Fri 28th Sep, 2012 @ 12:50pm

Captain Adam Teague

Name Adam Paul Teague

Position Chief Security Officer

Rank Captain

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human- Alpha Centaurian
Age 35

Physical Appearance

Height 5"10"
Weight 145
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Green
Physical Description Adam is a stern looking man who's very presence demands discipline and obedience. He always keeps his hair high and tight and demands the best of his men.


Spouse None
Children None
Father Jean-Paul Adrian Teague- 65 - Retired SFMC Gunnery Sergeant
Mother Kelly Joan Teague- 60 -retired Starfleet, CPO
Brother(s) James Henry Teague- 30- Starfleet, Science Officer, Lieutenant- USS Kitty Hawke

Personality & Traits

General Overview Adam is a very stern looking man and to those who serve under him, but in his personal life he's just as easy going as the next guy. Very little worries him and he loves a good joke. He expects the respect of the station and rank he holds.
Strengths & Weaknesses Adam is a very stern man and gives off the aura of someone who demands the best from everyone.
Ambitions To serve and possibly retire in a few more years.
Hobbies & Interests Reading and telling stories.

Personal History Born in 2354, Adam was born to two Starfleeters, Jean-Paul and Kelly. They were stationed on Starbase 518. He grew up moving between base to Ship and he formed a great love for Starfleet, both the Naval aspect and Marine aspect. When he was 17 he enlisted in the Starfleet Marine Corps during the summer between his junior and senior years. After his graduation in 2372 he went to his MOS training for an Infantryman. He fought during the Dominion War and was wounded on two different occasions. After the Dominion War he entered the Academy. He graduated from the Academy in 2380 in Leadership, tactics, and Security. He served for four years on the Kitty Hawke. He was transferred to the USS Odin for two years before being transferred to Starbase Protector.