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Tue 20th Dec, 2022 @ 6:34pm

Lieutenant Adam Keller

Name Adam Keller

Position Former NPCs

Rank Lieutenant

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Betazoid/El-Aurian
Age 28

Physical Appearance

Height 6'4"
Weight 200
Hair Color Blonde
Eye Color Hazel
Physical Description Adam is a towering presence but he wears a smile most times and has a demeanor that is happy and outgoing. He wears his long blond hair over his shoulders when not in uniform and his deep blue eyes seem to sparkle with personality. Most women and some men find him more than attractive. Adam is muscular and fit and prefers the feel of cotton jeans and shirts over the polyester of the uniform and only when mandated does he wear the grey and black jumpsuit of his department. In uniform or when attending some formal affair, he wears his hair tied back.


Father Marcus Keller
Mother Solia Keller sister of the 3rd house
Brother(s) Brother Wyatt Keller- Merchant ; co-owner of Cosmic Creatures
Sister(s) Sister - Anara Keller; 28 - CMO; USS Apothecary
Sister - Teagan Keller; 13 - Student;

Personality & Traits

General Overview Adam is a kind hearted man with a strong sense of duty to family and fleet. He believes in being professional in uniform and strives to maintain his integrity.

He was taught that duty and honor come before all else with the exception of family and will kill if necessary to protect those that need protecting.

His loyalty to those he calls friends is unquestionable and he'll stick by you through anything if he believes you're right and he'll be the first one to call you on it if he thinks you are wrong. Adam can be fun loving and out going in nature, especially when off duty. It isn't uncommon to find him with a cold drink in hand. He prefers real alcohol over synthesized but doesn't over indulge.

He is empathic with some moderate telepathic ability as well. He uses these skills only during interrogations and when requested by his command. Although he has used his abilities to gain insight when a close friend might appear to need his help and as a way of communicating with his family. He is part Al-aurian which makes him a listener by nature and his intuition is very strong.
Strengths & Weaknesses +Above Average strength
+ Very intelligent and capable Officer
+Empathic and Telepathic abilities
+ Honorable, caring, and Loyal

- Unyielding
-Temperamental and suspicious
Ambitions To serve with honor, to reach what level he can in Star Fleet and make his family proud of him.

On a personal note; He'd like to raise a family one day with the right woman.
Hobbies & Interests Climbing, camping and most outdoor sports.
Adam is a level 4 black belt and a level 2 in Klingon Mok'bara
He also enjoys the challenge of the Vulcan Kal'toh which he plays when he wishes to relax himself and stimulate his mind.
Adam also loves the tactile sensation of reading books.

Personal History Born as a fraternal twin on Betazed to loving parents, Adam and Anara were introduced to both of their cultures. They were taught openness and honesty and trained to hone their empathic and telepathic skills in the schools on Betazed. Adam had a keen sense of people even as a child and was able to discern things by just listening.

Adam's father was born to an Al-Aurian refugee and was rescued from the Nexus as a small child. Marcus Keller was taken in by a young Betazoid couple and raised as their own. He keeps no secrets from his children whom are expected to live well beyond one hundred.

At seventeen Adam joined Star Fleet Academy and with his size, strength and abilities was quickly guided toward the security field which followed his father's footsteps while his sister took the path of her mother and went into medicine

Adam graduated the academy in the top 15 percent of his class and was assigned as a security officer aboard the USS Shelby where he served for four years and jumped from Ensign to Lieutenant Commander before working his way to Chief of Security aboard the USS Andromeda.

During his time aboard the Shelby, he worked with Intel on assignments for his Captain before being transferred to the USS Andromeda as an infiltration officer.

Adam ran seventeen missions without any incident, three of which were solo missions. His last mission was to rescue the daughter of the Jentaxian President during a Cardassian incursion on Jatax Prime. This resulted in a fractured skull, brain hemmhorrage, and six months in rehabilitation.

Expecting that his career was over, Adam was soon intrigued by a formal transfer to Marine Star Base Vanguard as an Investigations Officer in their Intel department..

Service Record Age 17 - Graduated High School on Betazed
Age 22 - Graduated Star Fleet Academy; assigned to USS Shelby
- promoted within to Lieutenant JG
- promoted within to Lieutenant
Age 26 - Promoted to Lieutenant Commander and Chief of Security; Assigned to USS Andromeda
Age 28 - Demoted to Lieutenant because of lost time in service after major injuries - transferred to Vanguard