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Thu 24th Oct, 2013 @ 11:49pm

Lieutenant Colonel Cara Karikkar

Name Cara Karikkar

Position Executive Officer

Rank Lieutenant Colonel

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Betazoid
Age 28

Physical Appearance

Height 5ft 9
Weight 65 kilos
Hair Color Blonde
Eye Color Black


Spouse Tallus Karrikar
Children 7 year old adopted daughter Jessie
Father Malcolm Treia
Mother Janita Treia

Personality & Traits

General Overview Cara likes to look like one of the boys and has a haircut that shows she tries to blend in. While she keeps herself in shape she is very definitely female in shape.
Strengths & Weaknesses Compassionate, firm when needed but knows how to let others do their jobs.

Has a jeopardy friendly streak and can find trouble at the drop of a hat.
Ambitions To give her adopted daughter a second parent male or female.

To make a comfortable role for herself as XO and be able to provide Jess a stable upbringing.
Hobbies & Interests Martial arts, rock climbing, hiking, reading fantasy books, and watching old sci fo movies like aliens.

Personal History Cara has had a rather chequered history of getting into trouble before the age of 17 when she joined starfleet academy and within days became firm friends with Devyn Kell.

Like Kell she graduated in the top 5 percent (Mainly because Kell bet her that she couldnt). On graduation Cara was kept on earth for 6 months as a supposed aide to one of the Admiral's, what she didnt know was that the Admiral was part of a group more secret than section 31. 3 months into her time with Admiral Cormack she went missing and Kell, who had become worried at her silence came looking for her only to find her in a testing facility which he then broke her out of.

Her months of 'testing' have left Cara with a few interesting abilities, that are more of a hinderence at times than a help. While she can take on another person's pain and keep them medically stable it is draining on her own reserves and if she is not careful she can be sent into a coma. She has also had her speed and sight increased above Betazoid normal, but she doesnt use this often as it is physically tiring.

Cara is both a receptive and expressive telepath and she is a strong empath, able to use her empathy to control a crowd. However this leaves her with debilitating headaches and nose bleeds when she uses it too much.

Starfleet intel found out what had happened to Cara and covered it up on the condition that Cara and Kell do the occassional 'job' for them when they couldnt send in anyone else. Cara and kell have made a reputation for themselves in the Intel department as being the go to people for situations that are considered impossible.

Service Record To be worked out