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Wed 3rd Oct, 2012 @ 8:51pm

Senior Chief Petty Officer Fihnrilk'Hob"ledn-ardol (Fin)

Name Fihnrilk'Hob"ledn-ardol (Fin)

Position Infiltration Specialist

Rank Senior Chief Petty Officer

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Cam h'lan (Skinwalker)
Age 203

Physical Appearance

Height 5'7"
Weight 145
Hair Color Pinkish gold like copper wire
Eye Color Cognac
Physical Description Fin is humanoid. Everything about her is reminiscent of metals and jewels. There is a great variety among her people, but they all share these traits. The name of her species translates to "Skinwalker" on the universal translator. She has the ability to move her 'essence' (soul or life force) from one organic body to another as long as it is in close proximity. She cannot take over an inanimate object---there must be active life in the 'shell' she moves to, but not necessarily intelligence. For instance, Fin once spent twelve years in the body of a Bormean slug until someone more suitable came along.


Personality & Traits

General Overview Fin is not easy to provoke. She has seen and experienced too much in her lifetime to let small things get under her skin. She is confident in her abilities but not in the abilities of others. Trust is hard earned from her. Because she is a Cam h'lan (Skinwalker) she was ideally suited for Intel work. She has worked alone most of the time and was in a branch of black ops doing the very questionable, illegal, and secret stuff that Star Fleet would never admit to having ordered. She is now in the third Cam h'lan body of her lifetime, and had to finagle with Admirals to get it. For each Cam h'lan body possessed, a small scar is made on the face. Fin has three scars, much like cat scratches, on her left cheek. They are there so others of her kind will know and give the respect a long life deserves.
Strengths & Weaknesses The danger of moving from her own body into another temporarily, is that it leaves her body open to being taken over by another entity who has similar abilities to hers. That is because it becomes an empty 'shell' without her essence. Although a spark of her essence stays with her body to keep it breathing and the heart beating, it is not enough to chase out another traveler that moves in.

Fin can identify herself positively to someone else if they have experienced her 'glisten'. She can focus her essence around the outside of her body. This causes a glistening, glittering aura to surround her. If she is touched or touches someone while in that state, they will experience a taste of her life force. It should cause them to experience a smell like thunderstorms and the taste of citrus. It is totally unique to her and imprints on the person forever. All she has to do to prove she is really Fin (no matter what body she possesses) is to share the glisten with them once again.

A Cam h'lan essence can be very strong, enabling it to take over and control a shell that still possesses its original owner. This is not like the symbiotic relationship between a Trill host and their symbiont, it would be more like a hostile takeover, always having to keep the original owner's essence in check. Fin has become very good at this as she has shared the bodies of many others from the inside.

Service Record Service record is sealed. Contact Admiral Elgin for information.