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Fri 14th Nov, 2014 @ 11:26am

Lieutenant Colonel Tallus Karikkar

Name Tallus Karikkar

Position MAGEG Executive Officer

Second Position Executive Officer

Rank Lieutenant Colonel

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Vulcan
Age 114

Physical Appearance

Height 6' 10"
Weight 200
Hair Color Brown
Eye Color Green
Physical Description A Vulcan that looks like an older Vulcan but is still a younger one.


Spouse Torpak Karikkar (Deceased), Lieutenant Colonel Cara Treia
Children Meriour Karikkar (Hirogen), Andy Karikkar, Jessica Karikkar, Rylax Karikkar (Talaxian), Jessica Treia (Adoptive)
Father Syrek Karikkar
Mother Virel Karikkar
Brother(s) Tarkelin Karikkar
Sister(s) Terelli Potha

Personality & Traits

General Overview Tallus is a different kind of Vulcan. He is able to make minor telepathic contact from up to 150 meters away. Tallus is very skilled in all types of martial arts. Tallus has gained more insight into his telepathy then any other Vulcan or telepathy/empathy species. He has taught himself to control the Pon Farr for much longer then any other Vulcans would be able to. Tallus has taught himself many different languages and is trying to learn more. Tallus is quick thinking in a fight and would rather not resort to violence unless it is absolutely necessary.
Strengths & Weaknesses + Giving Orders
+ Taking Orders
+ Mind Games

- Being Silent
- Being Alone
- Being Put Down
Ambitions To be a strong and wise leader.
Hobbies & Interests Kal-To, Martial Arts, Linguistics

Personal History Has lived a long and fruitful life.
Service Record 2301 - 25 - Applied and Accepted into Starfleet Marine Corps
2306 - 30 - Graduated Advanced Starfleet Marine Corps Training
2306 - 30 - Applied and Accepted to USS Magma as First Sergeant
2313 - 37 - Reassigned to USS Odysseus as Marine Commanding Officer
2333 - 57 - Reassigned to Deep Space 76 as Marine Commanding Officer
2363 - 87 - Reassigned to Earth Spacedock as Marine Executive Officer
2373 - 97 - Applied and Accepted to USS Diablos as Marine Commanding Officer
2389 - 113 - Applied and Accepted to Starbase Protector as Marine Commanding Officer