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Mon 17th Oct, 2016 @ 12:59pm

Major Kyle Green

Name Kyle Thaddus Green

Position Chief Security Officer

Rank Major

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Betazoid
Age 30

Physical Appearance

Height 6 3
Weight 210
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Brown
Physical Description Kyle is a tall man with broad shoulders and people notice when he enters the room. Also he has a striking face and a deep voice!


Father Thaddaus
Mother Clara

Personality & Traits

General Overview Kyle is a very simple man that will tell you how it is regardless of how it might affect you. This is the exact opposite of most betazoids. His concern is with the mission and his men before making friends. He is very ambitious with his career as a Marine officer and as a member of starfleet. He is open to learning new things and hopes to be a Marine Commander or possibly a starship Captain
Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths-Strong, Honest, Mission Oriented, Hard Working, Loyal, confidant
Weakness-Non emotional, honest to the point of rude, Some times over confidant,naive with personnel relationships where they are concerned
Ambitions He wants to be a career officer in the Marine Corps. Kyle wants to learn as much as possible in Starfleet. He hopes to have a family some day, but that is not his top priority.
Hobbies & Interests Weapons training, History, Starship Design, learning new cultures and their history, animals and dancing

Personal History Kyle was born on betazed with no siblings. He was always out going and his father was his primary care giver. His mother Clara Green was a Starfleet officer and usually out on missions growing up. Kyle always admired his mother. She would come home and tell Kyle of her missions. His father Thaddus was a doctor and he was a doctor and treated patients and Kyle thought that was pretty cool of healing people. Kyle going through school was a good student. He was the quarterback on the football team and receive outstanding grades! When he graduated from high school he joined the Betazoid Military as a Marine Enlisted man and made it to the rank of E-6 when his mother retired from Starfleet as a Captain he decided to join as a Marine Officer. He went to Marine Corps Officer training in San Francisco, CA he did very well. He excelled in marksmanship and applied to be a sniper which he did. He scored a 99/100 for the test. The highest ever obtained from the school. When he graduated from the training and his commanding officer Colonel Squire pinned on his 2nd Lieutenant Bar. The Colonel whispered something to him “Kyle I expect great things from you!” Because of his ambitions he decided to also focus on command and leadership also and attended a year long school for that. He graduated third in his class from that and awaited orders to his first assignement. He was then given orders to the USS Sarek as the marine XO. While in wait he found out that his mother had a horrible disease that affected memory called Alzheimer’s. It is part of the reason that she left Starfleet.

Kyle served in the betazoid Marines for 5 years and earned the rank of E-6 and after his mother retired from starfleet at the rank of Captain she encouraged Kyle to join. He went to Marine Corps officer training school in San Fran didn’t make alot of friends but his trainer a Major Williams thought very highly of him and recommended him for command positions. He excelled at weapons handling and qualifications. He received a 50/50 for his initial weapons test which is unprecedented! He graduated after three months of intense training second in his class. After which he was given his choice of assignments. He is fascinated with the older starship design and when he saw the USS Sarek and Ambassador Class opening he jumped right on it. He was on the Sarek and rose to the rank of Captain. He served on the Sarek for 10 years. He rose from Second Lieutenant to Captain. He then was transfered to the Sovergin Class prototype USS Sovergen where we was a Marine Captian. He quickly worked his way to the Chief Security/Tactical Officer and promoted to the rank of Major. He then accepted a positon as XO on the starbase Protector
Service Record USS Sarek-Second Lieutenant-Captain
USS Soveregin-Captain-Major
Starbase Protector-Major