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Mon 16th Jul, 2012 @ 10:07am

1st Lieutenant Aryll LeStrat

Name Aryll LeStrat

Rank 1st Lieutenant

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Human
Age 39

Physical Appearance

Height 5'9
Weight 149 Lbs
Hair Color Goldish Brown
Eye Color Brown
Physical Description Exceptional vanity, and combat artificers do not always come in the same package. In Aryll's case, however, her attention to her personal appearance matches that of her attention to her work: well kept, and well maintained. Fond of semi-regulation hair-styles, and earrings, which are prone to getting caught in mechanisms, Aryll entered the Operations department, through combat-repairs, not paperwork pushing. She would not have taken this, at all, were it not for the fact that her prosthetic hip, which impairs her movement, slightly, disqualified her for field command. As such, she is occasionally seen limping, or even using a walking assistance device.


Spouse (Deceased) Lieutenant Terrance LeStrat
Children None
Father Major James Vance(Deceased)
Mother Adelle Vance
Brother(s) None
Sister(s) None
Other Family Not known

Personality & Traits

General Overview Generally friendly, though occasionally chilly, when approached in a specific manner, by men, in general. She is rarely not busy, except when sleeping, which is kept to a strict 6 hours a day, maximum. Her day is exceedingly structured, and work duty oriented.
Strengths & Weaknesses +Excellent work ethic
+Amazing attention to detail

-Bad tendency to overwork herself
-Prone to occasional drinking binges.
Ambitions Not known
Hobbies & Interests Generally speaking, her hobbies are limited, as she doesn't tend to spend much time not doing something. They generally speaking are limited to aesthetics.

Personal History Spending most of her life, in the marine corps, as her father did, Aryll was fond of blowing stuff up, rather than shooting stuff. She also had a rather unique hand at repairing things, which qualified her, rather well, for the SFMC Artificer's training program.

Spending her time in the Dominion War, attached to the USS Armstrong, much of it was allotted to blowing stuff up, on away missions.

Shortly, thereafter, the USS Prometheus, on it's maiden voyage, with a crew full of cadets in the engineering department, suffered a sudden array of EPS Conduit failures, resulting in quite a few deaths, including much of the Engineering department. Then Gunnery Sergeant LeStrat(Having just married said Chief Engineer), was quick to step into his shoes, and get the vessel jerry-rigged for combat duty. It wasn't pretty, but it worked. The Cadets found her rather unique cannibalism techniques, of other systems, including shuttlecraft, to be an instructional experience on field-repairs, and a letter of commendation was added to her file, by the Academy Commandant.

She retained the position of Acting Chief Engineer, strictly because the Captain of the Prometheus didn't like all of the following candidates, and was rather fond of keeping familiar faces close at hand.

In late 2384, however, while holding off a Romulan boarding party, she received a nearly-fatal injury, to her right side, causing most of her right leg to simply be lost, in an EPS Conduit that was hit by a stray Romulan disruptor.

As the Prometheus was ill-suited to having a senior staff member recovering from a serious injury, given the rather sparse staff, available, she was transferred to the SFMC 4077th Combat Medical Squadron, and reassigned to the Operations Department, to permit her proper time to recover.

Four years of paper pushing, and general insanity(From her point of view), later, she was glad to see the availability of the Operations Department, on a Starbase, which was a much more damage-control oriented position, than it was on a Starship. Her application was nearly instantaneously sent.
Service Record SFMC Boot Camp: 2366-2370(Artificer's training, Field Demolitions expert)

SFMC 213th Squadron, Attached to USS Armstrong: 2370-2375(Private through Gunnery Sergeant), Field Demolitions Expert, Emergency Repairs expert.

SFMC 224th Squadron, Attached to USS Prometheus: 2375-2385(Gunnery Sergeant, through 1st Lieutenant), Field Demolitions Expert, Emergency Repairs expert, Acting Chief Engineering Officer

SFMC 4077th Combat Medical Squadron, Attached to the USS Ascelpius: 2385-2389(1st Lieutenant), Operations Officer(In Training, Acting Assistant Operations Officer)

SFMC Starbase Protector: Assigned, 2389, Chief Operations Officer